Halo 3 Beta

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=60479


23-04-2007 19:24:29

Anyone gonna be in the public beta? I am. Hit me up if you want to play xKuDaNaTx.

A seven minute video of H3 Zanibar got leaked today.


It looks pretty damn fun.


23-04-2007 19:27:02

Wow sweet! Havent seen it yet but 7 mins of uncut gameplay?? Oh my...

EDIT Seen it, loved it. The guy was a noob tho... he didnt know his surroundings at all.


23-04-2007 19:28:20

It does look really sweet.

As to the video, though, I wish they hadn't put that annoying song in there ... but it still looks sweet.


23-04-2007 19:33:24

[quoteec7f6b207f="coolvaughan"]Anyone gonna be in the public beta? I am. Hit me up if you want to play xKuDaNaTx.

A seven minute video of H3 Zanibar got leaked today.


It looks pretty damn fun.[/quoteec7f6b207f]

i hate you cry in a non hurtfull way wink


23-04-2007 19:40:00

Why would you hate me? shock


23-04-2007 19:51:42

I'm in the beta... ---> N1ghtmare 360


23-04-2007 19:55:06

[quote4407fbe91c="bruman"]I'm in the beta... ---> N1ghtmare 360[/quote4407fbe91c]

Ya me too, I had to buy crackdown tho, which was, unsurprizingly, a letdown.


23-04-2007 20:05:58

cuz i didn't get in the beta!(


23-04-2007 20:15:57

[quote7fefd9d4a8="moviemadnessman"]It does look really sweet.

As to the video, though, I wish they hadn't put that annoying song in there ... but it still looks sweet.[/quote7fefd9d4a8]

Ugh that song was SO annoying. Then right when it ends he loops it again.



23-04-2007 20:29:45

wats the song called? )


23-04-2007 20:37:23

I really don't like it. I personally thing that map is way too big


23-04-2007 20:44:30

That's the song from Kill Bill, I LOVE that song )
EDIT 323, the song is called Twisted Nerve.


23-04-2007 20:48:46

wow... i miss halo 1, #2 sucked, #3 doesn't look that good...


23-04-2007 21:55:52

Halo 2 is the greatest online multiplayer game ever created.


23-04-2007 22:03:08

[quote0478006d24="Killer722"]That's the song from Kill Bill, I LOVE that song )
EDIT 323, the song is called Twisted Nerve.[/quote0478006d24]
Thanks D


23-04-2007 22:10:37

[quote5f1caca851="Paczki"]wow... i miss halo 1, #2 sucked, #3 doesn't look that good...[/quote5f1caca851]

have faith o ye man of little faith


23-04-2007 22:43:47

this is going to be a great year for video games.. halo 3, gta 4, ufc video game.. im gonna fail all my classes lol.


23-04-2007 23:29:17

[quote1d38474e0e="Paczki"]wow... i miss halo 1, #2 sucked, #3 doesn't look that good...[/quote1d38474e0e]

for real graphically it doesn't seem there are any new changes but the the dune buggy and the new shield look good.


23-04-2007 23:43:54

[quotecaef44f455="michae229"][quotecaef44f455="Paczki"]wow... i miss halo 1, #2 sucked, #3 doesn't look that good...[/quotecaef44f455]

for real graphically it doesn't seem there are any new changes but the the dune buggy and the new shield look good.[/quotecaef44f455]

They said they aren't focusing on the graphics right now. Repeat after me


According to them, they are only looking for feedback on the gameplay; later they'll go back and polish the graphics.


23-04-2007 23:58:28

[quotec1fffad8ea="J4320"][quotec1fffad8ea="michae229"][quotec1fffad8ea="Paczki"]wow... i miss halo 1, #2 sucked, #3 doesn't look that good...[/quotec1fffad8ea]

for real graphically it doesn't seem there are any new changes but the the dune buggy and the new shield look good.[/quotec1fffad8ea]

They said they aren't focusing on the graphics right now. Repeat after me


According to them, they are only looking for feedback on the gameplay; later they'll go back and polish the graphics.[/quotec1fffad8ea]

ok roll DEMO lol


24-04-2007 00:04:33

So the beta is closed ?, if not pm me any details on the client download or info on it itself

licough warezli


24-04-2007 00:11:01

[quote62005703f9="XiORE"]So the beta is closed ?, if not pm me any details on the client download or info on it itself

licough warezli[/quote62005703f9]

yea lol wait till after the spring update rumor has it M$ fixed the flash trick because the elites have old drives but who knows could be them being cheap also heard some had lights of death.


