----- The Trading Post Is Being Shut Down -----
05-03-2008 23:01:00
Good News! FiPG is making some changes to The Trading Post.
1) We're going to divide the forum up into separate forums for Cash Offers and Trade Offers, which should make it easier for all traders.
2) We're going to start allowing users to sticky threads. During this transition period, we're going to allow 5 threads to be sticked in each of the two forums for a maximum of X days (the exact duration will be decided in the next couple of days).
[bd726ee902f][ud726ee902f]The Trading Post will be shut down on Sunday March 9th at 8pm EST[/sized726ee902f][/ud726ee902f]. The transition should not take long so please be patient during this time. Once it reopens, please read the rules and guides in order to keep up with any new rule changes made. Please make sure to create your new threads in the correct forums as your old (current) threads will be locked.[/bd726ee902f]
a) [bd726ee902f]These stickies are free[/bd726ee902f] during the trial period as thanks to the membership here for your support. We plan to monetize them in the next 2-3 weeks for which the fee will be nominal (on the order of $x per day).
b) In the beginning, we're going to award stickies to those members who approach us first, with deference to those who are long-standing and contributing members to the forum. [bd726ee902f] If you're interested in a sticky, please contact our newest moderator (who will be announced in the next few days)[/bd726ee902f] and we'll add you to the queue. [bd726ee902f]Do not PM any current staff members about this as your PMs will go unanswered.[/colord726ee902f][/bd726ee902f]
Thanks for your continued support of FiPG, we hope to see you around more often.
doylneaŠ 2008
05-03-2008 23:14:10
Very good.
Can I sticky it with a white substance?
05-03-2008 23:42:52
sounds like an excellent idea (not the white substance)
06-03-2008 12:04:59
[quote5c8433ced5="EatChex89"]Very good.
Can I sticky it with a white substance?
Oh I get it.
Elmer's glue right?
06-03-2008 12:08:22
This is great news. Good job Jensen!
06-03-2008 13:18:35
this is awesome. thanks guys )
06-03-2008 13:38:17
Sweet, now I will use my sweet seduction methods to get stickied for a year...
Who wants to go first, Tyler or TSJ?
06-03-2008 13:43:49
This is awesome. 5 stickies is a great number
NO MORE THen that though, please. I worry anymore will make it look like FLR were you can't see the top post until the bottom of the page. I can't wait!
06-03-2008 13:53:00
You should also limit the "cash trade" section to a TR of 5 or above.. .....
06-03-2008 15:31:37
[quote5a8e3f41d1="manOFice"]You should also limit the "cash trade" section to a TR of 5 or above.. .....[/quote5a8e3f41d1]
Agreed, and I really like this idea. Now maybe I can do that iphone site I started forever ago.
06-03-2008 18:57:34
theysay, since when are you admin
06-03-2008 19:31:23
[quote2b09b1bd8c="Sonofshoe"]theysay, since when are you admin[/quote2b09b1bd8c]
Uhh.......I've been an Admin for about 2 and a half years.
06-03-2008 19:47:26
[quote287a956db7="Sonofshoe"]theysay, since when are you admin[/quote287a956db7]
how did you finally get out from under that rock?
sandra habina
07-03-2008 10:40:15
[quoteb23a6ae51c="manOFice"]You should also limit the "cash trade" section to a TR of 5 or above.. .....[/quoteb23a6ae51c]
Amen - great idea. Go for 5 OR MORE )
sandra habina
07-03-2008 21:08:18
You know what else should be addressed - is all the free greens given out - perhaps sites could limit them to traders with TR+5 or higher - because if someone comes in and gets a free green to work that site - how easy that would be to scam other newbies.
I know they want more people to work their sites - but in actuality - these new traders should be doing trades first before working a site.
That is how most of us did it.
07-03-2008 21:13:00
We can't control what promotions or special offers site owners run, so we really can't tell them not to give out free greens or only give them out to certain people.
07-03-2008 23:01:58
TSJ -- stop being polite you ass.
08-03-2008 00:45:50
is the trading post being closed?
08-03-2008 02:11:34
On Sunday... yes.
