Rules confusion

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14-03-2005 07:42:42

I was pretty sure you can't leave feedback in good traders list unless you have TR=2. Then I read that if you complete a trade with a reputable trader TR=2 then leave feedback in the good traders list. I assume now the rule means you can't leave feedback for trades between newbies, but what I read just now seems to contradict that.

I was pretty sure you needed to wait until you got 1 trade with a reputable trader until you could ask new users to go green first. I think I just read that is incorrect, you have to wait until you have 2. I'm think I am now also reading that you cannot trade with other new members at all if you have less than 2?

I guess I'm dense but for the learning disabled like me, maybe a singular rules clarification might help us avoid breaking them and avoid having to remind people what the deal is.

Just as an aside, I've had some good luck with new people sometimes just because if we are both new (and my scammer sense doesn't tingle) then at least I don't need to wonder how someone has 42 successful trades and can still legitimately complete an offer. Dang math, gets you every time.


14-03-2005 08:51:17

Part of the important thing about that is the order I believe is just to confirm that the trade took place. If I just nominated someone with 0 TR, the trade more than likely happened, so it's fine for them to nominate me back.

And that's correct, you now have to wait until you get a TR of 2 before you can ask others to green first. And while I suppose nobody will ban you if you trade with newbies, it's just generally not recommended.

There's 23 free sites between Gratis, Offercentric, Coobro alone -- plus a "good trade" counts when the trade simply involves money (which doesn't require one of the people to sign up for a site). Then there's also people who have a friend or someone lend them their sites (though those people should tell you what they're doing).


14-03-2005 11:05:09

Thanks, so then to clarify, I can/should leave feedback for established traders in the good traders list before I have a 2, as long as I leave it after they do?