This works the same as many gratis offers already out there (you complete 2 offers refer 5 friends to do the same and they send you your free ipod mini.
The offers are all basically free like applying for a credit card or trying out a dvd rental service.
The site is owned by Submission Technology thee same company who owns Greasy-Palms and has already given away over 1 million pounds through their website so this is defiantly a legitimate scheme.
19-02-2005 09:22:27
why would someone do this when they could do freeipods.com?
freeipods.com isn't open to the UK
19-02-2005 10:08:56
[quote2efb14d876="Keva"]freeipods.com isn't open to the UK[/quote2efb14d876]
exactly... this is for UK people only... as it said towards the bottom of the page
anyone know any other free stuff that can be shipped to the uk? i herd ElectroGift.com is open to the UK but is it legit?
Ive updated my sig to show which offers are availible to the uk if anyone knows od another please post it in this thread
20-02-2005 08:09:15
[quote25dffebecb="Keva"]This works the same as many gratis offers already out there (you complete 2 offers refer 5 friends to do the same and they send you your free ipod mini.[/quote25dffebecb]
Gratis sites only require that members complete 1 offer themselves.
yea i know thats why i said [i15a2232a17]like[/i15a2232a17]
Im sure gratis will start shipping internationally soon if they dont thell be a huge gap in the market for somone else to cover
No no no, its not about shipping. Its that the offers wouldn't work. You can't sign up for blockbuster online, for example. Also, once the nigerians get a hold if it the whole site would fall apart.
20-02-2005 11:17:28
Electrogift — nobody knows whether they are legit or not. There's one person on GearLive forums that says she got her flatscreen or something... but everyone thinks she owns Electrogift because that's ALL she talks about. They recently put porn offers up I think too. roll
yea well if their not legit its no skin off my back as im not really paying attention to them im focusing on freeipodsuk im detirmined to find other uk free sites tho
just got off live support for electrogift and they said their adding UK only offers in a few days or tomorrow YEY