My Complaint about FiPG
06-07-2008 21:33:36
Why does FiPG violate all the rules of decorum? Anger? Fear? Stupidity? Some deep hateful urging of its soul? The answer cannot easily be found, but it will simply continue to cause distress to people it doesn't know, has never seen, and who have done it no harm whatsoever. I assume you already know that I believe that there is more wisdom to be found in three of Aesop's fables than in the sum total of everything that FiPG has ever written, but I have something more important to tell you.
FiPG is not only huffy, but it also lacks the self-control necessary to conform its behavior to reasonable norms. I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people. I can therefore assure you that I want to thank FiPG for its expedients. Here I have an excellent opportunity to illustrate just how tendentious FiPG can be.
By forcing me to go into hiding, FiPG reveals its ignorance about escapism's polyvocality. It probably also doesn't realize that idle hands are the devil's tools. That's why FiPG spends its leisure time devising ever more balmy ways to attack my character. What does FiPG have to say about all of this? The answer, as expected, is nothing. It seems to me that FiPG is both stupid and deceitful. Now there's a dangerous combination if I've ever seen one.
The basal lie that underlies all of FiPG's meddlesome methods of interpretation is that newspapers should report only on items it agrees with. Translation FiPG's decisions aren't based on reason. I doubt you need any help from me to identify the supreme idiocy of those views but you should nevertheless be aware that mankind needs to do more to nourish children with good morals and self-esteem. Understand, I am not condemning mankind for not doing enough; I am merely stating that FiPG occasionally writes letters accusing me and my friends of being rancorous louts. These letters are typically couched in gutter language (which is doubtless the language in which FiPG habitually thinks) and serve no purpose other than to convince me that sectarianism doesn't work. So why does FiPG cling to it? The answer is obvious if you understand that if you can go more than a minute without hearing FiPG talk about vandalism, you're either deaf, dumb, or in a serious case of denial.
Although socially inept lugs are relatively small in number compared to the general population, they are rapidly increasing in size and fervor. FiPG's rejoinders manifest themselves in two phases. Phase one devastate vast acres of precious farmland. Phase two force onto us the degradation and ignominy that it is known to revel in. Although the dialectics of crazy praxis will traffic in our blood, birthright, and security when you least expect it, FiPG lusts for a world in which the most wayward scaramouches you'll ever see shake belief in all existing institutions through the systematic perversion of both contemporary and historical facts. More than that, from secret-handshake societies meeting at "the usual place" to back-door admissions committees, FiPG's slaves have always found a way to perpetuate myths that glorify demagogism.
FiPG wishes it could buy "ethnic cleanser" at the grocery store. But there's the rub; I don't need to tell you that FiPG can't discuss anything without talking about adversarialism. That should be self-evident. What is less evident is that FiPG's memoirs cannot stand on their own merit. That's why they're dependent on elaborate artifices and explanatory stories to convince us that everyone with a different set of beliefs from FiPG's is going to get a one-way ticket to Hell.
I might have been dreaming but I believe I once heard FiPG admit, sotto voce, that its antihumanist, intemperate sentiments bar people from partaking in activities that cannot be monitored and controlled. FiPG then blames us for that. Now there's a prizewinning example of psychological projection if I've ever seen one. If FiPG opened its eyes, it'd realize that it has a long, irrationalism-infested history of attempts to biologically or psychologically engineer headstrong ne'er-do-wells to make them even more rebarbative than they already are. I guess I really can't blame FiPG for wanting to play on people's conscious and unconscious belief structures. After all, if it weren't for complacent tax cheats, it would have no friends.
If FiPG can give us all a succinct and infallible argument proving that the bogeyman is going to get us if we don't agree to its demands, I will personally deliver its Nobel Prize for Cynical Rhetoric. In the meantime, if it were true, as FiPG claims, that everything is happy and fine and good, then I wouldn't be saying that the hour is late indeed. Fortunately, it's not yet too late to reinvigorate our collective commitment to building and maintaining a sensitive, tolerant, and humane community. We are a nation of prostitutes. By this I mean that as long as we are fat, warm, and dry we don't care what FiPG does. It is precisely that lack of caring that explains why implying that an open party with unlimited access to alcohol can't possibly outgrow the host's ability to manage the crowd is no different from implying that the best way to serve one's country is to use careerism as a more destructive form of gangsterism. Both statements are ludicrous.
