F*cking finals! :(

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09-05-2007 16:02:19

I was offered $25 by a mystery shopping comany to eat at a local resturant tomorrow but i cant go because they want me to go to the resturant at a specific time window that conflicts with my calculus final....
( all the great mystery shops i get offered are always at the worst times cry


09-05-2007 16:40:07

dam that sucks!


09-05-2007 17:00:02

How did you get into mystery shopping? I've love to do that and trying paying like $38 for a membership to some website a long while back where I could sign up, but it was a bunch of bullshit and nothing ever came from it.


09-05-2007 17:10:28

Fuck the finals....just fail.


09-05-2007 17:13:35

you should never pay someone for employment..... Someone reffered me to volition.com and i signed up with a bunch of companies that had jobs in my area. The pay usually isnt that much. I just started recently so I get a lot of 10 dollar shops and every once in a while something big like this shows up.


09-05-2007 17:18:27

[quote8d6acf59f8="JUNIOR6886"]you should never pay someone for employment..... Someone reffered me to volition.com and i signed up with a bunch of companies that had jobs in my area. The pay usually isnt that much. I just started recently so I get a lot of 10 dollar shops and every once in a while something big like this shows up.[/quote8d6acf59f8]

How does that work? Do they pay you like $10 and then the cost of w/e you buy?


09-05-2007 17:20:40

[quoted5bded60bb="stueybaby17"][quoted5bded60bb="JUNIOR6886"]you should never pay someone for employment..... Someone reffered me to volition.com and i signed up with a bunch of companies that had jobs in my area. The pay usually isnt that much. I just started recently so I get a lot of 10 dollar shops and every once in a while something big like this shows up.[/quoted5bded60bb]

How does that work? Do they pay you like $10 and then the cost of w/e you buy?[/quoted5bded60bb]

I was curious myself, I would hope that they would at least pay for the meal in addition to something else.


09-05-2007 17:22:26

[quote157449dfb2="stueybaby17"][quote157449dfb2="JUNIOR6886"]you should never pay someone for employment..... Someone reffered me to volition.com and i signed up with a bunch of companies that had jobs in my area. The pay usually isnt that much. I just started recently so I get a lot of 10 dollar shops and every once in a while something big like this shows up.[/quote157449dfb2]

How does that work? Do they pay you like $10 and then the cost of w/e you buy?[/quote157449dfb2]

each shops terms are different. some will reimburse you for purchases and some wont.


09-05-2007 18:23:09

[quoteef386446f7="JUNIOR6886"]you should never pay someone for employment..... Someone reffered me to volition.com and i signed up with a bunch of companies that had jobs in my area. The pay usually isnt that much. I just started recently so I get a lot of 10 dollar shops and every once in a while something big like this shows up.[/quoteef386446f7]

hey, if there is a referal system for that site, and get something extra for refering me then hit me up with a pm, and if not, then please pm me that too so i can join that site )



09-05-2007 19:19:06

There was a reason I changed your title. Don't change it back again.


09-05-2007 19:20:48

Junior.. hook me up!


09-05-2007 19:38:18

[quote956041ffd8="doylnea"]There was a reason I changed your title. Don't change it back again.[/quote956041ffd8]
What was it changed to?


09-05-2007 20:08:07



09-05-2007 20:43:16

[quote84d5b4d868="doylnea"]There was a reason I changed your title. Don't change it back again.[/quote84d5b4d868]

last i remembered there wasnt a rule about this..... do you have something personal against me? ?


09-05-2007 20:58:26

[quote2632b742b8="JUNIOR6886"][quote2632b742b8="doylnea"]There was a reason I changed your title. Don't change it back again.[/quote2632b742b8]

last i remembered there wasnt a rule about this..... do you have something personal against me? ?[/quote2632b742b8]



09-05-2007 21:00:30

[quote1664e0bd90="JUNIOR6886"][quote1664e0bd90="doylnea"]There was a reason I changed your title. Don't change it back again.[/quote1664e0bd90]

last i remembered there wasnt a rule about this..... do you have something personal against me? ?[/quote1664e0bd90]

It's fine to swear in posts, though discouraged, as there's invariably a better way to express yourself, but not in topic titles, since they're highly visible, and Admin has been trying to clean up this place a bit.


