16-02-2005 18:56:51
i am importing my music and when i play it, it sounds all distorted??? When I play anysong through itunes, it sounds really crappy and screwed up. Should i wait till all of the songs are imported to play music or is something wrong????
16-02-2005 19:02:26
are your importing rates correct? Like 128 or 192 bits? Cause if its 32 bit it should sound like crap.
16-02-2005 19:10:20
You know what the same thing was happening to me. Its probably your EQ (equalizer). Open the equalizer window (one of the bottom right buttons) and set it to defualt or something.
If thats not it then go...
Edit>Preferences>Importing>Setting High Quality (128 kbps)
16-02-2005 19:11:44
[quotee6d8524e74="bceagles04"]how can i control that?[/quotee6d8524e74]
We posted at the same time.... Look at my post o
16-02-2005 19:14:56
OHHH, DUH I imported, but i havent converted any of them to AAC yet, i just converted Back in Black to AAC and it is sounding better, but still a TINY BIT crackly, might be cause it is older?
16-02-2005 19:23:01
do i need to do this cause i dl'd itunes from the ie not from the cd? Will i have to convert the cd's i rip to AAC as well???
edit Will i have to convert to AAC each time i rip cd's
16-02-2005 19:39:13
There is no diffrence the one on the cd is prolle older anyways
16-02-2005 19:42:04
the cd's are from like 2-3 years ago, is that long??? Now the quality is getting worse, i dont know what to do??? I am importing mp3's and wma's to itunes. They are sounding crappy. They are running at 128 kbps. I tried converting to AAC through itunes, that seems to help. are there any settings to make it go to AAC auto.??Thanks
edit When i convert to AAC they make e new file, and I have been deleting the old files.
17-02-2005 00:33:01
You might want to try CDex and find out if it's maybe an issue with how your soundcard is configured, or something related to your CD-ROM or other hardware.
It's open-source and can encode into pretty much any compressed or uncompressed audio format.
17-02-2005 04:31:43
thanks, but i think i have figured it out. I converted all of my imported songs to AAC. I right clikced and selected convert to AAC. Now the sound quality is PERFECT. One question though, what does the soundcheck option do??Thanks
17-02-2005 23:33:55
iTunes is a program that really pisses me off. very unorganized and hard to deal with when it comes to putting songs in order for your ipod