Anyone here watches Aqua Teen Hunger Force?

Live forum:


14-03-2005 12:36:15

I LOVE this show, very witty and cracks me up all the time.

Shame they dont show in on TV in the UK and not even a DVD set.

Come on Adult Swim get ATHF to the UK.

I found a Aqua Teen hunger force Polyphonic ringtone on[]


14-03-2005 13:35:43

I believe there [i96814a426c]is[/i96814a426c] a DVD set.


14-03-2005 13:36:27

I love that show its funny as hell


14-03-2005 14:06:40

Yeah there is a DVD SET for each season.

I own Seasons 1,2,3.


14-03-2005 14:16:35

I don't think it's been released for region 2, no... time to get one of those region-free players. )

thomas moore

14-03-2005 14:29:22

i used to have the box set dvd , great effing show i love it! wink


14-03-2005 19:02:32

Ya, but not as funny as Venture Brothers. That show is fuckin hilarious.


14-03-2005 19:10:29



14-03-2005 19:56:20

[b6634317cd1]My favorite Adult Swim Shows[/b6634317cd1]

1. Aqua Teen Hunger Force (own seasons 1 and 2 dvd sets)
2. Futurama
3. Family Guy
4. Full Metal Alchemist
5. Ghost in the Shell SAC

[b6634317cd1]Starting to like[/b6634317cd1]
1. Venture Bros.
2. Sealab 2021
3. Robot Chicken

[b6634317cd1]CAN'T STAND[/b6634317cd1]
1. Tom Goes to the Mayor (RETARDED)
2. Super Milk Chan
3. Wolf's Rain
4. Inuyasha
5. Big O

Instead of sleeping, I watch Adult Swim. Normally I drift off to sleep on my couch around 2 am...


14-03-2005 20:02:33

I love your "starting to love" column. This is so true that a lot of Adult Swim shows take time to warm up to.


14-03-2005 20:07:49


Super Milk Chan , eh i don't hate it, i don't necessarily like it either, but i find myself constantly intrigued by the idea of seeing more of it 8)

.itsurl==http://=http:///url just [b6c9e3679a5]too [/b6c9e3679a5]weird


14-03-2005 20:33:53

I'm with you on Inuyasha and Big O I just can't get into those. A while ago they had outlaw star on that was an awesome show. ATHF is the best though, I've been meaning to get the 3rd season for a while. You know they are coming out with a ATHF movie later this year?


14-03-2005 20:45:56

[quote50cf7a9cdf="ragefu"] You know they are coming out with a ATHF movie later this year?[/quote50cf7a9cdf]

straight to dvd or theater wise? ?


15-03-2005 09:37:05

I would assume DVD... I doubt they would get it in theatres.... but then again they do have a huge following!

'Santa's here... Pretend like you sleepin...'


15-03-2005 10:05:52

Wow, a movie would be awesome. I'd love to see it in theaters, but I don't think it's feasible. Then again they did hit over a million viewers just recently.


15-03-2005 17:05:03

Tom Goes to the Mayor rules.


15-03-2005 18:03:54

"Im not da drunk one .... you da drunk one, besides, who are you to tell me .... thats for me and god to decide"

ATHF is the absolute funniest show I think Ive ever seen ... own season 1&2 and should be getting season 3 soon!


15-03-2005 18:06:00

master shake kicks ass

thomas moore

15-03-2005 18:06:50

has anyone seen the epidsode of sealab where the guy with the white hair ehh i forget his name he gets stuck under a soda machine and like makes friends with this scorpion who shoots him up with poison lol like drugs funny and gotta watch it or it just sounds redic


15-03-2005 18:10:04

[quote402f81eba5="thomas moore"]has anyone seen the epidsode of sealab where the guy with the white hair ehh i forget his name he gets stuck under a soda machine and like makes friends with this scorpion who shoots him up with poison lol like drugs funny and gotta watch it or it just sounds redic[/quote402f81eba5]

Seen it )

thomas moore

15-03-2005 18:12:18

haha thatta way FON ! hes like ohhh yah baby daddy needs his fix! and the scorpion stings him hahaha


15-03-2005 18:35:06

Who doesn't like Inuyasha?
Just what kind of person are you? >_<


15-03-2005 18:47:00

[quote801fc52631="Narakukuku"]Who doesn't like Inuyasha?
Just what kind of person are you? >_<[/quote801fc52631]

That show's just a little too... Pokemon, for me.

