What would you guys do?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=8191


08-03-2005 19:44:00

Alright, I just got into a trade with a guy from somewhere else. He says he'll trade DesktopPCs for my FreeFlatScreens. I sign up for DesktopPcs, but I don't do an offer. He sees I signed up and he doesn't return for hours (maybe 4-5). His away message is up, but he never goes idle. I im him when he returns and ask him whats up. He says it was an emergancy and he had to go.

So now, he forgets what offer I wanted. I tell him flatscreens and he says, "oh I think I already did that". I get pissed, so he says nevermind and signs up. He signs up with this crazy email address (peggywestchester@yahoo.com). Then he says, "ok signed up for BMG 2-3 weeks for credit." I have a feeling I'm being scammed. What should I do?


08-03-2005 19:56:27

If you still haven't done an offer I wouldn't until he goes green.

As far as the funky email, I use a made up gmail account myself. I figured I'd be getting spammed all to hell with this stuff (to my surprise I haven't gotten a single spam email in my iwantfreestuff account).


08-03-2005 19:57:17

Nothing, wait it out and see what happens. Don't complete your offer until he/she goes green. Also, you may want to try sending an email to that address (peggywestchester@yahoo.com) to see if he responds.


08-03-2005 20:22:50

seems pretty fishy.....