Acne Scarring

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18-09-2007 16:34:19

Do you people in your 20's have scars from acne? I'm trying to figure out when some of my red marks from acne about 6 months ago will eventually fade. I don't have bad acne or anything (just moderate teenage acne), but I have a few small scars on around my chin and forehead. How long did it take to fade for you? Or did it? I had no idea that the little red dots after acne lasted this long.


18-09-2007 16:36:03

depends on how bad it is. I have a few that have not gone away yet, but for the most part they have. Although I can't say how long it took because I realy didn't keep a time log.


18-09-2007 16:38:06

I always heard if you pop your pimples you have the scarring. I never did pop, and had reasonably bad acne and it eventually went away with no scarring


18-09-2007 16:44:15

Yeah I don't pop them either. Sometimes I'll take a clean needle and pierce the top of the skin from a sideways angle and just let it push itself out overnight. Hopefully that isn't the reason that I have scarring now because it doesn't really bleed or anything.


18-09-2007 16:58:44

[quote9fd1a3c43f="J4320"]Do you people in your 20's have scars from acne? I'm trying to figure out when some of my red marks from acne about 6 months ago will eventually fade. I don't have bad acne or anything (just moderate teenage acne), but I have a few small scars on around my chin and forehead. How long did it take to fade for you? Or did it? I had no idea that the little red dots after acne lasted this long.[/quote9fd1a3c43f]

I can relate. I have scarring on my nose. Its an obvious red mark, yet moderate to no acne on my face anymore. I never popped them either. Ive needed to see a derm for years now, but have no insurance. cry

Ive searched a while back and found an acne forum. People give many good tips. Ive seen tons of methods like glycolic acid, egg mask, baking soda, and vitamin creams. I like the egg mask. If youve got a date, I suggest doing it before, it makes your skin really smoooooth. lol wink

Nothing actually worked for my red marks, except making my skin and the other moderate acne go away. I did see a derm once, got injected with some steroid, but didnt work. Didnt go back b/c of insurance and like I said, its only that one mark on the nose. lol


18-09-2007 17:07:45

[quote48dca4895e="kidd2108"][quote48dca4895e="J4320"]Do you people in your 20's have scars from acne? I'm trying to figure out when some of my red marks from acne about 6 months ago will eventually fade. I don't have bad acne or anything (just moderate teenage acne), but I have a few small scars on around my chin and forehead. How long did it take to fade for you? Or did it? I had no idea that the little red dots after acne lasted this long.[/quote48dca4895e]

Ive searched a while back and found an acne forum. People give many good tips. Ive seen tons of methods like glycolic acid, egg mask, baking soda, and vitamin creams. I like the egg mask. If youve got a date, I suggest doing it before, it makes your skin really smoooooth. lol wink

Haha, you actually made me google "egg mask". Egg masking 101

1. Get two small bowls.
2. Crack the egg into one bowl.
3. Separate the yolk and put it into the other bowl.
4. Spread the egg white around your face in circular upward motions while avoiding the eyes.
5. Wait 15-30 minutes. You want it to 'harden' on your face.
6. Wash the egg white off with warm water and pat dry.
7. Break the yolk.
8. Spread yolk around face in the same manner as the egg white.
9. Wait 15-30 minutes.
10. Wash the egg yolk off with warm water and pat dry.

Sounds difficult.


18-09-2007 17:33:16

Or just break the egg, mix it up, apply it to face with clean hands, leave it for 30 mins, take a shower.


18-09-2007 17:45:33

aww do a chemical peel


18-09-2007 17:45:44

I used to pop mine against the wishes of many people. The ones on my face didn't scar really a few but not many. I had really bad ones on my back and shoulders. Many of those however did scar. But not too badly, I've seen a lot worse


18-09-2007 17:52:42

good to see i'm not the only one who uses something on the unconventional side, my weapon of choice is an exacto knife.

i'm past the point in my life where i have an 'acne problem', but whenever i get a pimple i'll leave it alone for an extra day or night and let it form a natural white head. then i break through the skin on top with the exacto and let the pressure take care of itself. i'll use clean & clear astringent or take a shower. i also use clean & clear microbead face wash before and after shaving.

i think doing it this way is so much better than poking, squeezing, scratching with your fingers. that's how you break blood vessels in your face and end up scabbing up your face.

my sister and co-worker are constantly messing with their face, then they get bummed because they have acne, then they mess with their face, then they get bummed, then they mess with their face.....