"What, a new menace has arisen?"

"He/She/It is the strongest ever and has power X!"

"Now, we fight!"

"Grunt, yell, grunt, yell..."


15-03-2005 19:28:38

Well part of the reason is comes across that way is because the network doesn't show the seasons in order. As a result you do get an episodic feeling when watching it. In addition, it is the animated version of the comic and as a result there are many filler episodes that don't necessarily advance the plot. Speaking of plot, as much as I love ATHF, it just doesn't have a plot. But neither did Seinfeld. Who needs a plot when you have great lines like "idle hands go to the genitals, you know how much God hates that."
Also, Inu Yasha and Pokemon are nothing alike so I don't know why you chose to make that comparison. Maybe because they are both Japanese anime?
As for me, I hate Pokemon but I find InuYasha addictive.
I started off watching the tv series but I found that I prefer the manga after all because the filler episodes can be obnoxious.


15-03-2005 19:50:30

[quote4fe01505f7="Narakukuku"]Well part of the reason is comes across that way is because the network doesn't show the seasons in order.[/quote4fe01505f7]

Perhaps, but it doesn't change the fact that every episode seems the same.

[quote4fe01505f7]Also, Inu Yasha and Pokemon are nothing alike so I don't know why you chose to make that comparison. Maybe because they are both Japanese anime?[/quote4fe01505f7]

Please don't patronize me. I've been watching anime since the early 80's and have seen quite a lot. I made the comparison because they both follow a particular formula that some, but not all, anime serials seem to have to every episode, a teensy bit of character development followed by a huge fight with new and supposedly more badass opponent. Pokemon, Dragon Ball, Inuyasha, Big O, Yu Yu Yashuko, Gundam... hell, even Tenchi in a bizarre way.

I'm not saying this particular formula is objectively bad... I just don't care for it. If you do, that's fine with me.


15-03-2005 20:07:06

I don't care for any formula, I care for InuYasha.
I don't agree with your generalization. Just because I enjoy 1 show that alone doesn't meet I enjoy watching certain shows with a so-called format.
The two shows are nothing alike to be honest.
To each his own.


15-03-2005 20:23:15

[quotefdbee5e943="Narakukuku"]I don't care for any formula, I care for InuYasha.
I don't agree with your generalization. Just because I enjoy 1 show that alone doesn't meet I enjoy watching certain shows with a so-called format.
The two shows are nothing alike to be honest.
To each his own.[/quotefdbee5e943]

Well, for one thing, my "generalization" is correct... there's a teeny bit of character development and a big fight with "the worst villian ever"... in nearly every episode--just like many other anime shows, including Pokemon. The shows most certainly are alike in this aspect. I have never claimed they were alike in every aspect... just this one.

Additionally, I never claimed you liked every show with this formula. How you got this out of my comments is beyond me.

I'm struggling to understand how you have taken my comments as some kind of affront. The show has a formula... lots of shows do. Lots of shows that [bfdbee5e943]I[/bfdbee5e943] like follow a formula of one sort or another. I'm not disallowing you to like your show, nor am I saying you have bad taste for liking it. I'm only saying that it does have a certain formula, and that I don't care for the show because of it.


15-03-2005 20:31:53

I'd heard they would bring the movie to theaters, but I don't think they can make that long of an episode seeing as the ones on tv are only like 10-12 minutes each. I think they would put a bunch of shorts together as a movie like they did with jackass the movie.

I remember that show Tenchi, I liked it more when they showed that, gundam, dbz, outlaw star, etc. I never really watch the anime anymore since all that ever seems to be on is big o and inuyasha (nothing against either of them I've just never watched enough of them to get into them)