Home Depot Scam -- WATCH OUT!!!!

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=68920


01-09-2007 13:15:31

Just a heads up for you and any of your friends who may be regular Home Depot customers.

Over the last month I became a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. Simply going out to get junk for the house has turned out to be quite traumatic.

Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you.

Here's how the scam works

Two seriously good-looking 18 or 19-year-old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping items into the trunk. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. It is impossible not to look.

When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say 'No' and instead ask you for a ride to another Home Depot. You agree and they get in the back seat. On the way, they start having sex with each other. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and performs oral sex on you, while the other one steals your wallet.

I had my wallet stolen August 4th , 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, three times just yesterday, and very likely again this upcoming weekend just as soon as I can buy some more wallets.

With the long Labor Day weekend coming up, I'm sure these scam artists will be HARD at work.


01-09-2007 13:18:39

Shit. Thanks for the heads up. I'm going right now to stock up on wallets.


01-09-2007 13:18:41

lol lol


01-09-2007 13:19:06

It's a shame that I have to go to Home Depot Monday. I hope I don't get scammed.


01-09-2007 13:21:55

Haha, wtf?


01-09-2007 13:39:36

[quotea359783e6a="nobody2000"]Shit. Thanks for the heads up. I'm going right now to stock up on wallets.[/quotea359783e6a]



01-09-2007 13:47:16

I thought you were serious up until paragraph six. I knew you wouldn't let them have sex on your nice upholstery.


01-09-2007 13:58:03

Do they have wallets on Dollar Store?


01-09-2007 14:02:42

So you saw them have sex 6 times?


01-09-2007 14:04:38

That's a crying shame. That upsets me to hear about that. Make sure you file a complaint with the BBB.

On an unrelated note, I'll be visiting Home Depot today to grab some odds 'n ends.


01-09-2007 14:08:20

I'm so on my way there


01-09-2007 14:24:13

Talk about home depot...

there is a Home Depot and Lowes in here right next to each other...

They even share the next parking lot, and I'm not talking about Home depot then a mile later lowes...

Im talking about Home Depot and Lowes facing each other, sharing the same parking lot, and Plaza...... what you guys think about that


01-09-2007 14:32:01


I just got back from home depot and i think i got scammed. I was putting my stuff in the car when an Irishmen by the name of Frank and his nerdy friend Dee Morris came up to me and asked if they could have a ride to another Home Depot.. Naturally being the Catholic I am, said no but they insisted and I gave in. During the ride, one of them stuck something in my ear and while the other performed oral sex on me. I didn't know what to do and after 35 minutes of persistent pleasure, I dropped them off. The scam was that they never even offered to pay for gas. So be warned.


01-09-2007 15:39:37

[quote18dbcca874="zr2152"]So you saw them have sex 6 times?[/quote18dbcca874]

Just next Home Depot visit stock up on Duct Tape and make them yourself


01-09-2007 15:50:16


I just got back from home depot and i think i got scammed. I was putting my stuff in the car when an Irishmen by the name of Frank and his nerdy friend Dee Morris came up to me and asked if they could have a ride to another Home Depot.. Naturally being the Catholic I am, said no but they insisted and I gave in. During the ride, one of them stuck something in my ear and while the other performed oral sex on me. I didn't know what to do and after 35 minutes of persistent pleasure, I dropped them off. The scam was that they never even offered to pay for gas. So be warned.[/quote0c1419cad4]

haha, that's great!!!


01-09-2007 16:40:44

hahahahahahaha!!! lol lol lol lol dmorris, you had me going...for the first couple of paragraphs! Nicely done!


01-09-2007 16:53:10


I just got back from home depot and i think i got scammed. I was putting my stuff in the car when an Irishmen by the name of Frank and his nerdy friend Dee Morris came up to me and asked if they could have a ride to another Home Depot.. Naturally being the Catholic I am, said no but they insisted and I gave in. During the ride, one of them stuck something in my ear and while the other performed oral sex on me. I didn't know what to do and after 35 minutes of persistent pleasure, I dropped them off. The scam was that they never even offered to pay for gas. So be warned.[/quote12b7d2c050]
It was all a clever ploy. While Frank was distracting you by performing oral sex on you, I was entertaining the 18-19 year old girls who walked up right behind us.


01-09-2007 17:07:44

I was there for over an hour today... no one scammed me. (


01-09-2007 17:28:51

I'm on my way to Home Depot right now...


01-09-2007 21:55:34

wheres the scam in that? They work hard for that wallet...