[quote245614005b="J4320"]Yeah I don't pop them either. Sometimes I'll take a clean needle and pierce the top of the skin from a sideways angle and just let it push itself out overnight. Hopefully that isn't the reason that I have scarring now because it doesn't really bleed or anything.[/quote245614005b]


18-09-2007 17:54:18

[quote1a93b89db1="justinag06"]I always heard if you pop your pimples you have the scarring. I never did pop, and had reasonably bad acne and it eventually went away with no scarring[/quote1a93b89db1]

I'm sure this does make you more prone to scarring, but from my experience, I used to pop, squeeze, even cut with a razor and I never experienced any scarring. I turned all pimples into scabs eventually. lol Although I didn't have that terrible acne like you see on tv, I had it from around 7th grade till I was about 20. So by then I didn't care what happened, I was sick of seeing them.

I must've gone through every medicine until I found something that worked. I believe it was called Duac Topical Gel, and I used it in conjunction with pills, Minocycline might have been the name.

But anyway, I think the best thing to do is go see a doctor, and try different things until you've found one that works with your system. Retina just dried everything, differine worked for like 2 wks then I became immune to it...

there's a lot of options. Can't really give you advice on scarring J4320, but I know mederma is an OTC cream to heal scars. Not sure if it can be used on the face though.


18-09-2007 18:22:54

[quote65353c2d42="IncnRwrds"][quote65353c2d42="justinag06"]I always heard if you pop your pimples you have the scarring. I never did pop, and had reasonably bad acne and it eventually went away with no scarring[/quote65353c2d42]

I'm sure this does make you more prone to scarring, but from my experience, I used to pop, squeeze, even cut with a razor and I never experienced any scarring. I turned all pimples into scabs eventually. lol Although I didn't have that terrible acne like you see on tv, I had it from around 7th grade till I was about 20. So by then I didn't care what happened, I was sick of seeing them.

I must've gone through every medicine until I found something that worked. I believe it was called Duac Topical Gel, and I used it in conjunction with pills, Minocycline might have been the name.

But anyway, I think the best thing to do is go see a doctor, and try different things until you've found one that works with your system. Retina just dried everything, differine worked for like 2 wks then I became immune to it...

there's a lot of options. Can't really give you advice on scarring J4320, but I know mederma is an OTC cream to heal scars. Not sure if it can be used on the face though.[/quote65353c2d42]

I used to use minocycline, and it seemed to do wonders. After two weeks my face was super clear, but I also realized that I didn't have a stomach virus and it was the minocycline that made me puke everyday.


18-09-2007 20:18:19

I had horrible acne as a kidd... went on acutane twice. I still have acne.. but not bad at all... scars... yeah I have them on my back.. and little on my face... they haven't faded though but they don't bother me, it's better than have the acne.


18-09-2007 20:31:28

I just popped the biggest pimple on my forehead the white stuff hit the mirror and now im bleeding...sweet


18-09-2007 20:56:54

Yeah shooting white on the mirror is really satisfying for some reason


18-09-2007 21:19:18

[quote8c33404068="J4320"]Yeah I don't pop them either. Sometimes I'll take a clean needle and pierce the top of the skin from a sideways angle and just let it push itself out overnight. Hopefully that isn't the reason that I have scarring now because it doesn't really bleed or anything.[/quote8c33404068]

You would think that would spread more bacteria as the pus leaks out and spreads infection.

[quote8c33404068="DRay9911"]good to see i'm not the only one who uses something on the unconventional side[/quote8c33404068]

... and some just take their unconventional methods too far



18-09-2007 21:19:34

I admit that I pop mine. I don't have bad scarring, some very mild in some places. Also I don't get them nearly as much as I used to.


18-09-2007 21:26:57


[quotef6d5c58a98="DRay9911"]good to see i'm not the only one who uses something on the unconventional side[/quotef6d5c58a98]

... and some just take their unconventional methods too far


A teacher once mentioned that applying urine will work with acne and NO, Ive never tried that. My acne is not severe, just the red mark that stands out. It looks like a pimple that never goes away. cry

The same teacher said applying steamed towels and then putting your face in the snow will clean out your pores. shrug He did say you might get a cold as well.