08-03-2008 06:25:04
I want a sticky!!! Who's the new mod? I want to get my PM in )
08-03-2008 06:29:17
[quote95cd345d42="manOFice"]You should also limit the "cash trade" section to a TR of 5 or above.. .....[/quote95cd345d42]
I am a regular user of this forum but do not have a TR above 5. However, I do have a high TR on other forums. Not everyone with a low TR is a scammer.. some of us are great traders who may not have been able to pick up a referral from this forum yet or those referrals we pick up do not complete the trade so we cannot get the TR rating.. I just don't want to be left out because my TR here is not a 5. Am I making sense??
08-03-2008 07:21:29
I think the new rule of TR +5 is to encourage green for green trading, which was the old and better way of doing things.
08-03-2008 07:50:20
[quote08618bb2da="samz465"]I think the new rule of TR +5 is to encourage green for green trading, which was the old and better way of doing things.[/quote08618bb2da]
i don't think this is actually going to be part of the new rules. it was just a suggestion
08-03-2008 10:38:12
Although it should be part of new rules. Take a look and probably half the posts are made by people with TR less than 5. They can still reply to posts, and get trades that way. If it were done like this I may even think about starting a couple more, rather than just DIY. But seriously I think whats killing trading is that there are so many sites. And you have people who are paying (not trading) for literally 25-30 different sites, which is just crazy.
08-03-2008 10:54:59
[quotef996205b06="QTWITHLOCS"][quotef996205b06="manOFice"]You should also limit the "cash trade" section to a TR of 5 or above.. .....[/quotef996205b06]
I am a regular user of this forum but do not have a TR above 5. However, I do have a high TR on other forums. Not everyone with a low TR is a scammer.. some of us are great traders who may not have been able to pick up a referral from this forum yet or those referrals we pick up do not complete the trade so we cannot get the TR rating.. I just don't want to be left out because my TR here is not a 5. Am I making sense??[/quotef996205b06]
It's to encourage green for green trades. It would help sites out more too (more offer completions). It's not about scamming really. Just because someone has a rating at another forum doesn't carry over to other forums, you gotta start from the bottom and work up. But my idea was just a suggestion it's not part of what their doing.
08-03-2008 13:15:48
[quote1b3d09e982="QTWITHLOCS"]I want a sticky!!! Who's the new mod? I want to get my PM in )[/quote1b3d09e982]
He is currently being created in the murky depths of the admin forum. Surrounded by sticky goo and white webbing, two red beady eyes pour through the encasing of grime. rar
08-03-2008 13:20:49
[quote8cac75ee80="J4320"][quote8cac75ee80="QTWITHLOCS"]I want a sticky!!! Who's the new mod? I want to get my PM in )[/quote8cac75ee80]
He is currently being created in the murky depths of the admin forum. Surrounded by sticky goo and white webbing, two red beady eyes poor through the encasing of grime. rar[/quote8cac75ee80]
wtf, you're a weird-o. hahaha, just kidding, you're the man. i wonder what it's like in admin's basement...
08-03-2008 13:31:19
AH I spelled "pour" like a retard. (
Anyway, the new mod is gonna get TONS of PM messages when this opens up. shock
08-03-2008 14:27:37
yeah, i'm going to make it a point not to PM him just for that reason. that's going to be madness for the poor chap.
i wonder if they decided on instating a new mod just to deal with all these PM's so they didn't have to D D D D
haha, that's going to be a nightmare, poor guy, never seen it comin'
08-03-2008 14:35:22
Yeah those basterts. I think he'll be a pretty organized guy who can handle it though. ;)
08-03-2008 14:43:06
[quotee526c382ca="J4320"]Yeah those basterts. I think he'll be a pretty organized guy who can handle it though. ;)[/quotee526c382ca]
or an organized girl. a girl would be easier to capture and store in the webs of muck, or whatever the hell you said, than a guy would be D
08-03-2008 14:46:52

http//laptoplogic.com/data/news/images/2899/1.jpg[" alt=""/imge4f92dc5d9]
[quote6183e5dfa1="TravMan162"][quote6183e5dfa1="J4320"]Yeah those basterts. I think he'll be a pretty organized guy who can handle it though. ;)[/quote6183e5dfa1]
or an organized girl. a girl would be easier to capture and store in the webs of muck, or whatever the hell you said, than a guy would be D[/quote6183e5dfa1]
08-03-2008 15:02:19
It's me, secrets out now!
