Have a quick question is all.

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=7696


03-03-2005 10:58:07

I was just wondering after going through the rules again, how you can tell when it's ok for you to post another thread on the traders forum? I posted my one about a week or so ago, but not exactely sure. And if it's one post per 2 weeks or something like that I was told.

I mean do I just search and find my name and do the math? Or is there another way?

Thanks for the help. I don't like breaking rules on accident and just want to try and do things right.


03-03-2005 13:12:14

Glance above the post in question. For example, this post says "Posted Thu Mar 03, 2005 158 pm" ) Also, I believe it is 1 post per 7 days, but I'm not sure.