18-09-2007 21:29:01

[quote1a79a466ce="DRay9911"]good to see i'm not the only one who uses something on the unconventional side[/quote1a79a466ce]

... and some just take their unconventional methods too far


Yeah thats taking it way too far. What are you supposed to piss on a towel and wash with it? no thanks


18-09-2007 23:45:57

[quote8d4242b23c="DRay9911"]good to see i'm not the only one who uses something on the unconventional side[/quote8d4242b23c]

... and some just take their unconventional methods too far


Yeah thats taking it way too far. What are you supposed to piss on a towel and wash with it? no thanks[/quote8d4242b23c]


I've also heard people saying that sperm helps too. Apparently the protein helps your skin or something.

I just wash my face with that oxy salicylic acid face wash then I spot treat with 10% benzoyl peroxide. It works pretty good but it doesn't stop the scars.

[quote8d4242b23c="h3x"][quote8d4242b23c="J4320"]Yeah I don't pop them either. Sometimes I'll take a clean needle and pierce the top of the skin from a sideways angle and just let it push itself out overnight. Hopefully that isn't the reason that I have scarring now because it doesn't really bleed or anything.[/quote8d4242b23c]

[b8d4242b23c]You would think that would spread more bacteria as the pus leaks out and spreads infection.[/b8d4242b23c]

[quote8d4242b23c="DRay9911"]good to see i'm not the only one who uses something on the unconventional side[/quote8d4242b23c]

... and some just take their unconventional methods too far


I don't want to walk around with a whitehead on my face though. It's the best thing I can do. oops

Maybe I should just leave them alone but I swear, who walks around with whiteheads?

sandra habina

19-09-2007 01:00:23

Try using some aloe vera for the scarring. Buy a small plant and you cut off a branch/stem and squeeze the plant and a gel comes out. Use that. Or like mentioned before there are some creams for scars over the counter. Good luck.


19-09-2007 07:42:00

I had real bad acne in high school and right after and some drunk older guy told me to "piss on [my] face". I walked away and looked at him odd thinking he was just drunk, I didn't think it was actually a therapy.

I have some scarring but it's started fading and it isn't all that bad. Clearasil has an anti-scarring system that I saw at the store, didn't try it though so I can't give a testimonial.


19-09-2007 07:50:26

[quote482f1f773d="JayKanish"]I had real bad acne in high school and right after and some drunk older guy told me to "piss on [my] face". I walked away and looked at him odd thinking he was just drunk, I didn't think it was actually a therapy.

I have some scarring but it's started fading and it isn't all that bad. Clearasil has an anti-scarring system that I saw at the store, didn't try it though so I can't give a testimonial.[/quote482f1f773d]

You know you pissed on your face...


19-09-2007 07:52:02

[quoteb7c6ad4efe="manOFice"][quoteb7c6ad4efe="JayKanish"]I had real bad acne in high school and right after and some drunk older guy told me to "piss on [my] face". I walked away and looked at him odd thinking he was just drunk, I didn't think it was actually a therapy.

I have some scarring but it's started fading and it isn't all that bad. Clearasil has an anti-scarring system that I saw at the store, didn't try it though so I can't give a testimonial.[/quoteb7c6ad4efe]

You know you pissed on your face...[/quoteb7c6ad4efe]

Nah, i gave the drunk guy 5 bucks to do it...


19-09-2007 07:53:30

[quotebfd2800d22="manOFice"]I had horrible acne as a kidd... went on acutane twice. I still have acne.. but not bad at all... scars... yeah I have them on my back.. and little on my face... they haven't faded though but they don't bother me, it's better than have the acne.[/quotebfd2800d22]

Did you have any "unexpected" side effects as a result of Accutane?