24-04-2007 04:57:33

[quote30df031f17="michae229"][quote30df031f17="XiORE"]So the beta is closed ?, if not pm me any details on the client download or info on it itself

licough warezli[/quote30df031f17]

yea lol wait till after the spring update rumor has it M$ fixed the flash trick because the elites have old drives but who knows could be them being cheap also heard some had lights of death.[/quote30df031f17]

yea too bad ms aint fixing the flash trick.. Read this almost impossible...


24-04-2007 07:47:38

I still need to pre-order it. That demo really looks good.


24-04-2007 08:35:54

[quote9c690fd220="JJPRO11"]this is going to be a great year for video games.. halo 3, gta 4, ufc video game.. im gonna fail all my classes lol.[/quote9c690fd220]

Yeah xbox live has been the death of me.


24-04-2007 10:45:29

Another UFC game? RIGHT ON! The first 2 sucked ass!


24-04-2007 11:28:29

[quotee4183d7f78="johnjimjones"]I still need to pre-order it. That demo really looks good.[/quotee4183d7f78]

Pre-orders are a waste of cache.


24-04-2007 11:43:00

Na dude, If you pre-order from Best Buy.com you can get 1600 MS points for $5 instead of $20. Nice savings...


24-04-2007 14:08:47

[quote9e4f629e27="TryinToGetPaid"]Another UFC game? RIGHT ON! The first 2 sucked ass![/quote9e4f629e27]

i guess they are saying 2008 now.



24-04-2007 14:11:25

[quote5ff31f2952="Lightliquid"]Wow sweet! Havent seen it yet but 7 mins of uncut gameplay?? Oh my...

EDIT Seen it, loved it. The guy was a noob tho... he didnt know his surroundings at all.[/quote5ff31f2952]

You will be too when you first play, and the beta-testers that are leaking videos usually try to show off the games possibilities, not their own.


24-04-2007 14:11:39

[quote564285eaa9="coolvaughan"]Halo 2 is the greatest online multiplayer game ever created.[/quote564285eaa9]

Halo 2 sucked ass, I bought it release night, played it for 2 weeks, then everyone started cheating(hosts started doing the unplug cable cheat, flag through the walls, and lots more)

The single player was to easy and not fun.

Halo 1 was a solid game, the only feature it needed built in was live support, XBC sucked but still better than Halo 2.


24-04-2007 14:52:18

H2 Campaign sucks balls. But the updates from Bungie have basically fixed Standby and Modding in online play.


24-04-2007 15:47:53

[quotebfc42761a6="Paczki"][quotebfc42761a6="coolvaughan"]Halo 2 is the greatest online multiplayer game ever created.[/quotebfc42761a6]

Halo 2 sucked ass, I bought it release night, played it for 2 weeks, then everyone started cheating(hosts started doing the unplug cable cheat, flag through the walls, and lots more)

The single player was to easy and not fun.

Halo 1 was a solid game, the only feature it needed built in was live support, XBC sucked but still better than Halo 2.[/quotebfc42761a6]

I have always said that Halo CE was the game that brought more enjoyment to me. The single player in Halo 2 was depressing.


24-04-2007 18:35:05

Can you say Halo 2 Achievement Unlocked?

Halo 2 Vista in a few weeks.

liSilent but Deadly 20 GS
Kill 7 opponents from behind in a row without being spotted, any level, any difficulty

liNinja 20 GS
In a non-team game, kill 5 people by melee, from behind

liFlaming Ninja 20 GS
Kill an opponent that has the Ninja achievement

liSkewer Stopper 20 GS
Kill the sword carrier after they kill 5 or more times in a row with the sword

Click for Full List[=http//www.xbox360achievements.org/achievements.php?gameID=198]Click for Full List


15-05-2007 14:20:45

Has anyone received their code for downloading the beta? It comes out tomorrow and I still haven't received it in my e-mail. I got the congratulations, you have successfully entered the beta but I haven't got a code yet. Anyone else?


