Because I'm not Wearing Hockey Pants!
18-07-2008 03:23:49
Well, I'm not.
Are you?
vote now.
18-07-2008 07:23:40
Every Wednesday night I am wearing hockey pants....come to think of it. I am wearing the whole adire for hockey. I play in city league hockey up here in Fargo North Dakota. Land of hockey in the winter and summer )
18-07-2008 07:25:52
i like to do the no pants dance, actually.
I wore fishing hip waders once. Does that count?
18-07-2008 21:05:30
um yeah.
uh, would you like to know how I got these scars?
18-07-2008 21:17:26
Hockey players wear hockey pants.
Chex is not wearing hockey pants.
18-07-2008 23:02:25
I can't believe you guys don't even get the subject line.
I guess only some of you are in the loop.
18-07-2008 23:32:52
lol batman
19-07-2008 06:01:31
[quotea18e426fb2="EatChex89"]I can't believe you guys don't even get the subject line.
I guess only some of you are in the loop.[/quotea18e426fb2]
um yeah.
uh, would you like to know how I got these scars?
apology accepted
19-07-2008 09:21:56
ooooooo,, Now that i've seen the movie i get it....
19-07-2008 09:56:27
Yeah I got it lol
And yeah, I play hockey. So um, I am wearing hockey pants!
19-07-2008 10:42:16
[quoted1763a622e="TravMan162"][quoted1763a622e="EatChex89"]I can't believe you guys don't even get the subject line.
I guess only some of you are in the loop.[/quoted1763a622e]
um yeah.
uh, would you like to know how I got these scars?
apology accepted[/quoted1763a622e]
sorry good sir, I missed your quote there.
19-07-2008 17:54:48

http//[" alt=""/img91c6d494de]
19-07-2008 19:36:19
I would have sworn he said hocky [b75de624e95]pads[/b75de624e95]....but I could be wrong....
19-07-2008 21:29:00
[quotec0ec8c6d6a="ILoveToys"]I would have sworn he said hocky [bc0ec8c6d6a]pads[/bc0ec8c6d6a]....but I could be wrong....[/quotec0ec8c6d6a]
you are probably right.
damn. epic fail.
19-07-2008 21:38:36
[quoted0ebb1e3b5="EatChex89"][quoted0ebb1e3b5="ILoveToys"]I would have sworn he said hocky [bd0ebb1e3b5]pads[/bd0ebb1e3b5]....but I could be wrong....[/quoted0ebb1e3b5]
you are probably right.
damn. epic fail.[/quoted0ebb1e3b5]
It's been quoted in several places online that he says pants.
19-07-2008 22:29:40
+K to the first person the produces a legitimate copy of that line of official script.
20-07-2008 18:21:08
I've seen in both ways out on the net...I'd really need to see the scene again to confirm it...It just made more sense to me that he said pads seeing that's the impostors had on.
20-07-2008 18:52:36
I watched it earlier. Sounded like pads to me. shrug
And pads makes more sense in the context.
20-07-2008 20:46:35
How can you be so sure they weren't wearing hockey pants?
It sounded like pants to me because I remembered seeing this thread title (didn't bother to look inside) and I figured, what complete and utter failure would post a thread with the wrong movie quote? Anyway, yeah, it could be either way.
20-07-2008 22:21:11
It's pants, just saw it tonight!
21-07-2008 10:20:19
hockey pants maeks no sence
21-07-2008 10:36:29
My neighbor said it was pants, lol.
21-07-2008 10:38:30
Hockey PANTS!!!!11
21-07-2008 12:15:35
i vote pads
21-07-2008 13:09:15
Holy shit all the people saying "pants" must be retarded. It seriously doesn't make sense. If it turns out to be pants then I'll post a video of me drinking my urine. However, if it does turn out to be pads, then every morrrrraaaaaan who said pants gets their karma reset.
21-07-2008 13:44:59
[quoteaf5325b348="J4320"] If it turns out to be pants then I'll post a video of me drinking my urine. .[/quoteaf5325b348]
I'll fuck a sheep.
(When the Sox were down 3 games to 0 in '04 against the Yanks, I asked my friend what the chances were that they come back and win, and he responded with, "well let's put it this way, if they win, I'll fuck a sheep." He's yet to bang a farm animal, for the record.)
21-07-2008 14:08:51
If you search for "I'm not wearing hockey pants" (w/o quotes) on Google, this thread is the first result shock
21-07-2008 19:35:30
It is pants. I watched it again, just for that.
21-07-2008 19:37:34
it's pants
21-07-2008 19:43:41
His voice was so deep and growly that I think we need the official script to be sure.
21-07-2008 19:44:45
Just saw it. It's pads.
21-07-2008 19:55:53
[quote37a497ce19="J4320"]His voice was so deep and growly that I think we need the official script to be sure.[/quote37a497ce19]
Yeah, I was going to bring that up. When he does the Batman voice it's sometimes hard to clearly hear him.
In any case, some of you care way too much if its pants or pads. I vote for who gives a @#$!.
21-07-2008 20:10:55
Being willing to drink my urine if proven wrong isn't caring too much. Jeez. roll
21-07-2008 22:48:16
I thought I heard pants the first time I saw it, but now i'm pretty sure it's pads. Also pads makes more sense since the guy does have pads on his chest.
22-07-2008 06:09:06
Exactly, he is sitting down, you don't even see his pants.
22-07-2008 07:41:53
It's most likely pads, but it sounds like pants because of the batman voice he does. Can we just leave it at that?