19-09-2007 07:59:53

[quote081f3f9be3="KeithA"][quote081f3f9be3="manOFice"]I had horrible acne as a kidd... went on acutane twice. I still have acne.. but not bad at all... scars... yeah I have them on my back.. and little on my face... they haven't faded though but they don't bother me, it's better than have the acne.[/quote081f3f9be3]

Did you have any "unexpected" side effects as a result of Accutane?[/quote081f3f9be3]

I did it when it first came out... they told me of the possible side effects (heavy depression) etc... I never experienced any out of the normal side effects... only really really really dry skin thats it. I loved the medicine as it cleared my back and chest up, I don't have any acne on either I now only have acne on my neck near my hair and a little on my face. The medicine is amazing! I knew others at my school... that didn't have acne as bad as me but when on accutane and their skin looked amazing after, you couldn't even tell they ever had acne.

I would recommend the medicine to anyone.


19-09-2007 08:03:02

I also went on accutane. It dried my skin out really really bad too. The only other side effect I had was that at random moments in the day my face would flush for no reason whatsoever. I would be sitting in class and my face would turn beat red without reason. I didn't have any other side effects but I remember reading severe depression as well as potential "anal bleeding" shock


19-09-2007 08:51:03

Damn all of this sounds painful


19-09-2007 09:06:52

[quotea2d774c36b="JayKanish"]I also went on accutane. It dried my skin out really really bad too. The only other side effect I had was that at random moments in the day my face would flush for no reason whatsoever. I would be sitting in class and my face would turn beat red without reason. I didn't have any other side effects but I remember reading severe depression as well as potential "anal bleeding" shock[/quotea2d774c36b]



19-09-2007 09:28:07

It was the only thing that cleared up my acne too, but I had a few of the side effects. I am not sure whether I would recommend it at this point, but I am leaning towards not.


19-09-2007 09:28:57

[quote32e9c06d9b="KeithA"]It was the only thing that cleared up my acne too, but I had a few of the side effects. I am not sure whether I would recommend it at this point, but I am leaning towards not.[/quote32e9c06d9b]

Anal Bleeding huh...


19-09-2007 09:30:09

[quote17ba16d92e="manOFice"][quote17ba16d92e="KeithA"]It was the only thing that cleared up my acne too, but I had a few of the side effects. I am not sure whether I would recommend it at this point, but I am leaning towards not.[/quote17ba16d92e]

Anal Bleeding huh...[/quote17ba16d92e]



19-09-2007 10:44:52

i still have acne. but it's mostly the scars that bug me. of course i do have a habit of picking at them kinda subconsciously. i've never used jack shit for my acne because i've heard all they do is either dry out your skin or make it oily and worse. one time for a little while i used some stuff and it made my skin so dry it was peeling off.


19-09-2007 13:09:06

[quote043eddd326="KeithA"]It was the only thing that cleared up my acne too, but I had a few of the side effects. I am not sure whether I would recommend it at this point, but I am leaning towards not.[/quote043eddd326]

What kind of side effects did you get? I know that if I went to the derm they probably would not recommend accutane for me because I probably don't have enough acne, but it would be nice to be done with it acne for good (doesn't accutane pretty much do that for a few years at least?).

I'm kind of scared of taking it because I hear it can -

1. Make your joints swell
2. Cause flushing of the face which can lead to Rosacea
3. depression of course

I think I'll just tough it out for the next 2 or 3 years. I'd rather suffer with minor/moderate acne than deal with permanent side-effects (though permanent side effects are rare).

Anyway, I'll check out that Clearasil scar cream and I'll aslo check out the aloe vera. edit -

This stuff might do the trick -



19-09-2007 14:00:16

I have been thinking about trying Accutane too. I don't have real bad acne or anything just some stubborn spots that won't go away no matter what I put on them. I have tried every cream, face wash, pad etc...and nothing seems to work. I tried getting an acne/problem skin facial last week and it pretty much cleared my whole face up for about 2 days and then it came back again. I don't know what I am doing wrong, so I figure Accutane would be the best thing to try at this point, only problem is I don't have insurance. Anyone else here had some real stubborn areas and found a method that worked for you? I am open to try almost anything except of course pissing on my face lol. Also if anyone knows where I can get Accutane without a prescription that would be great too. I don't feel like paying outta my pocket to see a dermatologist AND pay for the prescription as I'm sure it will be quite expensive. Thanks for your ideas.