09-05-2007 21:01:01

[quoteaedc8fdbcf="theysayjump"][quoteaedc8fdbcf="JUNIOR6886"][quoteaedc8fdbcf="doylnea"]There was a reason I changed your title. Don't change it back again.[/quoteaedc8fdbcf]

last i remembered there wasnt a rule about this..... do you have something personal against me? ?[/quoteaedc8fdbcf]


You're a big meany Mr. tee ess jay


09-05-2007 21:02:56

so I have to agree with f finals...I just took a stats final, and boo on me for not studying I only made a 76.5 BOO! Screw school I can't wait to be done!


09-05-2007 21:10:16

[quotea4288243bf="theysayjump"][quotea4288243bf="JUNIOR6886"][quotea4288243bf="doylnea"]There was a reason I changed your title. Don't change it back again.[/quotea4288243bf]

last i remembered there wasnt a rule about this..... do you have something personal against me? ?[/quotea4288243bf]


but we made love last night...... playful i thought i [ia4288243bf]meant[/ia4288243bf] something to you cry (slices wrist)


09-05-2007 21:22:35

I had my AP Statistics test yesterday afternoon. I really hope I passed with a 3 or 4 so I never have to take that junk again.


09-05-2007 21:32:09

[quoteb5d85d64d4="Jenncherry99"]so I have to agree with f finals...I just took a stats final, and boo on me for not studying I only made a 76.5 BOO! Screw school I can't wait to be done![/quoteb5d85d64d4]

What was the mean average and standard deviation of the other students' scores, though?

I just took my stats final today, too. I fucked it up [ib5d85d64d4]big-time[/ib5d85d64d4]; luckily, though, I'll still end up with a B- if I get a 65 on it; hopefully I did better than that, though.


09-05-2007 21:34:18

It only shows my grade, I can't see the other class grades...

And I don't know if one AP stats test will get ou out of taking it ever again...I know our school requires 2 stats classes and your test only takes care of one class right?


09-05-2007 21:37:15

Yeah. That's a shame. I'm going into a mechanical engineering major at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo so I will probably end up having to take another class or two. The least I can do is hope though.


10-05-2007 00:54:00

[quote7e50f39b93="Skimboarder"]Yeah. That's a shame. I'm going into a mechanical engineering major at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo so I will probably end up having to take another class or two. The least I can do is hope though.[/quote7e50f39b93]

I guess I'll see you there.


10-05-2007 01:04:41

just finished up my 3D animation final D gotta go to that class in 6 hours, which will suck... and then i gotta decide if i'm going to take my ethics final or not...


10-05-2007 14:46:08

[quote071f45e08f="schf0ol3d"][quote071f45e08f="Skimboarder"]Yeah. That's a shame. I'm going into a mechanical engineering major at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo so I will probably end up having to take another class or two. The least I can do is hope though.[/quote071f45e08f]

I guess I'll see you there.[/quote071f45e08f]

Are you going to be a freshmen? I got a few friends going there too. I love the beach and am guessing that is where most of my time will be spent.


10-05-2007 16:27:27

Doesn't that suck, but luckily for me, no finals )


10-05-2007 17:38:44

yahoo! i'm done with finals! yippy skippy!


11-05-2007 10:11:28

good news Finals are over and The company called letting me know I could do the shop on the weekend at a different nearby resturant. D
bad news %86 on my calculus final (

sorry i wont be hooking anyone up because that means more
competition. but there are lots of opportunities if you look on volition.com


11-05-2007 10:22:12

86 is good....


11-05-2007 10:59:00

[quote23eb3e25b8="O4F-Manofice"]86 is good....[/quote23eb3e25b8]
Yea, did you need something higher? I would be psyched to get an 86%


11-05-2007 11:32:44

i needed a %96 on the test to get an A. The mistakes i made were so fucking stupid. Like on one question all i had to do was find the definite integral of a function from 0 to e. I correctly found the antiderivitive of the function but when i tried plugging it into my calculator i made a mistake with the paranthesis and got the wrong answer. (no partial credit is given in the test, its either full or no credit)
final grade in the class will be a B


11-05-2007 11:47:43

[quotef334761350="JUNIOR6886"]i needed a %96 on the test to get an A. The mistakes i made were so fucking stupid. Like on one question all i had to do was find the definite integral of a function from 0 to e. I correctly found the antiderivitive of the function but when i tried plugging it into my calculator i made a mistake with the paranthesis and got the wrong answer. (no partial credit is given in the test, its either full or no credit)
final grade in the class will be a B[/quotef334761350]
DAMMMN...that's one of the most frustrating things when it comes to tests, simple mistakes....Look on the bright side though, B is still great


11-05-2007 11:49:51

