The Creation of a Free Site!!

Live forum:


27-02-2005 18:35:20

Does anyone know the steps involved in creating a free site? From what i understand you need

1. A site that can manage user sign-ups and referral links
2. Offers
3. A solid supplier
4. Customer Service

Other Questions

1. What kind of profit are they making off each ipod they give away?
2. How time consuming is the up keep of the site?

If anyone has looked into the creation of such a site please let me know. my be looking to get one going. I have the space and web address. It would be a matter of getting together with some other web developers and putting this thing into action. PM me if this sounds of interest to you. Please only PM me if you have a solid background of web design that involves PHP and MySql




27-02-2005 18:39:49

A free site would be interesting from you. I'm thinking of creating my own.


27-02-2005 18:41:31

I like your site PodTopia, maybe we could combine and create something that will profit us better than a free ipod


27-02-2005 18:44:15

I would have made a site but this ordeal with how many websites have been introduced lately is just crazy. People need to lay off awhile otherwise they won't get new sign ups. The whole search cactus thing killed a lot of the sites and I suggest if you do open a site to look into a good offer host.


27-02-2005 18:53:08

What do you mean by search cactus? And I hear you about the over abundance of sites. I feel that a main problem of the new sites is that they offer so many products that they cannot handle the workload. I think it would be best to start with one product like the ipod, then once you've got the feel of the process, then start to add other products. In a way thats what gratis has done. that gives you time to learn as you go. Unfortunately you would have to directly copy Gratis's process, but thats how some of the best companies have been made.


27-02-2005 18:55:01

Id be interested, but all i know is a little html. I spend alot of time on the net though, i make the uber customer support guy )


27-02-2005 18:55:54

Armstrong- If you're going to do a site, learn the lingo ). SearchCactus is the "firm" that pays the companies (i.e. Gratis, OfferCentric, etc.) for offer completions. They get paid by the bigger companies (AOL, Trilegiant, etc.). I'm thinking a lot of doing a site, but there's lots of complexities involved. Unfortunately, I think like this a lot (my ego gets a little big sometimes), but I think that my site could be the best out there (besides the major players) if I make it.


27-02-2005 18:58:28

Thanks, I'll keep you in mind. That is definitely a requirement too. once the site is up and running then there would be a need for both customer service and people who check the validity of the completions.


27-02-2005 19:00:26

Yeah I'm with ya on that thought process. Checking out SearchCactus now, I'f it looks positive then my school work is going to take a major dive...haha


27-02-2005 19:02:24

Me and Mr Sofa Sets, are currently developing a site, but, I'm not sure if it will happen. Still deveolping.


27-02-2005 19:03:22

What is the biggest road block you've come across so far?


27-02-2005 19:04:39

[quote2b4b93ff5f="Armstrong"]What is the biggest road block you've come across so far?[/quote2b4b93ff5f]

I came across one that was about 6 feet high and 20 or so feet long over on I-80 east bound.


27-02-2005 19:04:59

Hovigga, I'll help if you guys need it. We could start a network....


27-02-2005 19:10:11

Yeah let me know, I'll help too. I have lots of webspace and good web address...

Mr Sofa Sets

27-02-2005 19:31:24

PodTopia, I'm sure I could use your help with my project. I'll be pretty busy this coming week with work but I will PM you to discuss what ideas we both have sometime during the week.


27-02-2005 19:40:43

Alright, we can't let this project get entirely too big. Mr. Sofa Sets, PM me and we'll have a discussion, I'm quite busy this week also, so take your time.