19-09-2007 14:24:10

[quote11d74e09db="Jeremiah1218"]I have been thinking about trying Accutane too. I don't have real bad acne or anything just some stubborn spots that won't go away no matter what I put on them. I have tried every cream, face wash, pad etc...and nothing seems to work. I tried getting an acne/problem skin facial last week and it pretty much cleared my whole face up for about 2 days and then it came back again. I don't know what I am doing wrong, so I figure Accutane would be the best thing to try at this point, only problem is I don't have insurance. Anyone else here had some real stubborn areas and found a method that worked for you? I am open to try almost anything except of course pissing on my face lol. Also if anyone knows where I can get Accutane without a prescription that would be great too. I don't feel like paying outta my pocket to see a dermatologist AND pay for the prescription as I'm sure it will be quite expensive. Thanks for your ideas.[/quote11d74e09db]

If you don't have insurance forget about it.....

If you have very mild acne.. i wouldn't go on this... I had HORRIBLE acne so I def went on it.

I believe accutane changes the like your genetics or some crap... changes how your pours work etc...


19-09-2007 22:16:53

I don't have a lot of acne.. About one big pimple a month and then several small ones every week, and I pop them too. The only place I scar is on the side of my face and my chin, but those go away after a month. I'm currently using the Clearsil Ultra face wash, and it seems to work pretty good for the price. No major drying or anything.

But I was wondering if any of you have tried Proactiv and if you thought it was worth the money? Also, have any of you tried a Zeno? It's got a 5 star customer rating on Amazon - http//[]http//


19-09-2007 22:58:05

I showed my mom the amazon link to the zeno and the reviews convinced her to get me one. My parents have had a lot of money to throw around lately so I wasn't surprised that she said yes. I'll let you know how it goes, Jordan. Right now I don't have too much active acne though.

BTW, Proactiv is no better than any other $8 face wash. I've used it before and it didn't help anymore than my Oxy facewash for men stuff. Just get that and use clearasil for the occasional zit. That's what I do.

Also, I'm kind of pissed that this Zeno thing exists because I've thought about trying to invent this exact same thing. If you kill the bacteria then you kill the pimple. I was thinking more along the lines of using radiation to kill the bacteria though (although you'd have to find some kind of way to make the radiation not harm yourself).


19-09-2007 23:22:03

I use 2.5% benzoyl peroxide in the morning

And AcneFree program at night

works great!


19-09-2007 23:35:05

I tried that Acne Free program and it worked for about a week and now its like I became immune to it.


20-09-2007 00:42:51

I'm using Proactiv at the moment, I still get acne though ( , any tips? tricks? hints?


20-09-2007 04:38:30

[quote7ea811b09e="J4320"][quote7ea811b09e="KeithA"]It was the only thing that cleared up my acne too, but I had a few of the side effects. I am not sure whether I would recommend it at this point, but I am leaning towards not.[/quote7ea811b09e]

What kind of side effects did you get? [/quote7ea811b09e]

The most pronounced one by far is dry skin. Accutane basically nukes your oil glands, so you lose the ability to produce some of the oil that naturally moisturizes your skin. My hands are perpetually dry now.


20-09-2007 08:02:35

I hated Accutane -- I went to the dermatologist for 4 months and saw no results no matter what pill, cream, or wash I was put on. Now I just wash my face 2 - 3 times a day and I have been clear for a year and a half.


20-09-2007 08:04:08

[quoteb5220d33c0="TryinToGetPaid"]I hated Accutane -- I went to the dermatologist for 4 months and saw no results no matter what pill, cream, or wash I was put on. Now I just wash my face 2 - 3 times a day and I have been clear for a year and a half.[/quoteb5220d33c0]

Agrred on the face washing

Hint - Don't touch your face with your hands.


20-09-2007 10:06:42

[quoted298e001c9="J4320"]I showed my mom the amazon link to the zeno and the reviews convinced her to get me one. My parents have had a lot of money to throw around lately so I wasn't surprised that she said yes. I'll let you know how it goes, Jordan. Right now I don't have too much active acne though.

BTW, Proactiv is no better than any other $8 face wash. I've used it before and it didn't help anymore than my Oxy facewash for men stuff. Just get that and use clearasil for the occasional zit. That's what I do.[/quoted298e001c9]

http//[]http// - Is that the stuff that your using? If not where do you get it? I want to try it out. But yeah, let me know how the Zeno thing works because I've been thinking about getting one for a while.


