Should I Go To The UrgentCare doctor?

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19-07-2007 19:11:14

Okay so today I decided to toke up. Well after I did so I hung around and hours later my throat hurts like hell. Thing is, I have had a couple of fevers over the past two nights and my throat hurt originally. I thought it was just a sore throat but when I look with a flashlight it a be a little red throat. After I had my fun and now typing at the computer it appears I may have strep throat. I don;t think with any relation to the weed but I am almost positive I do. Thing is, my glands are a little redder than normal which I think is from smoking and seeing as I am under 18 this is a biggy question. When a doctor diagnoses strep throat will she also see if I smoked today. Please no flaming, I understand people's takes on illegal things, and i dont care as of now. If anyone could advise me towards the best solution as to what to do. Thanls


19-07-2007 19:15:34

Did you share it? Could be Mono. Is there white spots on your tonsils? If so, that sounds like strep, and you MUST treat that. Untreated, it can affect the heart.


19-07-2007 19:18:59

Yeah, who did you toke with?


19-07-2007 19:19:26

Yes I am positive it is strep, thing is as stupid as I sound, do I dare risk it with my parents? will the doctor see that I have smoked today?

TTGP - my friends


19-07-2007 19:22:49

Whatever you do, get it treated. They'll probably give you Erythromycin.


19-07-2007 19:24:18

I;ve had strep throat plenty of times in my lifetime so its not like im afraid of whats going happen. i just know they check out your throat and gag you with a cotton stick, just want to know if she can tell if my throat has been affected by smoking


19-07-2007 19:26:49

I doubt it she could tell --- I am not 100% sure though.


19-07-2007 19:27:56

im drinking some cold water before i make my decision


19-07-2007 19:28:44

drink some fluids, and if it still is really bad in the morning go to the doctor.


19-07-2007 19:34:05

Again, if you think it's strep, there's no question about going to the doc.


[quoteccbe7ac864][bccbe7ac864]Lack of Treatment[/bccbe7ac864]

The symptoms of strep throat usually improve even without treatment in five days, but the patient is contagious for several weeks. Lack of treatment or incomplete treatment of strep throat can lead to various complications. Some of them may pose serious health risks.

[bccbe7ac864]Infectious complications[/bccbe7ac864]

li The active infection may occur in the throat, skin, and in blood.
li Skin and soft tissues may become infected, resulting in redness, pain, and swelling. Skin and deep tissues may also become necrotic (rare).
li Scarlet fever is caused by toxins released by the bacteria.
li Rarely, some strains may cause a severe illness in which blood pressure is reduced and lung injury and kidney failure may occur (toxic shock syndrome).

[bccbe7ac864]Noninfective complications[/bccbe7ac864]

li During the infection, antibodies (disease–fighting chemicals) are produced. Rare complication can result after the organism is cleared, when these antibodies cause disease in body organs.
li Rheumatic fever is a heart disease in which the inflammation of heart muscle and scarring of heart valves can occur.
li Glomerulonephritis is a kidney disease in which the injury may lead to kidney failure.[/quoteccbe7ac864]


19-07-2007 19:38:30

You could tell the doctor you were smoking crack and she couldn't do anything about it. In fact - there could be a Sheriff standing right there and he wouldn't be able to touch you. They can't tell your parents either. HIPPA laws protect your medical privacy - and anything you tell your doctor is considered private medical information.

Go see the doctor.


19-07-2007 19:42:15

He is a minor, HIPPA does not apply. They could tell his parents anything since he is under their care.

Or atleast that is what I remember for the HIPPA video I had to watch for work.

EDIT "State laws where you live will determine how much of your child's PHI you can get through HIPAA. In many states, minors can consent to treatment and testing for STDs and alcohol and drug treatment, so parents might not be able to access these records."


19-07-2007 19:44:57

Nope. He can request to see the doc alone and if he tells her she can't tell his parents, she can't tell his parents. Been there, done that.

(Of course it's aggravating from a parent's perspective - but oh well...)

EDIT I guess I'll add my own edit - [ic9aa18ec23]technically[/ic9aa18ec23], the doctor [ic9aa18ec23]can [/ic9aa18ec23]tell whoever whatever - but it would be a definite violation.


19-07-2007 19:49:21

Either way - he should go to the doctor if he has strep.

