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[bc189009f58]Is this guy really pregnant or is this an April Fools prank??
[color=redc189009f58]People who know the answer you can vote, but please don't post about it until others have had a chance to vote, and share there comments.[/colorc189009f58]
London, Apr 2 The transgender man, who is five-months pregnant, is expected to show US chat show host Oprah Winfrey the images from his ultrasound scan, in order to prove that his pregnancy is not a hoax.
Last month, Thomas Beatie, of Oregon, had claimed in a gay magazine that he was pregnant, but has since remained silent about his extraordinary tale.
Many observers, including Beatie's neighbors, thought the story was a hoax after he said he would not give any interviews until April Fools Day.
There was also speculation that the story could be connected to a new television series, which plays pranks on the media.
But the interview with Beatie will be broadcast on "Oprah" on April 3, according to the programme's website.
"The couple reveals the details of their pasts, their relationships and their incredible pregnancy. Then, watch as our cameras capture the ultrasound and get an inside look at the couple's plans for the nursery,” the Telegraph quoted the programme’s site, as stating.
According to an excerpt of the i
[color=darkredc189009f58]Well at least He is married, Right.[/colorc189009f58]