Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=76562


17-07-2008 19:17:12

Are there any mIRC Channels for anything related to this industry?


17-07-2008 19:29:35

I wasn't aware IRC was still used for anything other than P2P and botnets anymore.


17-07-2008 19:35:25

I haven't used IRC in years.


18-07-2008 03:54:06

mIRC is a great way to meet new friends!

http//i-love-cartoons.com/snags/clipart/dora-clipart/Dora-Explorer-Diego-Cowboy.jpg[" alt=""/img0749373f78]


18-07-2008 10:08:21

I joined the FIPG IRC room once. It went something like this...

lilili bballp6699 (~bballp6699@cloaked.wi.rr.com) has joined #fipg
<bballp6699> hello
lilili someAssMunch sets mode +b bballp6699li!li@li.li
lilili bballp6699 has been kicked my someAssMunch ( )


18-07-2008 10:15:04

I used to use it all the time. Haven't been on in a few years though. I used to get porn passwords.


18-07-2008 10:20:40

[quote995ba5e467="Twon"]I used to use it all the time. Haven't been on in a few years though. I used to get porn passwords.[/quote995ba5e467]

Wonderful use of Mirc. lol + karma to you.. I actually used it a few years ago for a while to, but nothing now. I bootleg concerts and trade them and used to use that as a form of exchanging bootlegs. but havnet used it forever.