28 Weeks Later

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12-05-2007 08:43:35

Hmm just watched this movie not as good as the first, the beginning was the best part of the movie as far as that 28 days later was the probably the best zombie movie besides dawn of the dead "new version"


12-05-2007 08:46:34

lol, the 2004 dawn of the dead was a joke compared to the original one...


12-05-2007 09:02:04

Original DotD > New DotD for sure )


12-05-2007 09:04:23

Damn, I was really hoping this would be good - I LOVE the first one.


12-05-2007 09:47:18

are you serious the old dotd was a laughing joke. The remake is probably the best zombie movie out there.


12-05-2007 11:07:38

They're both amazing movies. The only comparable parts of them are the names, other than that, two different movies from completly different times, in between which tons have things from shooting the movie to editing the movie have changed. I love both of them

In response to the dotd things


12-05-2007 18:41:06

i saw it tonight, it wasn't bad really, not as good as the first one but I was on the edge of my seat.


13-05-2007 08:19:32

This was a pretty damned good movie.


13-05-2007 10:18:34

[quote90b6968e66="Gotty"]Hmm just watched this movie not as good as the first, the beginning was the best part of the movie as far as that 28 days later was the probably the best zombie movie besides dawn of the dead "new version"[/quote90b6968e66]

Not as good as the first? I didn't really even like the first that much... great.


13-05-2007 13:12:14

I thought it was a great movie. I haven't seen the first movie in a while, I don't remember liking it this much though. Also, this one is like a separate film entirely.

There is hardly any reason after seeing the first to see this one, and never seeing the first takes away nothing from the experience of this movie.


16-05-2007 08:09:32

I thought the 1st one was the worst movie I ever saw in my life!


16-05-2007 18:44:35

Shaun of the Dead > Σ ( Zombie Movies )


16-05-2007 23:15:08

Ugh! I thought the first one was gross. But I still liked it. I think I will wait till the second comes out on DVD to watch it.


17-05-2007 04:20:53

Love Shaun of the Dead! How was Robert Carlyle in 28 Weeks Later? ...and burritopunk, is that Tom Waits in your sig?


17-05-2007 05:10:30

My husband made me sit through ALL the original Dawn of the Dead movies!!!

I do have to admit...I did like "Bubba"!