15-05-2007 14:22:31

I bought Crackdown so I don't have to worry. 8) But no, my other friends haven't received theirs either.


15-05-2007 14:32:38

When is the actual game supposed to be out?


15-05-2007 14:34:08

Allegedly September. Probably November because MSFT basically is all over that months nuts.


15-05-2007 15:05:04

[quote8d9478221a="J4320"][quote8d9478221a="johnjimjones"]I still need to pre-order it. That demo really looks good.[/quote8d9478221a]

Pre-orders are a waste of cache.[/quote8d9478221a]

They don't cost anything extra. ?

And does that best buy deal work will all pre-orders on 360?


15-05-2007 15:18:13

[quote1c2d5daf31="Gooogler"][quote1c2d5daf31="J4320"][quote1c2d5daf31="johnjimjones"]I still need to pre-order it. That demo really looks good.[/quote1c2d5daf31]

Pre-orders are a waste of cache.[/quote1c2d5daf31]

They don't cost anything extra. ?

And does that best buy deal work will all pre-orders on 360?[/quote1c2d5daf31]

I was speaking in general.


15-05-2007 17:07:16

Halo 3 - should be awesome
Halo 2 - xbox live multiplayer was implemented real well
Halo 1 - i miss the "sniping" pistol that can kill in 2 head shots

Anyways, i bought Crackdown just for the beta, haha.


15-05-2007 17:21:57

Crackdown is an amazing game.


15-05-2007 17:37:46

Does a code come with crackdown? Or can you just rent it?


15-05-2007 18:09:32

avoiding any halo before the release. mostly b/c i dont need a beta to be addicted to right now )
have fun guys, i cannot wait for the real release!


15-05-2007 18:24:58

[quote09b78338a8="jy3"]avoiding any halo before the release. mostly b/c i dont need a beta to be addicted to right now )
have fun guys, i cannot wait for the real release![/quote09b78338a8]
I'm with you...I'd rather not be addicted to games again right now.

And yeah, I agree, the map looks a little too big.


15-05-2007 18:39:04

[quote8e065474f4="theman2005"]Halo 3 - should be awesome
Halo 2 - xbox live multiplayer was implemented real well
Halo 1 - i miss the "sniping" pistol that can kill in 2 head shots

Anyways, i bought Crackdown just for the beta, haha.[/quote8e065474f4]

Halo 1 - I broke in half due to that pistol. I hate it, and I swore when I heard that it was back into H3, it had better be toned down, and it was thank god.

Halo 2 - Spent probably 1000 + man hours on this game. I used to be a freak lol

Halo 3 - Will be awesome, except maybe that laser cannon, will see tomorrow.

And about buying CrackDown, just for the beta, that's kinda dumb in my opinion, as CrackDown is a VERY good game. You should give it a shot, instead of getting that Beta and throwing it aside...


15-05-2007 18:49:20

[quote7f89b354c4="BD2006BD"]Does a code come with crackdown? Or can you just rent it?[/quote7f89b354c4]

No, it's just the game you need. I'm pretty sure you can just rent it, I'll know for sure tomorrow since that's what my friend is doing but I do know you do not need a code. I just don't know if there's something else that might mess (probably not) if you rent it and try to get the beta.


15-05-2007 19:05:10

lol gess wut guys? im not gonna play teh beta


15-05-2007 21:14:17

[quotef1571e5333="J4320"]lol gess wut guys? im not gonna play teh beta[/quotef1571e5333]

He's on vacation starting the 16th... for two weeks. Your timing could not be any worse. x


15-05-2007 21:21:55

I'd rather be in Fiji+Sydney+The Great Barrier Reef than sitting at home playing Halo. I'm thinking about taking the 360 with me though...

