free 20 $ circuit city gift card

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03-03-2005 23:38:00

hey i received a package today from great fun and was expecting a 20 dollar gift card to circuit city, but instead i receive some great fun members card. im wondering if the 20 dollar gift card is on the members card? who can help me get this straight? What does the 20 dollar gift card look like?


04-03-2005 04:27:28

No you get a membership packet with the CC Gift Card being a seperate (later) shipment. Which by the way, I got CC Gift Cards from another offer, not Great Fun. From Great Fun I got Audiovox 5 Mile Walkie Talkies.

Hope I helped.


04-03-2005 10:55:17

I signed up with Buyer's Advantage which said it would come with CC Gift Cards. They sent me a packet of information with a mail-in card that said "Rush me my free gift cards!" I love it when they try to make things so exciting with exclamation points... )