iphone update
28-09-2007 19:20:09
okay now i am trying to restore my iphone for the fifth time due to apple blocking out 3rd party apps. does anyone else have this problem
28-09-2007 19:47:23
Before I updated to 1.1.1, I unistalled all the applications I could (installed via AppTapp) and restored to the 1.0.2 firmware. I couldn't uninstall everything (including AppTapp itself), but the firmware was restored just fine and all traces of 3rd party apps were erased. THEN I updated to 1.1.1. Haven't had any problems... works perfectly.
28-09-2007 20:31:15
i've been reading all of the craziness on endgadget and gizmodo and was wondering if anyone has had issues with their phone.
28-09-2007 21:06:21
Damn, looks like they've fixed all the "flaws" lol! Anyone having problems with an unlocked iPhone after upgrading to 1.1.1 ?
28-09-2007 21:57:18
We need an Apple product-related subforum. T-t-t-tech yourself
29-09-2007 10:30:24
[quote00646a1adc="freaky1718"]okay now i am trying to restore my iphone for the fifth time due to apple blocking out 3rd party apps. does anyone else have this problem[/quote00646a1adc]
What you mean locking 3rd party apps? My friend unlocked mine a few days ago an added all this programs to it like a nes rom emulator, some audio dancing game an much more crap. What stuff did you have on yours?
29-09-2007 14:47:52
only two songs as ringertones from ibrickr and if your phone is unlocked lock it and then add 1.1.1 to your iphone
29-09-2007 15:34:45
i think the problem has to do with itunes 7.1.4 or whatever the newest itunes update with ringtones was... I have all sorts of apps on mine (over 30 that i've added) and I have no problems what so ever... shrug
29-09-2007 16:31:00
[quote52c8a168af="freaky1718"]only two songs as ringertones from ibrickr and if your phone is unlocked lock it and then add 1.1.1 to your iphone[/quote52c8a168af]
So you could make your MP3's actual ringtones?
01-10-2007 08:26:17
yeah but its a hack and it is longer working due to the update
01-10-2007 10:52:42
iTunes now has the ringtone editor as well as the iPhone has iTunes WiFi downloader
01-10-2007 13:14:27
yes but this you didnt have to wait for apple to have the songs for the ringertone and you can put the whole song fucking amy whinehouse she fucked up her life and now she fucked up my iphone
01-10-2007 15:50:01
PS. my boy who hooked up my Iphone updated his phone today an now lost everything lol, guess I won't be updating mine lol
01-10-2007 15:59:25
ohh apple is replacing my shit im getting a loaner tomorrow but um i forced boot it and come to find out that the imei number and icci number was no longer programed into the phone so i guess thats what was stopping me from updating it oh well thats their problem now
02-10-2007 07:08:25
Did the iPhone update do anything except add the iTunes gadget and change the Calculator picture?
02-10-2007 09:06:13
yes when listing to music press home button twice brings up mini player when it isnt playing music press home button twice and it will bring you to your favorites. it also added close caption and tv out go to apple store for the av cables which will start shipping out in 2 to 3 weeks if you modded your phone in anyway please restore it first before you do the update and if your phone is unlocked keep it on 1.0.2 wont work in 1.1.1
02-10-2007 09:27:02
Awesome. Didn't know about those. Thanks man. )
02-10-2007 11:26:35
and press space two times it will make a period and space you to start a new sentence ( and i wont drink the water lmfao)
02-10-2007 11:40:40
Oh nice... just tried it out. Works like a charm! Thanks for another heads up! + Karma!
02-10-2007 17:55:25
... AND, both the speaker and the ear speaker (whatever the hell you call it) are louder. It also has international keyboard support. For example, hold your finger on the "e" key for a second or two. A set of "international e's" will appear. Useless, but neat nonetheless.
(I'm typing from mine right now, by the way... I love this thing like I would my child)