more weird programs on my computer!

Live forum:


11-02-2005 12:24:44


pop up galore....

what programs can i download or buy to rid it?


11-02-2005 12:32:13

google "hijack this"
you'll find how where to download it and also how to use it. it got rid of all my pop ups and unwanted software

thomas moore

11-02-2005 12:47:09

ad aware? spy bot search and destroy?

also use firefox as your browser! woops on ie roll


11-02-2005 12:52:44

[quote6532f726a8="Retro"]google "hijack this"
you'll find how where to download it and also how to use it. it got rid of all my pop ups and unwanted software[/quote6532f726a8]

29.95's a lot for just an anti spy program..

hahha thanks though, i mind as well buy an anti virus program that has other options to scan for my comp.

thomas moore

11-02-2005 12:53:53

ad aware is free...


11-02-2005 12:57:59

[quote4d4c840502="amaivs"][quote4d4c840502="Retro"]google "hijack this"
you'll find how where to download it and also how to use it. it got rid of all my pop ups and unwanted software[/quote4d4c840502]

29.95's a lot for just an anti spy program..

hahha thanks though, i mind as well buy an anti virus program that has other options to scan for my comp.[/quote4d4c840502]
hmm, where'd you look for it at. It was definitely free when I downloaded it.


11-02-2005 13:02:25

[quote33a5879674="Retro"][quote33a5879674="amaivs"][quote33a5879674="Retro"]google "hijack this"
you'll find how where to download it and also how to use it. it got rid of all my pop ups and unwanted software[/quote33a5879674]

29.95's a lot for just an anti spy program..

hahha thanks though, i mind as well buy an anti virus program that has other options to scan for my comp.[/quote33a5879674]
hmm, where'd you look for it at. It was definitely free when I downloaded it.[/quote33a5879674]

where it says "scan your pc at home"

i installed it and when things were detected, i hit "erase" and it said "you must click yes to register"

BAM, it brought me to their site with option of payment. etc.



11-02-2005 13:03:06

[quoteefa91ee08e="thomas moore"]ad aware is free...[/quoteefa91ee08e]



11-02-2005 13:09:37

what you downloaded definitely wasn't hijack this, they seem to be trying to profit off of the name.

this is hijack this

but ad aware may be easier for you to use.


11-02-2005 13:18:29

[quotece9e95749b="Retro"]what you downloaded definitely wasn't hijack this, they seem to be trying to profit off of the name.

this is hijack this

but ad aware may be easier for you to use.[/quotece9e95749b]

LOL. i got here


should of gave me that link in the first place. j/k. thanks for it.


11-02-2005 13:28:14

hey are u sure that program is good...

it scanned and took most of my .exeurl==http://=http:///url (programs) onto a list and told me to check the ones i wanted to delete. all of the ones scanned were programs


thomas moore

11-02-2005 13:34:24

which program? arrow


11-02-2005 13:58:52

[quote56595b4fdf="thomas moore"]which program? arrow[/quote56595b4fdf]



11-02-2005 15:09:54

the program was wonderful for me. I'm not sure what you are talking about, can you give me a screen shot maybe?

Do you get the window that has lines that start with R1, O2, O3, etc?