WWW link on FreeiPodGuide.com

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=6715


19-02-2005 22:11:38

Within each members profile is an option for a link to their website. I have a website, not a direct link to my referral, but a site that has both mine and others referral links on it. The site also contains a forum, information about the offer and a conga list. Am I as a member allowed to put that in my profile? Admins please let me know.



20-02-2005 06:46:09

Considering that your site is already linked with the "www" button, asking this question is quite pointless. Do realize, however, that quite a few members on this forum use Firefox, and Firefox is not a huge fan of .tkurl==http://=http:///url websites.

I am unsure if it is against the rules, ask stroid.


20-02-2005 10:26:32

Yes it is against the rules cause when i click on your site it goes directly to the front page with tons of links. I went ahead and deleted the site from your profile. Thanks for asking most people dont ask and end up bant