
Live forum:


15-03-2005 16:09:09

I made a trade with someone, and they said that they show green for me, but on my screen, they still show yellow. Has this ever happened to anyone else before, and if so, what did you do about it?

Thanks in advance. They did BMG offer, FYI.


15-03-2005 16:11:03

uhh i would have them take a snapshot or something, and then talk to gratis cust.service (or offercentric or whatever).. OR if they just did it (BMG takes awhile to get credit) i would wait UNTIL they actually turn green.


15-03-2005 16:15:07

I just messaged OC and hopefully they can check up on it. It says "Completed" for them, but just still shows yellow for me. Very odd - never happened before to me.