Considering the corruption and foolishness that characterize what I call muzzy-headed, illiberal rascals, those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Of course, if FiPG had learned anything from history, it'd know that in order to solve the big problems with it we must first understand these problems, and to understand them, we must insist on a policy of zero tolerance toward McCarthyism. I think that FiPG is urging us to follow it down the rabbit hole or through the looking glass into a wonderland of autism. You probably think that too. But FiPG does not think that. FiPG thinks that it has the mandate of Heaven to waste resources. Let me close by reminding you that FiPG's penchant for Stalinism chokes its judgment like tea leaves blocking a sink.
06-07-2008 21:37:38
I'm going to make a possibly stupid observation here, but did you substitute "FiPG" in for some other subject that the original author was upset about?
If so, what was it?
06-07-2008 21:45:58
I just want a little editorial balance here. To begin with, I'm not writing this post for your entertainment. I'm not even writing it for your education. I'm writing it for our very survival.
Incompetent and reprehensible, TravMan162's posts resemble a dilapidated shed. Kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will collapse, proving my claim that TravMan162's most progressive idea is to turn a deaf ear to need and suffering. If that sounds progressive to you, you must be facing the wrong way.
I can assure you that when I hear TravMan162 say that one can understand the elements of a scientific theory only by reference to the social condition and personal histories of the scientists involved, I have to wonder about him. Is he thoroughly mawkish? Is he simply being juvenile? Or is he merely embracing a delusion in which he must believe in order to continue believing in himself? It is only when one has an answer to that question is it possible to make sense of TravMan162's overgeneralizations because I fully intend to treat the disease, not the symptoms. I will spare no labor in doing this and reckon no labor lost that brings me toward this mark. Even so, whatever your age, you now have only one choice. That choice is between a democratic, peace-loving regime that, you hope, may break the neck of TravMan162's policy of jingoism once and for all and, as the alternative, the slaphappy and shabby dirigisme currently being forced upon us by TravMan162. Choose carefully because TravMan162 pompously claims that he is entitled to traffic in our blood, birthright, and security. That sort of nonsense impresses many people, unfortunately. I think I've dished it out to TravMan162 as best as I can in this letter. I hope you now understand why I say that this truth will be as pertinent six years as 60 years hence.
06-07-2008 21:56:05
[quoteca75ddb945="J4320"]. Is he thoroughly [bca75ddb945]mawkawish[/bca75ddb945]? IThat choice is between a democratic, peace-loving regime that, you hope, may break the neck of TravMan162's policy of [bca75ddb945]jigeloism[/bca75ddb945] once and for all.[/quoteca75ddb945]
are you trying to tell me I'm a sex-selling, peace loving bird man?
06-07-2008 22:00:24
06-07-2008 22:03:00
we thank you for your stunning commentary.
06-07-2008 22:05:39
we thank you for your stunning commentary.
06-07-2008 22:07:32
I sometimes feel like YGF has forced us into a danse macabre with his peremptory, reckless analects leading us to the grave.
06-07-2008 22:14:44
[quoteb5cae05ef4="J4320"]I sometimes feel like YGF has forced us into a danse macabre with his peremptory, reckless analects leading us to the grave.[/quoteb5cae05ef4]
06-07-2008 22:27:24
Using another essay generator or something?
Didn't we do this back in the day?
06-07-2008 23:00:34
what are you on?
A little Find and Replace eh?
07-07-2008 01:10:37
This is like the essay you generated about Jake.
07-07-2008 05:26:39
Somebody's been reading a dictionary...
07-07-2008 08:25:06
and a thesaurus.
07-07-2008 08:43:59
You gotaa be kidding me. 18 years old and talks like that and lives in washington. I use to live in washington, no one in that state talks like that. All they care about is selling cars, gambling, and selling fireworks. Dont think anyone cares about your essay, i got to the third bullshit word and quit reading. Call me retarded and non educated but when you write like that, no one gives a shit!
07-07-2008 08:57:07
[quotea8ff0905d1="N204life"]You gotaa be kidding me. 18 years old and talks like that and lives in washington. I use to live in washington, no one in that state talks like that. All they care about is selling cars, gambling, and selling fireworks. Dont think anyone cares about your essay, i got to the third bullshit word and quit reading. Call me retarded and non educated but when you write like that, no one gives a shit![/quotea8ff0905d1]
[ia8ff0905d1]Pssst! It's from an essay generator.[/ia8ff0905d1]
07-07-2008 09:10:39
^ lol
Now we can all extensively complain about each other. By the way, N204life, would you like to purchase some fireworks?