I've used an herbal cure for strep twice with better success than penicillin, but it requires brewing a tea of spices including garlic which would definitely alert his parents that something was odd.



19-07-2007 19:56:45

I'd imagine any herbal treatment would relieve symptoms, at best. The bacteria would still be at work doing the damage.


19-07-2007 20:19:28

Well to my luck urgentcare was closed early for something today (I didn't know they did stuff like that). guess im going tomorrow for sure. thanks for the info i will certainly use better judgement next time.


19-07-2007 22:21:22

I dunno about IL, but doctors here in CA wont disclose any of your private info, even to your parents.

EDIT Even if they are allowed, do you really think that if u told ur doc that u smoked weed he would tattle to your parents? What good would that do him/her?


19-07-2007 22:33:24

There is a chance you might have smoked tainted cannabis


Now, the article is 5 months old and only reported in the U.K., but its still possible. If you have any of the cannabis left over, try rubbing it on a jewel case (front CD case cover), and if it scratches the surface, then you have herb tainted with glass and/or sand.

Regardless, you need to go to a doctor and have it checked out.


19-07-2007 22:56:49

i confirmed with my mother it is strep. i guess im going to urgent care.

h3x - its some pretty high quality stuff although i'll try your method of testing it. like i said, this wasn't brought upon by the smoking, it jus so happens i smoked while i ignored the pain that had been there


19-07-2007 23:01:17



19-07-2007 23:13:54

[quote6864448727="h3x"]There is a chance you might have smoked tainted cannabis


Now, the article is 5 months old and only reported in the U.K., but its still possible. If you have any of the cannabis left over, try rubbing it on a jewel case (front CD case cover), and if it scratches the surface, then you have herb tainted with glass and/or sand.

Regardless, you need to go to a doctor and have it checked out.[/quote6864448727]

Jesus Christ h3x... it's scary the things you know..

sandra habina

21-07-2007 02:27:23

So - how are you today? What did the doctor say? Hope you are feeling better.


21-07-2007 08:49:52

Dude you can tell the doctor whatever you want and they can't say anything to your parents, police, anyone. Doctor-patient confidentiality is what allows you to do so. Last year I was getting a physical done, and she asked if I drink or do drugs. I said that I drink socially every now and then, and I do smoke pot. We got into a long talk about smoking and she is against it but she said that you live your own life and you can make your own decisions, I just want you to be aware of the dangers involved, etc.. She was pretty cool about it.

But don't worry about a thing, there is no way you can tell you've been smoking the reefer just by looking at your throat.


21-07-2007 10:32:05

[quote9e88b5f960="Tholek"]I'd imagine any herbal treatment would relieve symptoms, at best. The bacteria would still be at work doing the damage.[/quote9e88b5f960]
i'm not trying to start a debate here, and to be clear, i regularly use both western and eastern medicine. that said, in my experience, it's often the opposite herbal remedies go after the root cause without much thought for the symptoms, and western medicine treats the symptoms. the obvious exception (which applies in this case) is antibiotics.

my mom's asthma was cured by an acupuncturist. i can't explain it, but she had asthma, went to see him and took some herbal stuff, and a month or two later she was just straight up cured and she doesn't have it anymore.

my understanding is that except for some stupid copycats, this stuff never made it to the good ol' USA


21-07-2007 13:19:32

[quotee9e8673830="Admin"]my understanding is that except for some stupid copycats, this stuff never made it to the good ol' USA[/quotee9e8673830]

Right. Which is why I said the chances are slim (happened 5 months ago, isolated in the UK) but there is still a possibility nonetheless.


21-07-2007 19:55:37

weed seems to be fine. anywho, my mom some how got a prescription for me without even having me come in - (is that even possible). so im good, guess i didnt have to confront any possible situations after all.


21-07-2007 20:01:13

Its possible if she registers to be your caregiver.

But you shouldn't be using a medical marijuana license if you're not seriously ill.


21-07-2007 20:23:18

Who said it was medicinal?


21-07-2007 20:28:52

[quotefe5f9140b3="Jams44"]weed seems to be fine. anywho, [bfe5f9140b3]my mom some how got a prescription for me without even having me come in [/bfe5f9140b3]- (is that even possible). so im good, guess i didnt have to confront any possible situations after all.[/quotefe5f9140b3]

I think he meant a prescription for antibiotics from the doctor, not marijuana...


