12-03-2005 10:10:10
this is completely off-topic but i'm desperate and figure someone might know how to do this.
i'm switching cell phone carriers and phones and all that soon. the thing is, i hate hearing my own voice as a voicemail greeting so i had someone record my vm greeting for me directly onto the phone i'm using now. i managed to save it as an mp3 or wma file which is on my computer right now. is there any way i can use/upload (i can't figure out the right word for this) that sound file as my new voicemail greeting on my new phone? how would i go about doing that?
12-03-2005 10:16:00
well the only way I can think to do it if you a member of a site like 3guploads you could upload it to their and then download it to your phone from their but im sure theirs a ton of better ways but thats the only way I know of that could possible work but no guarantees