Hmmm... lol


15-05-2007 21:26:15

You must have the Crackdown disc in your drive to play that way.

Official Halo 3 release date is September 25, 2007.


15-05-2007 21:26:17

Guess i'll be doing this http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/648e593bbf771bd069e89c02bc3165eb.gif[" alt=""/imgcbc819d5d9] till i get my Elite from Trainn since my Premium wont download the new XboxLive update x to play BETA


16-05-2007 07:34:07

[quote8161043ee2="J4320"]I'd rather be in Fiji+Sydney+The Great Barrier Reef than sitting at home playing Halo. I'm thinking about taking the 360 with me though...

Hmmm... lol[/quote8161043ee2]
That's freaking awesome man, are you going for school or vacation?

BTW, Halo 2 was not so depressing, it was still a good game, I think people just got bummed out by the ending and forgot everything good about the game...


16-05-2007 09:23:32

[quotefc83fade4e="MyungChunHa"][quotefc83fade4e="J4320"]I'd rather be in Fiji+Sydney+The Great Barrier Reef than sitting at home playing Halo. I'm thinking about taking the 360 with me though...

Hmmm... lol[/quotefc83fade4e]
That's freaking awesome man, are you going for school or vacation?

BTW, Halo 2 was not so depressing, it was still a good game, I think people just got bummed out by the ending and forgot everything good about the game...[/quotefc83fade4e]

Vacation. D


Argh it's 930 AM West Coast time and the beta still isn't available to download. (

I have to leave at 1200 PM. cry

Oh well.


16-05-2007 10:37:40

I have to leave in less than 2 hours. They said they were experiencing "problems" with the Crackdown version of the Beta. cry


16-05-2007 11:59:34

omg. Good Bye world, Cya in three weeks.


16-05-2007 12:23:04

Look what I just got in my email.. 8)

[quotef66c12cdc1]lili Do not respond to this email lili

Welcome to the Bungie Friends & Family Halo 3 Beta!

In order to play the Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta, you will need an Xbox 360 with a hard drive and an Xbox LIVE Gold account.


This code will allow you to download the Halo 3 Beta to one Xbox 360 console, one time.

Instructions for installing and launching the beta are below

Turn on your Xbox 360 and sign-in with your Xbox LIVE Gold account

Select “Marketplace” from the Xbox LIVE dashboard

Select the “Redeem Code” option

Enter a beta download code

Once the download completes, navigate to the “Games” blade of the dashboard

Select “Demos and More”

Select and launch the Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta!

The initial download may take some time depending on network traffic and your own internet connection. Please be patient.

Please note that the Halo 3 beta only supports Matchmaking play over Xbox Live. You will not be able to play any custom games or play in offline/system link matches. You can, however, play with a friend in split-screen games in the Social playlists.

For more information about the Beta and answers to commonly asked questions, please visit www.bungie.net.

Thank you and have fun playing the Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta!

lilili Please keep this email - it will be required in the event that you require assistance from Xbox Live support. lilili

I didn't have to buy/rent crackdown nor play for numerous hours Halo 2.. P


16-05-2007 13:11:41

All crackdown buyers have been put on a delay cus something is wrong and alot of people wernt able to DL it. Ugh this is soo dumb!


16-05-2007 13:24:08

I'm not affected! P Friends and Family codes get priority lol


16-05-2007 13:55:59

[quote7906cc2732="Chris"]I'm not affected! P Friends and Family codes get priority lol[/quote7906cc2732]Bastard... cry


16-05-2007 15:23:40

Ya, I think Microsoft should have planned for this better. I got in via Phaze 2 (play Halo 2 for like 3 hours or so), and I didn't get my code, neither did over 1,000 over people, and don't give me crap saying "oh well, you probably didn't win", because I have the e-mails to proof that.

Either way, now I'm lilililiing sitting here with Crackdown (AWESOME game BTW ) )that my brother lent me, and they are having problems.

Gotta <3 good ol' M$


16-05-2007 15:30:55

So after playing about an hour I must say the game is quite addicting (like all Halo games..) I went from a level 1 to level 4 in my first game lol Pretty cool guys, pretty damn cool!