21-07-2007 20:29:55

Oh well she did the antibiotics all legit. I guess you dont have to come in for that stuff


21-07-2007 21:16:50

My mistake, I thought you were implying medical marijuana.


21-07-2007 22:00:57

[quoted74e3e6973="Jams44"]weed seems to be fine. anywho, my mom some how got a prescription for me without even having me come in - (is that even possible). so im good, guess i didnt have to confront any possible situations after all.[/quoted74e3e6973]
doctors would have terrible lives if they had to see a patient every time they prescribed something


22-07-2007 08:17:29

I got strep throat at Affiliate Summit in Miami, it seems to be going around, sadly I also got conjunctivitis from it too, I'm on my last days of Azythromicin and my drops for my eyes. I have to get more than the regular amount of antibiotics because I'm asthmatic (14 days). At first they gave me a Cipro based drug, Avelox and it didn't help at all, in fact it got worse and the eyedrops didn't either (I gave it to the other eye). Sttrep throat is UGLY when you look at it so I had to go back to Patient First for diff meds (reg doctor was on vacation). I hope you feel better, I do but I hate being sick...


22-07-2007 08:25:00

During my senior year in high school, there was a kid who had strep and it was untreated, and he had a heart attack. Thankfully he survived.


22-07-2007 09:29:50

[quoteaa19a2cc53="TFOAF"]During my senior year in high school, there was a kid who had strep and it was untreated, and he had a heart attack. Thankfully he survived.[/quoteaa19a2cc53]

Strep untreated can lead to all sorts of bad things, like Rheumatic Fever (


22-07-2007 09:37:59

Dude, just go get medicine for your strep throat they won't be able to tell you smoked in their strep test


22-07-2007 09:48:49

[quote92a42dde70="egyptianruin"][quote92a42dde70="TFOAF"]During my senior year in high school, there was a kid who had strep and it was untreated, and he had a heart attack. Thankfully he survived.[/quote92a42dde70]

Strep untreated can lead to all sorts of bad things, like Rheumatic Fever ([/quote92a42dde70]

Yes. I'm glad FOAF's classmate survived, but a heart attack causes permanent damage that will surely affect his lifespan. Strep can be pretty serious. More than Flu, and that can kill too.


22-07-2007 15:00:02

[quotea4a61b311f="manOFice"]Dude, just go get medicine for your strep throat they won't be able to tell you smoked in their strep test[/quotea4a61b311f]
You can't just go get medication for that. You have to go to the doctor, and he/she has to prescribe you antibiotics for it.


22-07-2007 15:58:01

he already got medicine, and he didn't go to the doctor.


22-07-2007 16:15:59 it an antibiotic? How the hell did he get it without seeing a doctor?


22-07-2007 16:22:11

the doctor called the pharmacy.


22-07-2007 16:28:16

I see. Well, I hope you get better Jams. D


22-07-2007 16:52:45

Just keep taking those antibiotics, drink plenty of pure water and get some rest.

... and stay away from the smoke ;)


22-07-2007 18:59:10

[quoted86f702618="TFOAF"] it an antibiotic? How the hell did he get it without seeing a doctor?[/quoted86f702618]
I always call my doctor and they call something in for me. I know when I have a sinus infection what I need so I call and tell them and since I get them once a month they don't require me to see them.


22-07-2007 19:26:55

[quote18ea0f633d="Jams44"]Okay so today I decided to toke up. Well after I did so I hung around and hours later my throat hurts like hell. Thing is, I have had a couple of fevers over the past two nights and my throat hurt originally. I thought it was just a sore throat but when I look with a flashlight it a be a little red throat. After I had my fun and now typing at the computer it appears I may have strep throat. I don;t think with any relation to the weed but I am almost positive I do. Thing is, my glands are a little redder than normal which I think is from smoking and seeing as I am under 18 this is a biggy question. When a doctor diagnoses strep throat will she also see if I smoked today. Please no flaming, I understand people's takes on illegal things, and i dont care as of now. If anyone could advise me towards the best solution as to what to do. Thanls[/quote18ea0f633d]

1. if you have strep, u have 7 days to be treated before you have to worry about any sequelae from not being treated
2. doctors could care less if you smoked if it has nothing to do with your problem. well, it is not right. doctors care and will advise you but it will bring you no problems