Once again, I am writing in response to Mrs. J4320's tracts, and once again, I merely wish to point out that J4320 somehow forgot to tell her attendants that if snooty bourgeoisie really believed in equality, they wouldn't break down our communities. Note that some of the facts I plan to use in this letter were provided to me by a highly educated person who managed to escape J4320's pea-brained indoctrination and is consequently believable. She likes to compare her orations to those that shaped this nation. The comparison, however, doesn't hold up beyond some uselessly broad, superficial similarities that are so vague and pointless, it's not even worth summarizing them. The dominant characteristic of her causeries is not that they support international crime while purporting to oppose it, but that, in the bargain, they create a system of nihilism characterized by confidential files, closed courts, gag orders, and statutory immunity. I strive to be consistent in my arguments. I can't say that I'm 100% true to this, but J4320's frequent vacillating leads me to believe that it is apparent where her loyalties lie. Let me rephrase that On the issue of conformism, she is wrong again. Sure, "unpatriotic", "morally questionable", and "raving" seem the most appropriate adjectives to describe J4320's jokes. But it's not fair for her to accelerate our descent into the cesspool of chauvinism -- and J4320 knows it. To recapitulate, Mrs. J4320's main regret is that she didn't live in the early Soviet Union, where she could have joined the Cheka and organized mass shootings of dissidents in the cellars of the secret police.
07-07-2008 10:24:02
[quotef0ccba26b3="J4320"]^ lol
Now we can all extensively complain about each other. By the way, N204life, would you like to purchase some fireworks?[/quotef0ccba26b3]
Only if their black cats from the reservations next to bingo palace
07-07-2008 13:50:36
You know, instead of insulting someone for being educated, maybe you should educate yourself a bit more. As a 22 year old, I would hope you know the difference between "they're, "there", and "their", but it appears you do not.
07-07-2008 14:28:03
Indeed. Well chaps, I suppose we'll have to criticize him with pejorative words.
07-07-2008 15:13:01
[quote7afc5b459b="tylerc"]You know, instead of insulting someone for being educated, maybe you should educate yourself a bit more. As a 22 year old, I would hope you know the difference between "they're, "there", and "their", but it appears you do not.[/quote7afc5b459b]
I could care less how i spell and how i word things online, all im here to do is get a point across. I dont sit here and spell check and revise my posts. By the way there indicates a place as in, I live here not there. It is the opposite of "here." Their is the possessive of "they", as in "They live there but is isn't their house. They're is a contraction of they are. twisted
07-07-2008 15:20:12
I realize this, but you said "only if their black cats", which should be "they're".
And you couldn't care less, because if you could care less, then you sort of care, at least a little bit.
07-07-2008 16:55:41
I could care less how i spell and how i word things online, all im here to do is get a point across. I dont sit here and spell check and revise my posts. By the way there indicates a place as in, I live here not there. It is the opposite of "here." Their is the possessive of "they", as in "They live there but is isn't their house. They're is a contraction of they are. twisted[/quote5309bc09f2]
I think he stole this from my, now locked, "quick smelling and grandma lesson"
but see, I'm glad I taught at least one gentle soul. Sort of.
07-07-2008 22:19:19
Ugh, I hate it when people say "I could care less". It means the opposite of what they want it to.
08-07-2008 01:21:40
[quotebb0dfc172a="JennyWren"]Ugh, I hate it when people say "I could care less". It means the opposite of what they want it to.[/quotebb0dfc172a]
Because sarcasm is so rare to find on the internet.
08-07-2008 06:02:01
Something tells me N204Life wasn't being sarcastic, seeing as he was complaining about people using fancy words a couple posts above that.
08-07-2008 08:32:03
[quote19dad9f8fd="Daggoth"][quote19dad9f8fd="JennyWren"]Ugh, I hate it when people say "I could care less". It means the opposite of what they want it to.[/quote19dad9f8fd]
Because sarcasm is so rare to find on the internet.[/quote19dad9f8fd]
Dude, I've got loads just sitting around if you need some. Let me know.
08-07-2008 10:52:45
"I couldn't care less" and "I could care less" are two expressions that people use. A lot of people use the latter because they don't actually think about it. They aren't trying to use sarcasm. They are just incorrectly using the expression. Pedanticalness FTW!
08-07-2008 15:52:19
[quoteffbff3aff9="J4320"]"I couldn't care less" and "I could care less" are two expressions that people use. A lot of people use the latter because they don't actually think about it. They aren't trying to use sarcasm. They are just incorrectly using the expression. Pedanticalness FTW![/quoteffbff3aff9]
I think you mean pedanticality.
08-07-2008 15:58:12
^ That sounds much better but I'm just going with what says.
08-07-2008 17:20:08
god i hate you all.
and by hate i mean love.
08-07-2008 18:22:45

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jk <3