New Mods Installed

Live forum:


27-09-2004 21:46:57

I've setup the following mods
- Spell Checking. This appears to be functioning somewhat. Let me know if you find any bugs.
- Country Flags. This mod allows you to choose a flag to represent your home country. Since I wasn't thinking when I installed it, I guess this will just be abused. Feel free to pick a funny looking flag for the heck of it.
- Gender Image. This mod shows each poster's gender if he or she has selected it in his/her profile. So everyone update their profile so we can gawk at the womenfolk.

Note If you dislike the automatic spell checking "feature", as I do, you can turn it off by clicking the Profile link above and scrolling about halfway down.

Feedback, as always, is welcomed; please post it in here.


27-09-2004 21:53:24

I'm not sure i'm liking the spellcow thing or whatever it's called. if i post a reply with "PCMall" or "ecost" in it the page pops up about spelling errors. I don't mind it I just don't find it productive for me.

spellingcow says "i'm" should be "I'm"... "PCMall" should be "PC Mall" and "eCost" should be "cost"


27-09-2004 21:54:35

Well, i'm SHOULD be I'm. And the others you can just ignore. And like I said, disable/ignore it if you don't like it.


27-09-2004 22:42:14

yea. i disabled it. i'm likin the flag and and gender thing (i bet you could have some fun with that..)


28-09-2004 09:51:05

One thing I know that affected the conga I'm a mod on. The admin had enabled spellcheck and so the spell checker had "fixed" all the referral links to freeipods & freeflatscreens. So, for a period of a few days NONE of the new signups were appearing as referrals for the referrer. Since it had fixed the querystring tag "referer=" to "referrer=" and Gratis wasn't looking for that variable... Needless to say it was a mess! Anyway, I don't envision that being a problem on this forum, but something to remember.


28-09-2004 11:34:30

Yeah I wish I could have it OFF by default but that wouldn't work without some scary db stuff i'd rather not mess with.


30-09-2004 17:24:41

Yeah - spell checking is driving me crazy.

liScurries off to the profile to change it.


09-10-2004 22:14:07

hey hey this site is now ez mod compliant! ;)

admin i run a phpbb based board too and if you are uncomfy messing with your DB i'm offering my services to you. take or leave it, i know how scary it can be to give someone else access to your stuff.


11-10-2004 05:14:15

hey princess... wazup hun


11-10-2004 23:51:29

if you want to change it to "no" by default
you will have to run a SQL query
i think this should work, SQL isnt my strong point...
might want to do a backup before trying it.
or you could just edit the user_autospell manualy (change it from 1 to 0)

ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` UPDATE `user_autospell` DEFAULT '0';

i think there may be something wrong with my Query, if i get a chance later i will set up phpbb on my server and test it out, if i do that and its wrong, i will come back and correct my post.


12-10-2004 11:58:41

i disabled it, i mean who really needs perfect grammar on a forum?


14-10-2004 20:07:00

I have the spellbound extension (Firefox) if I really need spell checking, and it works a lot better than that spellingcow.


15-10-2004 04:00:32

Cool, but I hate that spelling extension! I turned it off in my profile...