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03-11-2007 11:50:08

My Recommendation

I've been playing [b38d8e91c9f]MindDojo[/b38d8e91c9f] by dbelement the last few days and all I can say is wow. The game is great.
They're adding more and more tests so it's just getting better and better

For those who haven't played it's basically [b38d8e91c9f]BrainTraining[/b38d8e91c9f] (like on the DS) or mindquiz on the PSP.

Any more worthy apps? Let's hear'em!


03-11-2007 13:03:56

THanks for the headsup man. I'll have to try this site soon. I go to a lot, and there's also a site that lists the top 100 voted iPhone games out there, but I can't remember the URL off my head. I'll check and put it up on here. )

[ie282860019]edit[/ie282860019] The site I talked about is Great site for iPhone games. is great too, but all of their games can be found on )