20-09-2007 10:16:30

[quoted5f017a254="jordan90"][quoted5f017a254="J4320"]I showed my mom the amazon link to the zeno and the reviews convinced her to get me one. My parents have had a lot of money to throw around lately so I wasn't surprised that she said yes. I'll let you know how it goes, Jordan. Right now I don't have too much active acne though.

BTW, Proactiv is no better than any other $8 face wash. I've used it before and it didn't help anymore than my Oxy facewash for men stuff. Just get that and use clearasil for the occasional zit. That's what I do.[/quoted5f017a254]

http//[]http// - Is that the stuff that your using? If not where do you get it? I want to try it out. But yeah, let me know how the Zeno thing works because I've been thinking about getting one for a while.[/quoted5f017a254]


I use "Triple Clean Blackhead Cleanser" ... It works great! Although I tried some other noxzema products and they burnt my skin!!


20-09-2007 14:50:14

i always pop that shit. i don't care.


20-09-2007 15:24:58

[quotebf85670b72="jordan90"][quotebf85670b72="J4320"]I showed my mom the amazon link to the zeno and the reviews convinced her to get me one. My parents have had a lot of money to throw around lately so I wasn't surprised that she said yes. I'll let you know how it goes, Jordan. Right now I don't have too much active acne though.

BTW, Proactiv is no better than any other $8 face wash. I've used it before and it didn't help anymore than my Oxy facewash for men stuff. Just get that and use clearasil for the occasional zit. That's what I do.[/quotebf85670b72]

http//[]http// - Is that the stuff that your using? If not where do you get it? I want to try it out. But yeah, let me know how the Zeno thing works because I've been thinking about getting one for a while.[/quotebf85670b72]

Actually I'm using this ---


When I got it, it came bundled with a 10% benzoyl peroxide cream that you spot treat with. It works pretty good but it's not going to prevent acne.

Anyway, I stopped by Target after one of my classes and picked up the Zeno. When you open up the box it feels like you're opening up an iPod box. They copied Apple. lol

I haven't used it yet because my face is pretty clear for the time being but once one comes I'll put it to the test.


20-09-2007 15:27:27

Rub on some bacon grease, then you can test her out for us


20-09-2007 15:38:43

[quote6f9e3a1476="TryinToGetPaid"]Rub on some bacon grease, then you can test her out for us[/quote6f9e3a1476]

no thx

You don't have acne anyway. ;)

About a half hour ago I had a friend over here who saw it charging in my bathroom. I was surprised he didn't ask me what it was. It looks like an MP3 player or something that says ZENO on the bottom. And when I was buying it, the cashier lady looked at it kind of strangely too. lol


20-09-2007 15:45:21

Yeah, but I do know people who do. And I have seen ads in my girlfriend's Cosmo, and looking at it I figured it did not work as well as advertised.


20-09-2007 17:18:21

Did you buy the Oxy face wash off of Amazon or at a local store? I'm wondering if Walgreens or Walmart would have it in store because it's not on either of their websites. Also how bad does it dry out your skin?


20-09-2007 17:59:08

I bought it at Target. As for it drying out my face... nope. The 10% benzoyl peroxide does though, but that's the point - it dries out the pimple so it goes away faster.


20-09-2007 18:09:33

I use Tazorac and Clindagel for my acne. Both are prescription, but they do a pretty good job. I also have BenProx (prescription face wash) for the stuff that just won't go away.


20-09-2007 20:34:51

[quotebf0e61de70="EatChex89"]i always pop that shit. i don't care.[/quotebf0e61de70]

if it's got shit in it, ie it's got a white head, you're supposed to. i've always heard that.


21-09-2007 09:30:55

I suggest getting an acne/problem skin facial if any of you have stubborn areas or just some acne you want to get rid of quickly. After they wash your face and put all this stuff on it they actually go through and pop every pimple you have and then go over it with some high frequency device that feels like little shocks on your face. I think it might be somethin kinda like that Zeno device, it kills all the bacteria that might still be in your pores that they just popped. It is kinda expensive, like $65-70 every time you get one, but if you really want your skin to get cleared up then it is definately worth it.


