snow (hey oh)
14-12-2008 00:05:52
no RHCP here!
just snow (seriously)
it's pretty heavy here, in vancouver standards
we rarely get snow as of these last few years
how about you guys? 8)
14-12-2008 00:40:29
LOL, I was about to say, "it's snowing here too!" when I realized we're both in Vancouver. Heh.
14-12-2008 00:46:04
here in Charlotte NC, .... it's NOT snowing (
14-12-2008 04:22:22
nooooo cikf
14-12-2008 05:38:49
[quote8c2c8e5571="manOFice"]here in Charlotte NC, .... it's NOT snowing ([/quote8c2c8e5571]
I feel ya, Im in Viginia, used to snow good amounts some times(3 years ago) Now its just like rain, rain, rain. I wish it could snow, but thats just me.
P.S Global warming anyone?? roll
14-12-2008 09:16:07
How about in Michigan where we've gotten more snow the last couple years than we're used to...sounds like global warming..
14-12-2008 09:50:26
[quote905e910c5f="ILoveToys"]How about in Michigan where we've gotten more snow the last couple years than we're used to...sounds like global warming..[/quote905e910c5f]
I didn't mean like I thought it was global warming, asking toher peoples opinions. O well... lucky you got your lake effect snow right?
we had snow earlier in the week. Now it's raining...
14-12-2008 11:37:29
I'm in western mass and it's like 50 degrees out haha
14-12-2008 12:45:28
-20 something and a lot of snow + frozen trees
very beautiful really, if you stay inside and look out the window D
14-12-2008 12:50:38
[quote6c3319e366="JennyWren"]LOL, I was about to say, "it's snowing here too!" when I realized we're both in Vancouver. Heh.[/quote6c3319e366]
haha that's awesome, i thought i would be the only representing west coast canadian... 8)
14-12-2008 18:12:31
Spent the afternoon on Granville Island and my toes are finally finished thawing out. Brrrr.
14-12-2008 18:24:34
Snowed down in Louisiana. Actual snow that stuck to the ground. Didn't get it in my city, got it every where else though...
14-12-2008 19:25:57
I veliev it's "snow ((hey oh))" comeon boduyy
15-12-2008 14:46:30
Everyone must be getting hit at the same time. We're getting our first good snow right now. ~1" We usually get our first snowstorm in November.
15-12-2008 18:22:32
No snow here in Bloomington, just fucking cold.
15-12-2008 18:58:11
I don't understand what's going on.
It was 60 here today haha.
It's usually pretty cold. I love global warming.
Alright I'm out of here Im going to go pollute some shit.
15-12-2008 19:38:44
i'm jealous of girls wearing boots, what kind of non-gay boots can I wear? I honestly can't imagine myself wearing one though ahha
15-12-2008 19:50:18
Tims, yo
15-12-2008 21:15:30
combat boots are teh sexy. Look for them in used clothing stores, or at the Army surplus place down on East Broadway.
Also hiking boots, yummy hiker boys.
15-12-2008 22:20:33
lol combat boots? i'm no hill billy either D
I like how we can refer to places so specifically now...east broadway aha
15-12-2008 22:57:05
I'm serious. My bf wears 'em 24-7. Super practical. Under jeans they just look like black shoes.
17-12-2008 13:22:54
I just heard news (well a few hours ago, actually) that it is snowing in my hometown of Palmdale, CA and has not let up since 630A
17-12-2008 21:41:24
I heard we're suppposed to get like the "storm of the century" up here this weekend.........
18-12-2008 09:35:55
was snowing in New Orleans a few days ago.
Right now, we're supposed to get a huge snow storm on Friday. Of course, that is what they said about Weds too and it didn't even cover the grass...
You don't get snow in Vancouver? Isn't that strange? Though I suppose it is the West coast vs the East Coast like where I am, but don't you have a giant glacier up there in that area?
18-12-2008 12:44:12
We do usually get snow here, but this is quite a bit for us. My stupid car has crap tires (and our lane is iced over) so I'm housebound. Guess I'll have to suck it up and pay for the bus.
19-12-2008 06:22:32
[quote52c42aab7a="TravMan162"]I heard we're suppposed to get like the "storm of the century" up here this weekend.........[/quote52c42aab7a]
I still say that because everyone is making such a huge deal out of it, we are not going to get anything. Murphy's Law or something of that nature. But first they were saying 18" now they're saying 3"-6" on the shoreline with possibly up to 8" inland. (I work on the shore and live inland so...)
19-12-2008 07:32:29
Well I'm happy either way. The only reason I do want snow is to hopefully get out of work this afternoon. Other than that, I hope it passes us completely haha
19-12-2008 08:26:53
[quotef1347c0956="TravMan162"]Well I'm happy either way. The only reason I do want snow is to hopefully get out of work this afternoon. Other than that, I hope it passes us completely haha[/quotef1347c0956]
Me too! ) My boss already told me to submit my time card with 8 hours, so now I REALLY hope to get out of work early. Plus, my mother invited me to stay the night, and get free dinner, movies and wrapping paper. Can't beat a deal like that. Free money, AND free food.
It was saying it was going to start at 10, but now it's 1130 and nothing. The Weather radar shows it's over us, as ice, but it's not even that cold (only 32) and there is no precipitation coming from the sky...
