What are your standards?
05-03-2005 13:16:09
For me, I always try to get 1 referral or more per day. If I don't get any referrals, I feel like a failure. I've been getting 1 a day for notebooks4free and at this rate, I should finish in exactly 7 days.
05-03-2005 13:18:49
1 a day that actually goes green right? I just try to finish whatever one i'm doing as fast as I can, and right now, i'm done with three in about the past 3 weeks and there aren't any i really want to do so.....
05-03-2005 13:20:34
[quote078dbe0cb6="kaymin"]1 a day that actually goes green right? I just try to finish whatever one i'm doing as fast as I can, and right now, i'm done with three in about the past 3 weeks and there aren't any i really want to do so.....[/quote078dbe0cb6]
1 meaning they signed up and told me they did an offer.
05-03-2005 13:21:12
cool, I think i'll do a few offercentric ones next so I can get some cash for my first car )
05-03-2005 13:34:19
My standard is... to try to get all my referrals as fast as I can! Well, except when I'm feeling tired or lazy or something.
05-03-2005 13:42:44
[quote49d9ebac7a="CronoDekar"]My standard is... to try to get all my referrals as fast as I can! Well, except when I'm feeling tired or lazy or something.[/quote49d9ebac7a]
Damn straight.
05-03-2005 13:48:43
amen brotha
06-03-2005 16:54:27
[quotea37eadfc15="J4320"]For me, I always try to get 1 referral or more per day. If I don't get any referrals, I feel like a failure. I've been getting 1 a day for notebooks4free and at this rate, I should finish in exactly 7 days.[/quotea37eadfc15]
Where are you finding 1 ref or more a day?
06-03-2005 17:01:13
[quoted16b370d15="CronoDekar"]My standard is... to try to get all my referrals as fast as I can! Well, except when I'm feeling tired or lazy or something.[/quoted16b370d15]
7 for phreepsps and more coming all the time )
06-03-2005 18:39:48
[quote0aa405a3c5="Crynos"][quote0aa405a3c5="CronoDekar"]My standard is... to try to get all my referrals as fast as I can! Well, except when I'm feeling tired or lazy or something.[/quote0aa405a3c5]
7 for phreepsps and more coming all the time )[/quote0aa405a3c5]
I have 7 yellows and 3 greens for phreepsps. And Collateral, where do you get these sigs?
06-03-2005 18:41:01
I have 2 greens, 7 yellows, all of which will green tomorrow.
06-03-2005 18:46:22
[quotebd5738a80b="PodTopia"]I have 2 greens, 7 yellows, all of which will green tomorrow.[/quotebd5738a80b]
06-03-2005 19:14:00
My standards for now Get a damned iPod!
06-03-2005 19:18:07
[quote73a8667dd0="J4320"]For me, I always try to get 1 referral or more per day. If I don't get any referrals, I feel like a failure. I've been getting 1 a day for notebooks4free and at this rate, I should finish in exactly 7 days.[/quote73a8667dd0]
My idol. shock )
06-03-2005 19:35:15
me...i try to get as many people to sign up as i can, regardless of if they complete it or not cause i know some will. after a bit, sit back and relax. then full attack again. repeat.
i've gotten 10 referrals for notebooks4free doing that. need 8 more...
06-03-2005 20:39:01
I'm done with getting referals now that my FreePSPs is done. No more! ;)