16-05-2007 16:46:24

Demo will be out in 3-6 hours for crackdown people


16-05-2007 16:52:52

Ya, they are also resending all codes supposedly. I want my lilililiing code!


16-05-2007 18:42:19

I haven't logged on XBL, can you get it yet?


16-05-2007 18:43:47

Nope... 855 Central is the earliest time possible (10 min or so)..


16-05-2007 18:51:37

Alright im done with all my work.. You guys want to play a ga.. oh yea, you don't have it yet..

Laterz.. playful


16-05-2007 19:13:08

[quote519685a26b="Chris"]Alright im done with all my work.. You guys want to play a ga.. oh yea, you don't have it yet..

Laterz.. playful[/quote519685a26b]

hahahahahaha very funny ( maybe the beta is buggy )


16-05-2007 19:17:07

Surprisingly enough it isn't. It runs quite smooth.


16-05-2007 19:19:59

Check this out


It will kind of spoil the surprise but if you can't wait it's kind of cool to watch. lol


16-05-2007 19:29:39



16-05-2007 19:32:07

The download is quite long and slooooww


16-05-2007 19:32:26

I didn't know what I was watching at first, it looked like Halo 2 ... but it isn't. Looks awesome; can't wait )


16-05-2007 19:34:53

Just got done with 14 hours of Beta play. Its amazing!


16-05-2007 19:39:41

[quote990671fec5="coolvaughan"]Just got done with 14 hours of Beta play. Its amazing![/quote990671fec5]

How? It just came out. I thought all beta testers started now, crackdown and non.


16-05-2007 19:40:53

YES!!! 2%!!!! Beta, here I come!


16-05-2007 19:41:54

[quote97b2d0cf5d="Killer722"]YES!!! 2%!!!! Beta, here I come![/quote97b2d0cf5d]

16%, add me xX TheSiege Xx


16-05-2007 19:42:35

What's the size of the Beta?


16-05-2007 19:43:33

[quoteb3f3216e7a="h3x"]What's the size of the Beta?[/quoteb3f3216e7a]

900mb. Give or take a few.


16-05-2007 19:44:25

54% here! TXP JKirk


16-05-2007 19:47:56

SCREW THIS! I was at 21% and I pressed the center button and it killed the download and won't let me resume. BLAAAAH!!!!

http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/7d645bb91cc2f010956c0ac9ff1a7341.gif[" alt=""/imgad002b566d]


16-05-2007 19:54:04

lol Why won't it let you resume? Man, I sped up to like 53% now it's so slow..


16-05-2007 19:57:50

[quote8d1b863ac3="JKirk"]lol Why won't it let you resume? Man, I sped up to like 53% now it's so slow..[/quote8d1b863ac3]

It's your fault you piece of crap, I clicked it so I could send you a friend request wink


16-05-2007 20:01:49

center button>personal settings>active downloads?


16-05-2007 20:02:39

[quote2977adfeeb="Chris"]center button>personal settings>active downloads?[/quote2977adfeeb]

Nothing ( This is different than most downloads.


16-05-2007 20:07:35

Mine was stuck @ 36% for over 25 minutes. Now it's doing OK now at a speed of 1% / 45 seconds or so...

I'm currently @ 44% )


16-05-2007 20:09:47

[quote8304334202="patrick_7412"]Mine was stuck @ 36% for over 25 minutes. Now it's doing OK now at a speed of 1% / 45 seconds or so...

I'm currently @ 44% )[/quote8304334202]

Update the TR in your sig.


16-05-2007 20:23:37

It's been like 30 minutes and I've only covered 13%, ugh.


16-05-2007 20:26:03

Told ya it was slow lol


16-05-2007 20:26:24

I'm at work now, so it should be done when I get home. No impatient worries for me. ;)


16-05-2007 20:38:25

42% here


16-05-2007 20:46:51

[quote4f99ad4718="Gooogler"][quote4f99ad4718="patrick_7412"]Mine was stuck @ 36% for over 25 minutes. Now it's doing OK now at a speed of 1% / 45 seconds or so...