[quoted55e737fea="TravMan162"]I heard we're suppposed to get like the "storm of the century" up here this weekend.........[/quoted55e737fea]
Same here. Maybe I can get in a car crash and die in a firey death!!!
It was supposed to start snowing this morn, but so far nothing.
19-12-2008 09:00:24
Lots of snow in Jersey right now. D
19-12-2008 09:13:26
[quote2f0bbfa97c="Twon"][quote2f0bbfa97c="TravMan162"]I heard we're suppposed to get like the "storm of the century" up here this weekend.........[/quote2f0bbfa97c]
Same here. Maybe I can get in a car crash and die in a firey death!!!
It was supposed to start snowing this morn, but so far nothing.[/quote2f0bbfa97c]
that'd be a nice thing to happen to you for your family six days before christmas.
started snowing like shit about 15min ago...
19-12-2008 10:12:46
same here. it started ten minutes ago and it's already sticking to the road. i need to leave for work in an hour, god i hope a blizzard hits and they tell us not to come in
19-12-2008 10:14:44
[quote707340e66e="TFOAF"]Lots of snow in Jersey right now. D[/quote707340e66e]
yep, panthers won't know what to do lol
19-12-2008 10:20:38
The snow is coming to celebrate the grand occasion of my birthday.
19-12-2008 10:51:04
happy birthday buddy!
19-12-2008 12:09:55
happy birthday man!
19-12-2008 12:28:29
Thanks! It's definitely quite a snowy birthday. At least I am 1 more year closer to turning 21. wink
sandra habina
20-12-2008 15:42:53
Birthday - how much snow did ya get up there?

http//[" alt=""/img489f42ac4a]
20-12-2008 15:48:47
We have about 8 inches, getting another 6 or so tonight through all tomorrow.
20-12-2008 15:52:53
Ya gotta love it. We had 8.8 inches Thurs night/Friday morning, and had just an inch or 2 this afternoon, with another storm expected on Monday. My dad plows snow for the city, he's already hating it. Last year from Dec 1st to mid Feb he only had a day and a half off (12 hour days). It's looking the same so far this year...
20-12-2008 16:12:46
The city as in NYC?
21-12-2008 14:17:33
[quote8818e5aead="slambam"]Ya gotta love it. We had 8.8 inches Thurs night/Friday morning, and had just an inch or 2 this afternoon, with another storm expected on Monday. My dad plows snow for the city, he's already hating it. Last year from Dec 1st to mid Feb he only had a day and a half off (12 hour days). It's looking the same so far this year...[/quote8818e5aead]
Well, this is our first snow fall of the year and it's already almost January. So that's at least something. Plus, hey, it's work, which means money.
21-12-2008 14:54:16
Nah the city as in the City of Dubuque Iowa, haha. A lot of plowing during the snow and even more moving snow out of downtown. I don't think he really minds it as long as he has Christmas and New Years off, but he told me last night there might be another 5-6 inches coming on Tuesday.
21-12-2008 15:17:55
It's fucking cold here. -2 -27 with wind chill.
21-12-2008 15:36:40
I'm in Mexico right now. teehee
coming home to snow tomorrow though
21-12-2008 19:44:02
a long beach is only a couple hours or so.
you should visit!
21-12-2008 21:31:02
It snowed in New Orleans a few weeks ago. Crazy weather.
The North East has been having WEIRD weather. It was around 65ish all the way until Thanskgiving, then suddenly dropped. But still has been unseasonably warm
Even if we are covered in 8 inches of snow
21-12-2008 22:58:48
8 inches?
bull shit, we have a foot and a half easy.
21-12-2008 23:40:47
Agggg snow, might not be able to make it home for XMas =0(
22-12-2008 00:34:05
[quote3a91a440da="JennyWren"]Agggg snow, might not be able to make it home for XMas =0([/quote3a91a440da]
I will be able to make it home. Problem is that it might snow while i'm down there and I will have to miss work.
I won't mind!
22-12-2008 04:07:14
[quoted511aa751e="JennyWren"]Agggg snow, might not be able to make it home for XMas =0([/quoted511aa751e]
It's crazy! I ended up having to bus to the mall to do some christmas shopping...frustrating. Long bus waits, and longer bus rides.
22-12-2008 10:03:05
Yeah, I was taking the bus home last night up Cambie St and it was totally skidding!
22-12-2008 14:58:58
[quotecf81a3a53f="TravMan162"]8 inches?
bull shit, we have a foot and a half easy.[/quotecf81a3a53f]
Okay. It's not really worth argueing or cussing over...
22-12-2008 15:00:20
Fuck that shit.
22-12-2008 16:36:02
Yea I can deal with snow, it has barely gotten over 0 degrees the last couple days here, which I can't stand.
22-12-2008 19:19:09
[quote2553c1ba40="tylerc"]Fuck that shit.[/quote2553c1ba40]
23-12-2008 00:13:44
Yay, made it to Victoria. I had to shovel for about 3 hours today, including digging out our truck (had to clear a big area around it as it's only rear wheel drive and we needed a good space to get going on the side road).
15-01-2009 11:40:56
15-01-2009 12:06:56
Is it sad that I knew that an 85xxx zip code was AZ because Ping Golf was headquartered in 85029 when they made their best putters?
30-01-2009 13:11:17
We just got like 4 inches in NJ the other day...I hate driving in the snow lol