21-09-2007 14:11:29

Right now I think the Zeno is pretty awesome. Yesterday, I had a throbbing area where acne was about to form (probably) then I put the Zeno on and now nothing is there. I think I just prevented a zit. Bastard bacteria. It could just be the placebo effect though.


21-09-2007 15:18:28

I'm going to buy one and try it out. I read through all the reviews on Amazon and everyone loves the thing. I think the lowest review was 4 stars, and that's out of twenty reviews.

And I went to Target and looked for the Oxy face wash, but I don't think they have it at the one near me or they were sold out. They had the Oxy face wipes though. I did pick up a Clearsil Ultra Acne Solution System that I'm going to try out though.


21-09-2007 16:15:48

I heard rubbing melted hershey's chocolate bars on your skin opens your pores and the sugar in the candy helps to kill bacteria. Can anyone back this up with evidence?!


21-09-2007 16:50:32

[quote7ff84a016f="justin2610"]I heard rubbing melted hershey's chocolate bars on your skin opens your pores and the sugar in the candy helps to kill bacteria. Can anyone back this up with evidence?![/quote7ff84a016f]


I'm glad I read this thread right before I am about to have dinner.
I still get them on my forehead and I am 33.


22-09-2007 09:02:06

Hey could you please keep us updated on how the Zeno is working for the next week or two? I've had mild acne for four years and its spreading on my back and chest. Does the Zeno work on the back and chest too?

Anyway I got prescribed Accutane after 4 years of treatment but my insurance doesn't cover it if you're over 18, so I might grab one of these if it works for you.

Also, if you buy through Target (I work at target but am on leave because of college) do you still get the 30 day money back guarantee?


22-09-2007 12:46:11

[quotea458e5cfe7="hilaryfanatic09"]Hey could you please keep us updated on how the Zeno is working for the next week or two? I've had mild acne for four years and its spreading on my back and chest. Does the Zeno work on the back and chest too?

Anyway I got prescribed Accutane after 4 years of treatment but my insurance doesn't cover it if you're over 18, so I might grab one of these if it works for you.

Also, if you buy through Target (I work at target but am on leave because of college) do you still get the 30 day money back guarantee?[/quotea458e5cfe7]

Sure, I'll keep updating. So far it's incredible. There was a spot that was throbbing right between my eyes and it felt like a zit was coming on. I used the Zeno 3 times on it over the course of like 2 days and the zit never even formed. I also used it on other active acne and now they've all gone away. It's amazing.

I have minor acne on my chest but it's not severe at all so I'm saving it all for my face. You only get so many "shots" from this thing before you have to buy a new battery pack (retarded - they obviously did this to get more money; they could had it run off an outlet... hell, it even charges in an outlet). But yeah, right now I don't have any active acne at all - just some very minor red mark scarring from previous acne but that'll go away eventually.

So yeah, so far I recommend this. I'll keep updating though. As for the Target money back guarantee, I'm have no idea.


23-09-2007 12:40:40

Whats the thing about battery replacement? Because I see on the site that every so often you have to buy new tips for it but it doesnt look like they sell new batterys. Did you mean you only get so many shots before you have to buy new tips?


23-09-2007 18:46:36

Exactly. I think the tips have the batteries in them. Mine came with 60 shots.


23-09-2007 20:10:53

[quoteee7d2c0c5b="J4320"]Exactly. I think the tips have the batteries in them. Mine came with 60 shots.[/quoteee7d2c0c5b]

I was reading on their site and I think the tips have memory chips in them because it's supposed to only be effective for so many uses. And I bought one on eBay for $93... now I just want it to get here so I can try it out D


15-01-2008 00:03:05

Here is something else just like the Zeno except you don't have to keep replacing the tips so often, I think you only gotta replace it once a year or somethin http//

Its about the same price as the Zeno and looks like it works the exact same way.


15-01-2008 09:25:40

For the girls out here, My wife started using the Bare Minerals Makeup and her face got extremely clear. She never has ever had acne bad or anything, a few things here or there, but that really helped her....

just a suggestion.


15-01-2008 10:15:02

it says that zeno is for mild about for worse one, and long-lasting?


