Serious Question

Live forum:


02-03-2005 16:07:11

I was actually thinking about this the other day, so let me know what you think. You may be thinking why would someone ever say no.

Maybe because this business has consumed their life?


02-03-2005 16:08:34

I would want to redo it, because i signed up for like 5 sites for nothing, i couldve traded for those (


02-03-2005 16:12:39

I WISH I never got into this business, it consumes my life. I've been sitting here for the past 4 hours when I was supposed to be working. It's not good. I'm going to ask the admin to ban me when I finish with my sites (just FreeMiniMacs and PVPs4free).


02-03-2005 16:13:52

why would you asked to be bant why wouldnt you just not come here


02-03-2005 16:15:58

LOL, Stroid, I try, but the attraction is just too strong. I honestly am addicted. I don't want to be banned now, just when I finish.


02-03-2005 16:18:22

Then you will im me and ask to be unbant....its happened with other people before they ask to be bant then they come back and ask to be let back in.


02-03-2005 16:19:45

No, No, don't ban me now, just ban me when I ask to be banned!!!!! I still want to come here!


02-03-2005 16:24:02

yeah i got it dont worry! D


02-03-2005 16:28:30

lol if he actually banned you that would sort of be funny in a sick way


02-03-2005 17:18:42

I don't regret it, particularly because it's recently given me something to do to occupy my time. It is sometimes slightly anxiety provoking, but it's better than feeling bored. Plus once I get my last four deals completed I probably won't do any more.


02-03-2005 17:22:23

no no no no no and more no!

i LOVE getting free stuff, haha


02-03-2005 17:37:49

Yea i signed up for as many sites as i can and now i realized that i could have completed trades or joined lines.
What an idiot.


02-03-2005 17:44:01

i havent gotten anything for free. i just make $ by signing up for people!!! but thats cool.


02-03-2005 18:34:22

We need a twelve-step program!

Seeing as fat people decided to go with overeaters anonymous, we can have FA. (Freebies Anonymous) D


02-03-2005 20:44:37

[quote1ed72ce493="Tholek"]We need a twelve-step program!

Seeing as fat people decided to go with overeaters anonymous, we can have FA. (Freebies Anonymous) D[/quote1ed72ce493]



04-03-2005 11:06:56

I wouldn't go back. It gives me something to do when there's down time here at work. Which is most of the time... )


04-03-2005 11:24:32

My free stuff getting isn't a problem. It's not affecting anybody but myself. If I want to stop I can without a problem, but why would I want to? I'm in total control. Why don't you get off my back about it!?


04-03-2005 11:55:14

I tend to agree with Crono's take. I need things to give me a sense of purpose or life is terribly unfulfilling (and, no, this isn't the ONLY thing that provides such a's a small part of the equation).