23-02-2005 09:08:08
That Lightsky guy was banned? As a scammer? What happened? Just curious.
Also, I'm going to take this space to VENT - I recently joined some very promising looking, non-traditional c0ngas. I mean they are really not traditional at all, enough so they interested me to join 3 or 4 ( alot for me). And I am having SO much trouble with them. The main thing is that I'm not getting referrals. But I was kicked out of the one that I got one from, for no reason... I'm in the midst of dealing with it, and maybe it will be sorted out and everything will be fine. But I just needed to vent my frustrations, somewhere. And since you peoples are cool, why not here. I'm sorry for bothering you if this has ? I don't want to name the place either because that would just cause a lot more problems in case people go to both sites. lioff to write in my LJli
23-02-2005 09:12:30
Lightsky was banned last night after it became apparent he was attempting to cheat Gratis and honest traders alike. Anyone who has traded with him, don't fret, you should be fine. As a side note he has also been banned from my forums. Stroid can fill you in on the details if he feels it necessary to do so.
23-02-2005 09:16:03
Ok, I don't really care about the details, I was just curious. Thanks.
23-02-2005 09:24:01
you should join the congas on a site i'm running... it used to be big but then the owner had family issues and left and the place became 'run down'. but i'm taking it back up now and advertising and whatnot and there's only 1 person on each conga... (some don't have any)
23-02-2005 09:55:48
EatChex, I'm curious, but probably won't sign up, PM me the link.
23-02-2005 19:36:10
I thought you weren't supposed to advertise your site or for your own c0nga
23-02-2005 19:41:31
MmmM penis i mean penis, damn this word filter, cong@
23-02-2005 19:41:36
[quote361c7ba255="doylnea"]I thought you weren't supposed to advertise your site or for your own c0nga[/quote361c7ba255]
You not suppose to
23-02-2005 21:11:32
[quote8d91953c5d="doylnea"]I thought you weren't supposed to advertise your site or for your own c0nga[/quote8d91953c5d]
Have you had anything positive to say in the last.....ever?
24-02-2005 06:03:59
[quote523e96dd49="FreeOffersNow"][quote523e96dd49="doylnea"]I thought you weren't supposed to advertise your site or for your own c0nga[/quote523e96dd49]
Have you had anything positive to say in the last.....ever?[/quote523e96dd49]
Yes, I've contributed to many threads, however, I also follow the rules and don't blatantly shirk them. I also don't mock other users and then make the same mistake that I'm mocking them for.
More to the point, I know my shit stinks, apparently you haven't figured out that yours stinks too.
24-02-2005 08:02:11
hahaha i was wondering where all these PMs were coming from, i guess it's my short term memory haha... okay well i'll PM all you guys...