Things that just blow your mind!!!
13-07-2007 21:44:21

http/" alt=""/"297/1415/counterandclockwisewtfaa9.gif[" alt=""/img4be7bf2137]
I'll see if any of you can figure out why. wink
EDIT To imagine her turning the opposite way that you see her turning it helps to cover up everything but her shadow and try VERY hard to imagine the shadow turning the other way. Then cover everything but her feet and imagine it. It'll take concentration but it's amazing.
13-07-2007 21:49:44
It's an optical illusion, but I can't quite figure out how it works. I moved my eyes in different directions and she "moved" in both directions, lol. That is pretty cool though.
13-07-2007 21:54:37
I saw it go both ways but I also can't figure it out. Also if you cover everything but the shadow, the shadow moves faster
13-07-2007 21:59:15
I got it, focus on the shadow, then in your mind, see her go the other way, then look up. Nice one!
13-07-2007 21:59:34
Hmm, all seems clockwise to me. Covered, or not.
[quote93d0bf000f="Tholek"]Hmm, all seems clockwise to me. Covered, or not.[/quote93d0bf000f]
Same here... Does this mean I am stupid?
13-07-2007 22:03:28
13-07-2007 22:03:35
Nice nipples. It must be cold in there.
13-07-2007 22:05:45
It's kind of like a cube with all the lines on top of eachother, and blinking makes one face switch with the other.
13-07-2007 22:06:19
I saw this on Digg last week or the week before.
It worked for me, but what I thought was cool was actually seeing it change as opposed to some where you look, look away and then look back at it.
Tight as tits in a blender.
13-07-2007 22:07:48
[quote8aa6569f8a="bruman"]It's not an optical illusion.. it's just an animated gif that goes both ways.[/quote8aa6569f8a]
I thought that too but when I saved a copy of it and opened it up in ImageReady it only has 34 frames which in this case is only one rotation and it still the same way.
13-07-2007 22:08:37
That's pretty cool, thanks for sharing! )
13-07-2007 22:08:47
[quote25770744c4="hitnaui"][quote25770744c4="bruman"]It's not an optical illusion.. it's just an animated gif that goes both ways.[/quote25770744c4]
I thought that too but when I saved a copy of it and opened it up in ImageReady it tonly has 34 frames which in this case is only one rotation and it still the same way.[/quote25770744c4]
Yeah, I changed my mind after I had my nephew look at it and we both saw it changed at different times. Really crazy.. probably the craziest optical illusion i've ever seen
13-07-2007 22:13:21
[quote3288513784="hitnaui"][quote3288513784="bruman"]It's not an optical illusion.. it's just an animated gif that goes both ways.[/quote3288513784]
I thought that too but when I saved a copy of it and opened it up in ImageReady it only has 34 frames which in this case is only one rotation and it still the same way.[/quote3288513784]
That was a good idea though, but it's not that. Sometimes I could make her spin only one revolution, then go back the other way- sometimes multiples.
13-07-2007 22:13:28
It works if you stare at her tits too.
Oh baby. Oh baby. 8)
13-07-2007 22:14:40
Everything works then. My life, job, family...
13-07-2007 22:14:57
[quotecee48d232e="gambit00x"]I got it, focus on the shadow, then in your mind, see her go the other way, then look up. Nice one![/quotecee48d232e]
Lol the illusion actually works almost exactly like gambit00x's avatar(that you can imagine the back corner as being in front or back) wink
13-07-2007 22:17:06
Right, but this is another level because it involves motion. You could go crazy trying to figure it out.
13-07-2007 22:22:30
are you guys sure bruman isn't right?
edit nevermind, it's switching at weird intervals for me too ? I'm so confused.
13-07-2007 22:36:40
edit I think JennyWren's got it (below).
13-07-2007 22:50:57
i tried and tried but can't see it the other way...
14-07-2007 00:26:55
I don't get why it's confusing people. It works because it is a silhouette. You can't tell what is in front or behind (no parallax). Because there isn't perspective, either (ie whatever is farther away looking smaller) you don't get a sense of depth perception. Thus, you cannot tell which way it is turning.
14-07-2007 05:22:45
Haha. Crayazy. I got myself to see it going counter-clockwise, but then it stayed that way until I went down the page reading the posts, then went back up and I saw it go clockwise again.
14-07-2007 09:54:35
i think the images refresh itself...... its not optical illusion
i dont know but tahts what i see (
14-07-2007 10:12:32
Yeah, I just watched it -- it does switch back and forth....roffles.
