If an offer someone completed hasn't gone green in a week...

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=8330


10-03-2005 12:31:24

Is it pretty much a given that it won't go green at all? Someone did a buyer's advantage for me and after a week...nothing. I did that same offer for someone and it went through in a couple days. Just wondering...I'm still kind of new at this.


10-03-2005 12:50:14

Not necessarily. I haven't gotten credit for offers 2 people did 10 days ago. Yet the one still ims me every day asking if i got it yet. The other one just pmed me today saying that in 5 days he'll email gratis again...


10-03-2005 12:52:17

yeah i dont think there is any given time frame in which credit is definately given. I have been waiting 3 days now on one that said it gave "instant" credit. Alot of mine have been very slow to credit lately. it sucks waiting though.


10-03-2005 12:58:17

i did a 2 offer one pet Chew and other One Lowes Card one i have't Got Credit For any of them Yet ( i am Worry! cuz i did 1 for Willy


10-03-2005 13:11:15

WAITING SUCKS!!! I've been waiting 3 weeks for minimacs credit, 3 weeks for notebooks, and 3 weeks for mp3s. Now stop complaining, lol.


10-03-2005 13:28:59

Most offers are 1-5 days. Some take 7 days and there are others like Netflix that could take up to 3 weeks.

Patience is the only option for the first 15 days with both Gratis and OfferCentric. After 15 days, you can email the confirmation emails you got and they should give you credit.

I wouldn't worry until 7 days have past. At least the J&Tcooper sites, you can contact them after 7 days have past (IOW, on the 8th day) if you haven't been credited yet.