OfferPrizes Scam?!

Live forum:


16-02-2005 16:56:18

What the fuck is up with them. I am really getting angry. I emailed him and everything and never got a response. Nothing helps. He has received so much money from his script and the site. Ship our freakin' gifts already damnit! I am one of the first orders and you still haven't taken on the responsibility of shipping them. Get the fuck with it. x


16-02-2005 17:06:27

Yeah, it's been a while, but no reason to get all up in his face!


16-02-2005 17:12:27

[quoteff3b5328bf="PodTopia"]Yeah, it's been a while, but no reason to get all up in his face![/quoteff3b5328bf]

He could atleast respond to emails roll


16-02-2005 17:31:36

Good point. It seems as if all of these independent sites are screwed. Too bad I'm processing on tons of them. Here (processing on) FREEBIEGIFTS (the owner is a scammer, I paid him to do offers for me, and he didn't, plus he still hasn't shipped out gifts), WIFIMUSIC.4NOCASH (great site, but they're getting screwed by SC), FREE4UNETWORKS (can't tell whether or not they're a scam yet...), ZENS4FREE (not a scam, I'm getting paid shortly), THEFREEPROJECT (again not a scam, I'm getting paid shortly), and lastly, OFFERPRIZES........


17-02-2005 00:46:52

We have been placed on hold by our affiliate partner due to fraud in offer completions by our users. We are working to rectify this problem and restore our relationship with them. If we do not receive commission from our advertisers, then we cannot send out gifts. An updated status will be available once we are contacted by our publisher.

Copy and paste from


17-02-2005 13:49:05

[quote5d47aad9e2="JJYYLL"]We have been placed on hold by our affiliate partner due to fraud in offer completions by our users. We are working to rectify this problem and restore our relationship with them. If we do not receive commission from our advertisers, then we cannot send out gifts. An updated status will be available once we are contacted by our publisher.

Copy and paste from[/quote5d47aad9e2]

DUH! But...He already received his check for the first damn people that signed up and did an offer and i say the first orders need to be shipped already. Quit stalling.


17-02-2005 13:56:15

sounds like excuses and stall tactics to me.


17-02-2005 14:33:41

[quote5d55bf45c2="cnjax"]sounds like excuses and stall tactics to me.[/quote5d55bf45c2]

Yep. roll


17-02-2005 16:47:21

I've been processing forever on that too. But I'm more pissed off at free4u networks. They scammed me big time.


17-02-2005 17:45:12

Yes, I have received my first check for a mere ~$500, and I've shipped over $800 of items with that. Now my account with SearchCactus is on hold, that means $4500 may be lost, so if I have already lost a couple hundred from the site, I really can't afford to lose anymore.