I'm currently @ 44% )[/quote4f99ad4718]

Update the TR in your sig.[/quote4f99ad4718]

Done P

Anyways..I was @ 86% and lilililiING hit CANCEL! Now I am back in the line of the waiting list, so now it may be HOURS when I would be done! God I hate myself sometimes..


16-05-2007 21:23:19

Mine downloaded in like 10 mins lol = )


16-05-2007 21:31:04

Reload with rb? What the heck? And this snow level sucks.

EDIT I guess the snow level is ok....


17-05-2007 19:11:35

I hate that snow level, my god. It's so annoying and I'm not a big fan of the shielded bases underground. The other two maps are great though especially the one with the gravity lift, it kind of reminds of Zanzibar in a way. (Not the Coagulation one)

I have to admit though I'm a little disappointed in the strength of the grenades, especially the spiker thing. The plasma grenades are great but the spiker grenades are virtually useless. I was literally standing on one two or three times and it wasn't doing hardly any damage at all. I'm also disappointed in the mongoose, aka four wheeler. Although it's quick on dry ground, it's pretty much useless if anyone starts shooting you. You have no defense, unlike a ghost, and in the water it's [b52efed60a5]extremely[/b52efed60a5] slow. The fact you can have someone ride on the back is the only thing that keeps me satisfied.

I also noticed how much harder it was to snipe, anyone else try? I don't know whether it's because I took a break from 360 or what but it seemed a lot harder to aim.

Also, after making this post it made it sound like I was just whining about it but I do in fact realize this is a beta and this stuff will probably change but this post is more like constructive criticism or discussion points for everyone. ) On another note, I'm addicted to the game.


17-05-2007 19:14:43

0% x x x x x x x x x x x


18-05-2007 18:19:58

[quote86f6814e42="JKirk"]I hate that snow level, my god. It's so annoying and I'm not a big fan of the shielded bases underground. The other two maps are great though especially the one with the gravity lift, it kind of reminds of Zanzibar in a way. (Not the Coagulation one)

I have to admit though I'm a little disappointed in the strength of the grenades, especially the spiker thing. The plasma grenades are great but the spiker grenades are virtually useless. I was literally standing on one two or three times and it wasn't doing hardly any damage at all. I'm also disappointed in the mongoose, aka four wheeler. Although it's quick on dry ground, it's pretty much useless if anyone starts shooting you. You have no defense, unlike a ghost, and in the water it's [b86f6814e42]extremely[/b86f6814e42] slow. The fact you can have someone ride on the back is the only thing that keeps me satisfied.

I also noticed how much harder it was to snipe, anyone else try? I don't know whether it's because I took a break from 360 or what but it seemed a lot harder to aim.

Also, after making this post it made it sound like I was just whining about it but I do in fact realize this is a beta and this stuff will probably change but this post is more like constructive criticism or discussion points for everyone. ) On another note, I'm addicted to the game.[/quote86f6814e42]

Like halo 1, there is no longer any auto aim. I like it.


22-05-2007 16:16:05

I rented Crackdown and downloaded the BETA and am currently playing it. I misunderstood how they were doing it, but essentially as long as you have a copy of crackdown in your 360 you can play the beta. If it isn't in the 360 even if you have already downloaded it, then you can't.

I think the mongoose has a purpose You can have someone rid along with you and fire whatever weapon they are carrying, and also carry a flag or bomb wielding teammate.

Two things a ghost can't do.


22-05-2007 16:19:09

What's everyone's levels / ranks in the Halo 3 Beta?


22-05-2007 17:01:01

Currently 53 RP


22-05-2007 19:02:28

I don't find this to be all that great.... shrug


22-05-2007 19:24:11

It's a beta, and I like it.

The new controls took a while to get used to, but I really like the gadgets - Bubble Shield, Personal Gravity and the Killer bubble thing.


13-06-2007 16:44:04

Damn, I thought one you were in by the deadline you could continue to play until Halo comes out, they just wouldn't make updates. My friend was pissed I had him buy an xbox and crackdown last Friday and now it is gone.