01-09-2007 22:06:22

This is lame. I've been loitering around the home depot parking lot for hours keeping an eye open for these chicks. No luck =[.


01-09-2007 22:30:02

[quote41dc1a7318="KnightTrader"]This is lame. I've been loitering around the home depot parking lot for hours keeping an eye open for these chicks. No luck =[.[/quote41dc1a7318]
Just stand in the parking lot, take out your wallet, and count your money, that'll work D


01-09-2007 23:08:11


I just got back from home depot and i think i got scammed. I was putting my stuff in the car when an Irishmen by the name of Frank and his nerdy friend Dee Morris came up to me and asked if they could have a ride to another Home Depot.. Naturally being the Catholic I am, said no but they insisted and I gave in. During the ride, one of them stuck something in my ear and while the other performed oral sex on me. I didn't know what to do and after 35 minutes of persistent pleasure, I dropped them off. The scam was that they never even offered to pay for gas. So be warned.[/quote72d51bce20]
It was all a clever ploy. While Frank was distracting you by performing oral sex on you, I was entertaining the 18-19 year old girls who walked up right behind us.[/quote72d51bce20]

Hey Jams, it's only a scam if someone took advantage of you. You were a willing participant and David just likes to watch.


02-09-2007 15:36:12

It's only a scam if they don't swallow shrug


02-09-2007 15:39:06

[quote662104d3d6="Sweeney2066"]It's only a scam if they don't swallow shrug[/quote662104d3d6]

And there goes the joke...


02-09-2007 15:43:12

[quotee18653dab9="Veek"][quotee18653dab9="Sweeney2066"]It's only a scam if they don't swallow shrug[/quotee18653dab9]

And there goes the joke...[/quotee18653dab9]


02-09-2007 19:51:15

[quote067e663142="Veek"][quote067e663142="Sweeney2066"]It's only a scam if they don't swallow shrug[/quote067e663142]

And there goes the joke...[/quote067e663142]

It's not his fault, Veek, he's just excited about being on teh interwebs.


04-09-2007 18:05:16

For sale wallets, $15 each. Many styles available. Some contents included. Will consider trades for condoms or chapstick.


04-09-2007 19:30:34

lol. i got scammed by them.


04-09-2007 19:47:59

No, you didn't. You got that confused with the Lowe's scam. Same thing, but guys instead.


05-09-2007 03:12:37

Are you sure? If I remember correctly, I was driving past you and you were stopped at Lowe's. I could have sworn I saw six guys helping you put something in your car and you letting them in.


05-09-2007 03:44:39

[quote642c003a9e="TFOAF"]lol. i got scammed by them.[/quote642c003a9e]

[quote642c003a9e="tylerc"]No, you didn't. You got that confused with the Lowe's scam. Same thing, but guys instead.[/quote642c003a9e]

[quote642c003a9e="TFOAF"]Are you sure? If I remember correctly, I was driving past you and you were stopped at Lowe's. I could have sworn I saw six guys helping you put something in your car and you letting them in.[/quote642c003a9e]

Settle down you two, its beginning to feel like high school all over again.


05-09-2007 05:14:30

when did it ever not feel like high school all over again


05-09-2007 05:21:53

No, YOU'RE gay!


05-09-2007 05:22:43

[quotef1b62fe2c6="ilanbg"]No, YOU'RE gay![/quotef1b62fe2c6]
I know you are, but what am I??!!!

sandra habina

05-09-2007 05:55:21

OMG - TOOOOO FUNNY !!!!!!! David


05-09-2007 06:18:13

[quotef42d363599="h3x"][quotef42d363599="TFOAF"]lol. i got scammed by them.[/quotef42d363599]

[quotef42d363599="tylerc"]No, you didn't. You got that confused with the Lowe's scam. Same thing, but guys instead.[/quotef42d363599]

[quotef42d363599="TFOAF"]Are you sure? If I remember correctly, I was driving past you and you were stopped at Lowe's. I could have sworn I saw six guys helping you put something in your car and you letting them in.[/quotef42d363599]

Settle down you two, its beginning to feel like high school all over again.[/quotef42d363599]

I was just trying to make a joke shrug


05-09-2007 06:23:45

LOL I found it kinda funny


05-09-2007 10:12:07

Lol! Hope nobody minds me forwarding the story at work!


05-09-2007 11:13:49

your logo is outdated bud https//www.paypal.com/newlogobuttons


05-09-2007 14:34:52

Where's his logo?


09-09-2007 10:20:18

hahaha almost worth losing the wallet aint it