08-03-2008 16:40:23
[quote0a12cfd502="manOFice"]It's me, secrets out now![/quote0a12cfd502]
OK Great!! Well.. Can I get that sticky now then? I don't want to be part of the PM back up that's gonna happen tomorrow!!! bow ..lol
08-03-2008 16:58:59
[quote5497f331d2="QTWITHLOCS"][quote5497f331d2="manOFice"]It's me, secrets out now![/quote5497f331d2]
OK Great!! Well.. Can I get that sticky now then? I don't want to be part of the PM back up that's gonna happen tomorrow!!! bow ..lol[/quote5497f331d2]
lol lol lol
08-03-2008 19:20:30
[quotee6b348e658="TravMan162"][quotee6b348e658="J4320"]Yeah those basterts. I think he'll be a pretty organized guy who can handle it though. ;)[/quotee6b348e658]
or an organized girl. a girl would be easier to capture and store in the webs of muck, or whatever the hell you said, than a guy would be D[/quotee6b348e658]
Offtopic but did you really make that your sig, or did someone else do that.
08-03-2008 21:01:16
[quotefd9e549641="samz465"]Offtopic but did you really make that your sig, or did someone else do that.[/quotefd9e549641]
you talking to me??
ha, i did that, you like?
08-03-2008 22:06:03
[quote168843a52b="J4320"]Yeah those basterts. I think he'll be a pretty organized guy who can handle it though. ;)[/quote168843a52b]
hint hint?
09-03-2008 17:23:34
ZOMG, where did the trading post go?
09-03-2008 17:25:37
[quote86ac9a398e="manOFice"]ZOMG, where did the trading post go?[/quote86ac9a398e]
oh my god, it's gone?!?!
what do we do now shock shock roll roll shock shock
who's the new mod goddamnit hahaha D
09-03-2008 17:47:35
J4320 is the new mod. Everyone wish him well. D
However, he has a new account to deal with Trading Post issues, so don't PM him at his personal name. Check the Trading Post soon for details.
09-03-2008 17:49:21
So who is it lol I want a sticky D I think its
J4320 D
09-03-2008 17:50:05
Haha, sweet deal, good luck J
"someone organized enough to handle it" right D D D congrats
09-03-2008 17:54:41
[quote14fc9dd5f5="TravMan162"]OH MAN I LOVE THAT KID!!
Haha, sweet deal, good luck J
"someone organized enough to handle it" right D D D congrats[/quote14fc9dd5f5]
You insulted my manhood. evil
Anyway, yep, I'll be dealing with stickies and all other Trading Post related issues (along with the other mods of course). Wish me luck guys. D
Also, don't bother the other mods about stickies. ;)
09-03-2008 17:56:56
[quoteafcc024281="J4320"][quoteafcc024281="TravMan162"]OH MAN I LOVE THAT KID!!
Haha, sweet deal, good luck J
"someone organized enough to handle it" right D D D congrats[/quoteafcc024281]
You insulted my manhood. evil
Anyway, yep, I'll be dealing with stickies and all other Trading Post related issues (along with the other mods of course). Wish me luck guys. D
Also, don't bother the other mods about stickies. ;)[/quoteafcc024281]
i'll bother whoever the hell i want.
09-03-2008 17:57:25
okay okay,
i love that man???
now i sound like i'm playing for the other team. thanks for that D D D D
09-03-2008 17:58:56
whops i already pm'ed his normal account, didn't see that part, lol
09-03-2008 17:59:24
OMG J4! Congrats ;) I knew, one day, that you would be a mod. In honor of J4!

http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/f1c359831cb9bc2d968e00f2554a4e20.gif[" alt=""/imgf4b68c956d]
09-03-2008 18:01:17
[quotef3ac8b192d="zr2152"][quotef3ac8b192d="J4320"][quotef3ac8b192d="TravMan162"]OH MAN I LOVE THAT KID!!
Haha, sweet deal, good luck J
"someone organized enough to handle it" right D D D congrats[/quotef3ac8b192d]
You insulted my manhood. evil
Anyway, yep, I'll be dealing with stickies and all other Trading Post related issues (along with the other mods of course). Wish me luck guys. D
Also, don't bother the other mods about stickies. ;)[/quotef3ac8b192d]
i'll bother whoever the hell i want.[/quotef3ac8b192d]
I'm sure you're joking but srsly --
[quotef3ac8b192d="theysayjump"]The staff at FreeiPodGuide are now offering you the opportunity to have your trade thread stickied ("stuck" at the top of your desired forum in order to gain more exposure as it is not affected by other people posting and it being pushed down the page).
