14-03-2008 15:56:02
so a few days ago i got this nasty virus that owned my antivirus and now i think i have removed it or atleast most of it, then my parent's computer somehow ended up with the same virus and it got into my moms email. It sent out an email to everyone in her address book and so i told her to change the password. Now she cannot get into the account at all and the security question was either changed or something else but yahoo doesn't seem to want to work with me. If anyone knows any ways of retrieving it back i would appreciate legal or illegal then send me a pm
14-03-2008 16:33:44
did you try forgot password?
there should be a secondary email, if you try doing forgot password, they should send it to your secondary email
14-03-2008 18:25:09
hmm im not sure if he had a secondary email in place but I tried to go through the process of "forgot my password" and i get up to the step of the security question which she cannot remember. I have talked to yahoo on the phone and they just run through the same things finally I got ahold of the manager and after talking to him for several hours he led to a dead end and didn't help either. I know this probably isn't the best place to go through but I need some help and would appreciate any
15-03-2008 05:05:14
Can anybody tell me why my site got closed? It was titled Baby needs a new pair of shoes. It was just a catchy way of marketing my site.
15-03-2008 05:55:28
[quote175137633a="jawaune"]Can anybody tell me why my site got closed? It was titled Baby needs a new pair of shoes. It was just a catchy way of marketing my site.[/quote175137633a]
Can you tell me why you posted in this thread about it?
15-03-2008 06:40:20
[quote9493876e73="jawaune"]Can anybody tell me why my site got closed? It was titled Baby needs a new pair of shoes. It was just a catchy way of marketing my site.[/quote9493876e73]
wow. random?
15-03-2008 08:04:33
[quote0c495ab34b="jawaune"]Can anybody tell me why my site got closed? It was titled Baby needs a new pair of shoes. It was just a catchy way of marketing my site.[/quote0c495ab34b]
Baby could try reading the thread that got locked, where a moderator told you that you broke the rules.
15-03-2008 08:23:39
[quote6359b63cf8="CollidgeGraduit"][quote6359b63cf8="jawaune"]Can anybody tell me why my site got closed? It was titled Baby needs a new pair of shoes. It was just a catchy way of marketing my site.[/quote6359b63cf8]
Baby could try reading the thread that got locked, where a moderator told you that you broke the rules.
wait, so your kid wasn't really starving?
that's pretty f'ed up to make a thread about that
15-03-2008 10:30:36
Honestly... don't mean to bash on anyone but we do have child care services, and department of human services... no one has to starve..