is now showing the 60 gig

Live forum:


14-03-2005 12:35:42

I sure hope I am being sent the 40 gig with the goodies. I just noticed this changed today and im still STV on my photo. Who else is with me on the STV march 8th


14-03-2005 12:53:14

damn it I wanted the 40...#$@#&...

Mr Sofa Sets

14-03-2005 13:00:35

Why do you guys want the 40Gig and not the 60? Is there somthing that I don't know?

Sofa Sets


14-03-2005 13:02:41

Well the 60 is supposed to be bigger and bulkier plus it doesnt come with any of the accesorys like the dock which I want. Basically it just comes down to personal preference.


14-03-2005 13:04:15

No. The 60 is only a tad bigger than the 40 (if that, I'm forgetting). The 30 is the much smaller one. The accessories are a GOOD thing to have. If I were you, I'd return the 60 to an Apple Store, get a credit, and spend the extra $30 to get an old 60GB with accessories.


14-03-2005 13:06:09

[quotea85f8c3c4a="PodTopia"]No. The 60 is only a tad bigger than the 40 (if that, I'm forgetting). The 30 is the much smaller one. [/quotea85f8c3c4a]
ooops my bad...I still want the accessories

Mr Sofa Sets

14-03-2005 13:26:51

Man, that really sux! I thought I was being hooked up with the new 60, but if it doesnt have the accesories, I would rather a 40 gig! I don't really need a 60 gig player, the 20gig I already have is more than enough to carry around with me, but I want a color one now. I really was looking forward to all the accesories butI guess I'll sell it now instead.


14-03-2005 16:30:35

thats halfway cool..

i wish apple still offered the accessories -?


14-03-2005 18:47:16

There have been rumours that the next generation of the Mac Mini will have a built-in dock on the top of the case, but I have a friend who works at the Genius Bar at our local Apple Store, and he said that's a long way off - the way the Mini is designed, there's currently no way to do it.

I think the main reason they canned the accessories was because they've dropped the price so much. What really sucks is that it no longer comes with a FireWire AND a USB 2.0 cable. I need both.

I'm planning on exchanging my free Shuffle and eBaying my 20GB, and using the money from both of those to get a 60GB Photo (I have far too much music for my 20GB) - I don't know what I'm going to do as far as the cable and dock issues, though.

If they upgraded the Photo site, why hasn't Gratis upgraded FIP to include the 6GB mini instead of the 4GB old mini?


14-03-2005 18:58:05

That totally blows. I think i am gonna return the 60 and get the 30 and some accesories. I don't need 60gig, plus i would like the smaller size.


14-03-2005 20:10:37

What is there to be unhappy about?
An extra 20 gigs?
The dock is the only goodie that's really worth it. The case sucks, I'm selling it on ebay.


14-03-2005 20:13:03

I want the dock and the A/V cable. I have about 12gigs of music right now and do not think i will need 60 gig.