has anyone done those opinion group promotions?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=7544


01-03-2005 18:55:38

liek the hartford opinion group. you can get a free ipod shuffle if you comlete 4 offers, and you dont even have to refer anyone. i dont know if its legit, i found it on myspace.com when i was sitting there. anyway does anyone know if these sorta things are legit. i know they spam your email like nothing else.. but. the offers are almost the same as gratis sites, and you have to do 4. to me thats easier than completing 5 referrals and doing an offer.


01-03-2005 19:33:13

I haven't.


01-03-2005 19:50:15

i am scared to do it