14-07-2007 23:49:28
What happened o the illusion with the guys switching heads and shit?
15-07-2007 01:52:50
Wtf i can't get it to go counter clockwise =( MAKE IT WORK! Tried for 10 mins!
15-07-2007 02:08:11
I'll admit, the first time I loaded the image, I think for a split second the actual image, not a perception, animated in the opposite direction. When it fully loaded, as now, it only appears to rotate clockwise.
EDIT Same in IE7, Opera and Safari. Looks clockwise to me in all.
15-07-2007 08:44:13
I got it to work. Stare at her legs, And you'll see it go counter clock wise. Btw you closed the rick rolled thread =(.
15-07-2007 08:59:43
[quote0866d701de="JennyWren"]I don't get why it's confusing people. It works because it is a silhouette. You can't tell what is in front or behind (no parallax). Because there isn't perspective, either (ie whatever is farther away looking smaller) you don't get a sense of depth perception. Thus, you cannot tell which way it is turning.[/quote0866d701de]
That's exactly why it works! Think of her leg as a pendulum, and since it's a silhouette you can mentally determine which leg you want to be in front or back, which is why she can be seen as turning either clockwise or counterclockwise wink
15-07-2007 09:04:56
I did what to who now?
Still looks clockwise to me. I wonder if I said she looked like the Virgin Mary if any would agree. It only takes one to start the ball rolling. ;)
15-07-2007 17:48:24
I'm not seeing this either...I just see it going one's just hurting my head now...
15-07-2007 17:50:37
[quote676993b37d="Tholek"]I did what to who now?
Still looks clockwise to me. I wonder if I said she looked like the Virgin Mary if any would agree. It only takes one to start the ball rolling. ;)[/quote676993b37d]
if it only looks clockwise focus on her shadow, appearing from the right and moving counterclockwise. that always makes me think its counterclockwise.
15-07-2007 18:07:10
One time there were these twin brothers in my town who went into a forest. Rumor has it a witch attacked them and switched their heads. Later she switched their bodies, to this day nobody can tell the difference but I know.
16-07-2007 04:22:48
Yay I did it =)
I even made it get stuck in the back going back and forth...
You just concentrate on the stationary foot.
16-07-2007 07:46:23
i can only see clockwise.
i'm dumb.
16-07-2007 12:17:43
Concentrate on the foot...and swirl your eyes around a little, then look up.
16-07-2007 20:02:10
Even if I cross my eyes it looks clockwise. I assume that people are looking at the extended foot in silhouette as if it's moving from right to left since that's all that you can see, but I still can see that it's also moving clockwise. It's not enough to "fool" me. Even if I had never seen the entirety of the image, the reverse shadow doesn't appear to rotate in the opposite direction.
The image of the men split and rejoined is a far better optical illusion.
16-07-2007 20:24:17
I felt like I was upstaging this thread with the image of the men so I'm moving it to a new thread.
16-07-2007 20:50:35
The simplest explanation, and the way I understand it is that because its a silhouette, there's is no depth. The only depth thats given is provided by the shadow underneath and the moving up and down. Because its simply a silhouette, there is nothing that actually shows depth or direction. In truth, the image isn't turning at all. It's simply coming to a central point then expanding to the side and doing the same over and over alternating side.
We automatically like to give things depth so we assuming its turning and our brain give the image a direction, either clockwise or counter clockwise.
To change the direction, I did what the OP said with the feet, but that was after I changed its direction once looking at the entire image only seconds after first seeing it, but I couldn't do it after several seconds, my mind was too adjusted to what it had accepted as 3 dimensional.
Basically this optical illusion is based on tricking the mind into taking a silhouette and making it assume that the subject is turning using up and down movement as depth along with a slight shadow.
EDIT I'm no expert in this stuff.... I'm just dead tired and my explanation is wordy /shrug/ sorry.
02-01-2008 01:02:24
This isn't an optical illusion at all. At first I only saw it going clockwise and I tried concentrating to make it go the other way and after a minute or so it did. Then after another minute or so it started going the other way, so I just sat here watching the image not even concentrating on it at all and noticed that after a certain amount of time the picture just starts going the other way, it has nothing to do with how you look at it. Definately had me confused at first though.
Edit Nvm, now I can actually get it to change more often as I wish.....this really is crazy ?
02-01-2008 01:04:59
Stop blowing my mind guys. It was already blown earlier in the other spinny nipple woman thread.
02-01-2008 14:46:45
its not a hard concept to grasp. just because you dont see it doesnt mean its fake )
I see it and can easily switch her from going one way to the other instantly.