unknown uchiha
29-01-2008 15:07:20
Funny story actually, my friend and I were PSP hunting (Darth Vader edition, if you must know) and didn't really want to pay retail so we asked for used ones. Gamestop didn't have any, so I asked my obligatory "you wouldn't happen to have any Wiis in stock right?" question since I DO kind of want one for Brawl.
The guy replies... "Actually, we have ONE left. Do you want it?"
I'm just like... YES lol
So now I'm setting up my Wii (well, downloading software from the Wii Shop channel) =]
29-01-2008 16:47:06
Nice! Let us know how it is.
I've been contemplating whether I want an xbox 360 again, or a Wii.
I've played it a few times at my cousins house and I thought it was fun.
The only thing is that I'd feel it's boring when you're playing alone.
29-01-2008 16:54:23
I got mine in a similarly unexpected way at GameStop. I was killing time there waiting for the wife to get her hair cut next door, when she walked by the door and motioned to me that she was ready. As I was walking out the door, I just kinda half-jokingly asked when they expected more Wii's in stock. They just happened to have one left, so I asked the wife to buy it for me. She did. I love my wife. )
unknown uchiha
29-01-2008 18:44:47
Haha the Wii is AWESOME.
I'm gonna get some point cards or something to buy StarFox 64 and some other games I want. Other than that, I'm waiting for Brawl =]
I guess Brawl's the only lirealli reason I got the Wii in the first place LOL
29-01-2008 19:00:30
[quote24a50c318e="dmorris68"]I got mine in a similarly unexpected way at GameStop. I was killing time there waiting for the wife to get her hair cut next door, when she walked by the door and motioned to me that she was ready. As I was walking out the door, I just kinda half-jokingly asked when they expected more Wii's in stock. They just happened to have one left, so I asked the wife to buy it for me. She did. I love my wife. )[/quote24a50c318e]
haha nice wifey, i want one of those wife )
29-01-2008 20:02:49
Super Mario Galaxy is a great game FYI...
29-01-2008 20:19:38
[quote86515f6ae3="Wolfeman"]Super Mario Galaxy is a great game FYI...[/quote86515f6ae3]
I second that, probably the best Wii game I've played so far.
30-01-2008 04:00:05
i have a wife like that, but i also have one that won't let me do anything
they balance each other out
[quote58d850a2b4="puppeteer"][quote58d850a2b4="dmorris68"]I got mine in a similarly unexpected way at GameStop. I was killing time there waiting for the wife to get her hair cut next door, when she walked by the door and motioned to me that she was ready. As I was walking out the door, I just kinda half-jokingly asked when they expected more Wii's in stock. They just happened to have one left, so I asked the wife to buy it for me. She did. I love my wife. )[/quote58d850a2b4]
haha nice wifey, i want one of those wife )[/quote58d850a2b4]
30-01-2008 05:37:40
[quote5269aa7293="DRay9911"]i have a wife like that, but i also have one that won't let me do anything
they balance each other out
So, you're from Utah then? ;)
30-01-2008 06:36:17
since i've got my xbox i haven't touched my wii system... I should probably get back into mario galaxy...
30-01-2008 06:46:42
[quote8eea8b56f1="dmorris68"][quote8eea8b56f1="DRay9911"]i have a wife like that, but i also have one that won't let me do anything
they balance each other out
So, you're from Utah then? ;)[/quote8eea8b56f1]

http//meow.catsplz.com/cats/pictures/234/I-see-what-you-did-there.jpg[" alt=""/img8eea8b56f1]
unknown uchiha
15-02-2008 23:28:31
WHOO Mario Galaxy and Twilight Princess are SO FUN =]
And same goes for StarFox 64, Virtual Console reminded me why I loved that game haha.