22-07-2008 16:32:45
[quotef42394f869="hehehhehe"]It's most likely pads, but it sounds like pants because of the batman voice he does. Can we just leave it at that?[/quotef42394f869]
absolutely not.
for this reason
[quotef42394f869="J4320"]If it turns out to be pants then I'll post a video of me drinking my urine.[/quotef42394f869]
22-07-2008 18:34:27
True, but how can we be sure he's really drinking his urine and not some watered down mountain dew? Are YOU willing to verify where the liquid comes from?
22-07-2008 19:30:27
Well you don't have to worry about Mountain Dew because I haven't had a drop of pop for 6 years now (made a personal oath when I was 12). ;)
I'd be sure to film it coming straight from the source. P j/k
22-07-2008 19:37:26
Hmmm. The official vote tally indicates that 6 of you are retarded.
Offical Tally
Pants --> 6
Pads --> 6
22-07-2008 22:51:11
Well I originally said pants. but really that doesn't seem to make too much sense. Pads seems more fitting... plus I asked my friend who just saw it to look out for the part when he says it. he said it was pads... so id be changing my vote if i could
22-07-2008 23:20:41

http/" alt=""/"379/7107/failhb9.jpg[" alt=""/imgde520cc039]
23-07-2008 12:19:52
Big deal. Pads still makes more sense.
23-07-2008 12:24:46
my buddy just saw it for the first time and with an unbiased, completely arbitrary point of view, he said "pads"
We win.
23-07-2008 12:33:48
Okay, from
here is the be all, end all of this argument
[quote87473d98bb="IMDB Memorable Quotes for the Dark Knight"]
[Batman has just fought off Scarecrow and a group of Batman wannabes]
Batman Don't let me find you out here again.
Batman Wannabe We're trying to help you!
Batman I don't need help.
Scarecrow Not my diagnosis!
Batman Wannabe What gives you the right? What's the difference between you and me?
[Batman lowers himself into the Batmobile]
Batman I'm not wearing hockey [b87473d98bb][u87473d98bb]pads![/b87473d98bb][/u87473d98bb] [/quote87473d98bb]
which makes this really funny
[quote87473d98bb="hehehhehe"]and I figured, what complete and utter failure would post a thread with the wrong movie quote?[/quote87473d98bb]
chex P
23-07-2008 13:21:27
Looks like I deserve some sort of prize for bringing this to everyone's attention ;)
23-07-2008 22:24:52
For the record they are called "Breezers"
I feel like a dumbass I saw the movie, and have no recalection of what part this was from. Was it the parking ramp scene?
23-07-2008 22:27:21
Yes sir. It was when batman was leaving and one of the noobs in a loser batman suite was like, "What's the difference between you and me?"
23-07-2008 23:51:56
Yeah, I couldn't tell what the fuck he said it was loud as hell when i saw it.
That was a funny scene though.
24-07-2008 00:26:02
imdb is run by a publicly traded company. Until I get the official script or the subtitles on the DVD it's pants. D
24-07-2008 02:39:06
[quote8eba077811="EatChex89"]imdb is run by a publicly traded company. Until I get the official script or the subtitles on the DVD it's pants. D[/quote8eba077811]
Damn it chex. One of these days we're going to find out which one of the mods here is your father, and hopefully that explains what's wrong with you.
24-07-2008 16:18:13
[quotec707f4762c="CollidgeGraduit"][quotec707f4762c="EatChex89"]imdb is run by a publicly traded company. Until I get the official script or the subtitles on the DVD it's pants. D[/quotec707f4762c]
Damn it chex. One of these days we're going to find out which one of the mods here is your father, and hopefully that explains what's wrong with you.[/quotec707f4762c]
wow. hardest i've laughed all day. lol
btw, who gives a shit if it's publicly traded. Crest is publicly traded, does that mean you're not going to brush your teeth anymore? Come on now.
24-07-2008 16:24:58
[quote8bb39724d5="TravMan162"][quote8bb39724d5="CollidgeGraduit"][quote8bb39724d5="EatChex89"]imdb is run by a publicly traded company. Until I get the official script or the subtitles on the DVD it's pants. D[/quote8bb39724d5]
Damn it chex. One of these days we're going to find out which one of the mods here is your father, and hopefully that explains what's wrong with you.[/quote8bb39724d5]
wow. hardest i've laughed all day. lol
btw, who gives a shit if it's publicly traded. Crest is publicly traded, does that mean you're not going to brush your teeth anymore? Come on now.[/quote8bb39724d5]
I make my own toothpaste.
24-07-2008 18:47:29
[quoteca33828c68="Twon"]out of seaweed and snot?[/quoteca33828c68]
Baking Soda, Peroxide, Glycerin, and Peppermint Oil. Sometimes I'll put like vanilla extract in too which I call "vanilla kool".
Baking Soda, Peroxide, Glycerin, and Peppermint Oil. Sometimes I'll put like [b5116a467dd]vagina[/b5116a467dd] extract in too which I call "[b5116a467dd]vagina[/b5116a467dd] kool".[/quote5116a467dd]
24-07-2008 19:17:32
I don't think FLR would appreciate that. lol
24-07-2008 20:09:20
okay, despite all this evidence towards the contrary, someone else has ill-fatedly voted for pants.
24-07-2008 20:58:29
[quote80622652b5="Twon"]That was me D[/quote80622652b5]
I could kiss you.
25-07-2008 22:01:48
_ _
25-07-2008 23:58:26
pants FTW
26-07-2008 06:52:30
I think he said pants, but I think pads does make more sense...
04-08-2008 21:27:56
it's pads. i saw the script today at barnes and noble in some book.