
Live forum:


09-03-2005 14:51:49

I went to my friends house and told him about this site and he decided to sign up (under me). So I logged into my Account on his computer and copied the link under Refer A Friend and then Logged Out. After he signed up under me and filled everything out and got his Account verified I went to Complete A Offer and for most of them it kept saying You have completed this offer? It was saying that about Offers I haven't even done. Does it think that my friends accout might not be real? After like 2 clicks on it finally stopped saying that message. I signed up for that site and am wondering whether I or he will get credit. ANY help will be extremly appreciated.

-Thanks, Brad.


09-03-2005 14:56:28

hmm, sometimes it's buggy, and also i dont think it would let u do any offer that u have done with another freesite on the same network (i.e. gratis). u should be fine though if it goes through...


09-03-2005 15:26:42

[quote36f213c2f6="Archon810"]hmm, sometimes it's buggy, and also i dont think it would let u do any offer that u have done with another freesite on the same network (i.e. gratis). u should be fine though if it goes through...[/quote36f213c2f6]
Alright, Thanks for the help.

If anyone else reads this and has any Info. about it please post.


09-03-2005 15:31:47

some of the sites use cookies and things and I also dont notice a logout button for some sites, but one thing that could have happened is that the sign up went through, but when you accessed your offers page, it may have been for YOUR account offers and NOT your friends offers. This [i616da143e5]could[/i616da143e5] happen if there was a cookie set by the website.