Subsequently we have changed the way that The Trading Post works.
1) We've divided the forum up into two separate forums. One for Cash Offers (you pay someone cash to green for you or you green for cash for someone else) and Trade Offers (you complete a site for someone else and they complete a site for you in return).
2) As previously mentioned you are now able to have your trade thread stickied. During the first 2-3 weeks we're going to allow 5 threads to be sticked in each of the two forums for a maximum of 48 hours and you can only have one thread between the two forums, not one in each.
We will be monetizing this feature after the initial 2-3 week trial period (and even then it will be a nominal amount ($x.xx), so now is the best time to take advantage of this offer.
If you are interested in having your trade thread stickied, please contact our new moderator [uf3ac8b192d][if3ac8b192d][bf3ac8b192d]
StickyMod[=http//forum.freeipodguide.com/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=34333]StickyMod[/if3ac8b192d][/bf3ac8b192d][/uf3ac8b192d] either via PM or e-mail.
[bf3ac8b192d]Do not initiate trades with or attempt to trade with StickyMod; he is a Trading Post moderator only. Anyone caught PM Spamming, trying to initiate trades, setting up trades, asking to trade with StickyMod or anything else not related to stickies or the moderation of The Trading Post will be temp-banned for 14 days.[/bf3ac8b192d][/colorf3ac8b192d]
You may contact him regarding stickies, Trading Post violations, questions, reporting scammers, suggestions or anything else pertaining to The Trading Post/Trading. [bf3ac8b192d]Remember you can also contact the other staff members with your questions also (excluding stickies)[/sizef3ac8b192d].[/bf3ac8b192d]
Please feel free to comment on this or offer tips or criticisms. We look forward to hearing from you![/quotef3ac8b192d]
The mods already have a lot to deal with. ;)
09-03-2008 18:08:10
I think its in the murky depths of the admin forum right now!!
09-03-2008 18:08:51
Woohoo sent you a PM Sticky Mod also you want some left over Chineese Food I have Fried Rice
09-03-2008 18:10:00
[quote4dd3608243="nbonsu26"]Woohoo sent you a PM Sticky Mod also you want some left over Chineese Food I have Fried Rice[/quote4dd3608243]
I bet I beat you =P
09-03-2008 18:12:22
Congrats J4.
09-03-2008 20:19:20
cool shit. 'grats J4!
09-03-2008 20:30:55
Thanks guys. I got TONS of sticky requests when the Trading Post reopened. I decided to create a Request Status so people won't be constantly sending requests.

http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/74efd078b00308251bfa14679c084a78.gif[" alt=""/img20057e47e2]
If you guys have any other suggestions/ideas be sure to post them in the announcement threads in there. )
09-03-2008 20:43:58
[quotecabaa0ed9e="J4320"]Thanks guys. I got TONS of sticky requests when the Trading Post reopened. I decided to create a Request Status so people won't be constantly sending requests.

http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/74efd078b00308251bfa14679c084a78.gif[" alt=""/imgcabaa0ed9e]
If you guys have any other suggestions/ideas be sure to post them in the announcement threads in there. )[/quotecabaa0ed9e]
oh you knew i was jp. Im no e-THUG unlike some ppl here. roll
I WUV u. wink
09-03-2008 20:53:48
[quote75e82e7a42="manOFice"]ZOMG, where did the trading post go?[/quote75e82e7a42]
OMG GTFO it's gone??? D
12-03-2008 09:16:56
While I like how the new trading section is setup...
It's still the same as before ... it just sucked out the 5 people who are doing referral for referral trading...
Can we perhaps limit people to perhaps 3 TR before they can offer cash trades?
Just shooting out some ideas, i like so far what has happened )
12-03-2008 17:01:31
[quote4234a0e44b="manOFice"]While I like how the new trading section is setup...
It's still the same as before ... it just sucked out the 5 people who are doing referral for referral trading...
Can we perhaps limit people to perhaps 3 TR before they can offer cash trades?
Just shooting out some ideas, i like so far what has happened )[/quote4234a0e44b]
Ya srsly, it didn't really help...