15-01-2008 10:53:00

[quote2e08a54689="condra"]it says that zeno is for mild about for worse one, and long-lasting?[/quote2e08a54689]

If you have bad acne, go to the dermatologist to get recommendations.

The only thing that worked for me was Acutane. I tried pretty much everything else before that


15-01-2008 11:12:28

Like ManOFice said, you'd probably be better off seeing a dermatologist if you have bad acne, but I'm sure the Zeno or Therma Clear would still help it to some degree if you were looking to buy one.


17-01-2008 05:54:19

Yeah, i have seen, not one, but like 10 dermatologists, probably 5 in Canada and another 5 in Romania. Nothing works...


17-01-2008 12:26:24

I definately hear where you're comin from too. During high school I had mild/moderate acne and I went to so many different dermatologists to get all different medications and I used just about every over the counter product there was and nothing worked. What I did that finally worked for me was getting a couple facials. I know they're mainly for girls but if its gonna clear up your face its well worth it. Its kinda expensive, mine were like $70 every time I went, but it cleared up a lot of my face and now I don't really have any acne anymore. Also I have heard that your diet can really affect your face too. Certain foods are known to cause some people to break out so you should look into that as well. Check out these forums here http// theres a lot of information and different things you can try out on your face. Hope it helps.


17-01-2008 12:35:16

It's also just a part of your DNA and sometimes there isn't much that can be done. Accutane works on the DNA level to prevent acne. I don't have enough acne to be prescribed it and I probably wouldn't want it anyway considering its crazy side-effects.


17-01-2008 12:39:30

[quote311f8fd4da="J4320"]It's also just a part of your DNA and sometimes there isn't much that can be done. Accutane works on the DNA level to prevent acne. I don't have enough acne to be prescribed it and I probably wouldn't want it anyway considering its crazy side-effects.[/quote311f8fd4da]

Yeah it actually like changes it or something along those lines.

Side affects are depending on the person but I and everyone else I've known on it had minimum side affects also.


18-01-2008 22:52:12

So yeah, back to the main question before this thread moves down into oblivion -----

So I know like 90% of you adults have all had some form of acne as a teenager. Do the little pink dot scars really fade into almost nothing after a long long time? I haven't had a lot of acne in a while but the pink dots seem to accumulate and it's kind of annoying. ?


19-01-2008 00:57:03

yes i have some.. and i barely get em... when i was a teenybopper i used tog et them like everyday

i have scars around my nose but its only noticeable when ure really staring at it and close to me

but keep your face oily

not so dry and not so oily... keep it balance, always put some moisturizer on ur face to keep it healthy!


25-01-2008 19:09:58

[quote0674dc3a17="J4320"]Do you people in your 20's have scars from acne? I'm trying to figure out when some of my red marks from acne about 6 months ago will eventually fade. I don't have bad acne or anything (just moderate teenage acne), but I have a few small scars on around my chin and forehead. How long did it take to fade for you? Or did it? I had no idea that the little red dots after acne lasted this long.[/quote0674dc3a17]

red marks fade mostly.
the pitting is what lasts but even though fade away over time. sunlight protection will help healing of these scars. (spf lip balm is best)


25-01-2008 19:38:17

you can get like "microdermabrasion" or something like that ... it will take away the scars


27-01-2008 12:25:11

[quoteb3b3ad19dc="justinag06"]I always heard if you pop your pimples you have the scarring. I never did pop, and had reasonably bad acne and it eventually went away with no scarring[/quoteb3b3ad19dc]

I had bad acne when i was about like .. 14 but you know what cleared it up?

SOAP and Hygiene !

just dont touch them, they will go away on their own


27-01-2008 13:13:58

[quoteac7208940b="charliebne"][quoteac7208940b="justinag06"]I always heard if you pop your pimples you have the scarring. I never did pop, and had reasonably bad acne and it eventually went away with no scarring[/quoteac7208940b]

I had bad acne when i was about like .. 14 but you know what cleared it up?

SOAP and Hygiene !

just dont touch them, they will go away on their own

For most people, yes, but a lot of people have much more extreme cases that aren't cured by simple soap and hygiene.


27-01-2008 16:22:06

Yeah I've been using acnefree too!
Its ok but you have to be consistent and use it everday, twice a day.