what does the 500th post do?
08-02-2005 19:27:51
btw, i heard once someone gets to - 100 karmas, it changes into 1 positive karma!!
wooo HOO!
08-02-2005 19:35:33
No...it doesn't. I had -300 karma and all it did was keep getting more negative.
08-02-2005 19:36:18
not neccesarily true.
i heard this one's foreal.
08-02-2005 19:38:43
[quote3b0cc715ba="amaivs"]not neccesarily true.
i heard this one's foreal.[/quote3b0cc715ba]
How do you tell someone who has a personal account of the situation in question that what they experienced is not true? I'm not sure how that works....can somebody fill me in?
08-02-2005 19:47:02
[quotedd7eb302e4="FreeOffersNow"][quotedd7eb302e4="amaivs"]not neccesarily true.
i heard this one's foreal.[/quotedd7eb302e4]
How do you tell someone who has a personal account of the situation in question that what they experienced is not true? I'm not sure how that works....can somebody fill me in?[/quotedd7eb302e4]
please, like someone who knows the mod was once at -300. hahaah
got to be kidding me.
08-02-2005 19:56:02
Ummm...since I have known "the mod" since be beginning of time and all. Ask around, I was at > -300 before.
08-02-2005 19:57:08
[quote7bc05e0866="FreeOffersNow"]Ummm...since I have known "the mod" since be beginning of time and all. Ask around, I was at > -300 before.[/quote7bc05e0866]
yea yea. like that needs to be comfirmed. lol.
08-02-2005 19:57:25
You were [i294aaeb036]here[/i294aaeb036] when he [i294aaeb036]was[/i294aaeb036] in the hundreds of - karma.... ?
08-02-2005 19:59:08
[quote4c717422fb="Tholek"]You were [i4c717422fb]here[/i4c717422fb] when he [i4c717422fb]was[/i4c717422fb] in the hundreds of - karma.... ?[/quote4c717422fb]
never saw. and don't need the proof. i doubt it happened to him. i mean, just look at the guy's pic, his attitude and his site
friggen suck up.
the WORLD knows.
08-02-2005 20:00:55
[quote9ec7d01b5b="amaivs"][quote9ec7d01b5b="Tholek"]You were [i9ec7d01b5b]here[/i9ec7d01b5b] when he [i9ec7d01b5b]was[/i9ec7d01b5b] in the hundreds of - karma.... ?[/quote9ec7d01b5b]
never saw. and don't need the proof. i doubt it happened to him. i mean, just look at the guy's pic, his attitude and his site
friggen suck up.
the WORLD knows.[/quote9ec7d01b5b]
eh i can tell you dislike offers and vice versa.. but he did actually have -300 karma, because when he first came he was a know it all bitch P lol jk.. but actually tho i used to hate him, but he's cool now.. and i'm glad i know him. if i didn't i wouldn't know so much about photoshop and whatnot.
so this is a shout out to offers
Thanks man!
hahahahaha sorry..
08-02-2005 20:01:26
[quotea87276ce1e="amaivs"][quotea87276ce1e="Tholek"]You were [ia87276ce1e]here[/ia87276ce1e] when he [ia87276ce1e]was[/ia87276ce1e] in the hundreds of - karma.... ?[/quotea87276ce1e]
never saw. and don't need the proof. i doubt it happened to him. i mean, just look at the guy's pic, his attitude and his site
friggen suck up.
the WORLD knows.[/quotea87276ce1e]
Wow....you definately sound EXACTLY like the jealous sibling. "Marsha Marsha Marsha!"
08-02-2005 20:04:14
[quoted0afb58fb3="EatChex89"][quoted0afb58fb3="amaivs"][quoted0afb58fb3="Tholek"]You were [id0afb58fb3]here[/id0afb58fb3] when he [id0afb58fb3]was[/id0afb58fb3] in the hundreds of - karma.... ?[/quoted0afb58fb3]
never saw. and don't need the proof. i doubt it happened to him. i mean, just look at the guy's pic, his attitude and his site
friggen suck up.
the WORLD knows.[/quoted0afb58fb3]
eh i can tell you dislike offers and vice versa.. but he did actually have -300 karma, because when he first came he was a know it all bitch P lol jk.. but actually tho i used to hate him, but he's cool now.. and i'm glad i know him. if i didn't i wouldn't know so much about photoshop and whatnot.
so this is a shout out to offers
Thanks man!
hahahahaha sorry..[/quoted0afb58fb3]
seriously, i don't care anymore. good for him.
08-02-2005 20:10:27
[quote0722066de7="amaivs"][quote0722066de7="EatChex89"][quote0722066de7="amaivs"][quote0722066de7="Tholek"]You were [i0722066de7]here[/i0722066de7] when he [i0722066de7]was[/i0722066de7] in the hundreds of - karma.... ?[/quote0722066de7]
never saw. and don't need the proof. i doubt it happened to him. i mean, just look at the guy's pic, his attitude and his site
friggen suck up.
the WORLD knows.[/quote0722066de7]
eh i can tell you dislike offers and vice versa.. but he did actually have -300 karma, because when he first came he was a know it all bitch P lol jk.. but actually tho i used to hate him, but he's cool now.. and i'm glad i know him. if i didn't i wouldn't know so much about photoshop and whatnot.
so this is a shout out to offers
Thanks man!
hahahahaha sorry..[/quote0722066de7]
seriously, i don't care anymore. good for him.[/quote0722066de7]
08-02-2005 20:24:56
Why are you so annoying? ARGH maybe we should contact our affiliates at Gratis and get them to put you on hold for freephotoipods
08-02-2005 20:59:56
Yes, but if for nothing else she's a shining example of how we [i121b1900b8]shouldn't[/i121b1900b8] be. ;)
08-02-2005 21:10:57
LMAO. the crossfire between you two gets me going every time. I don't get why you follow each other up, for lack of a better phrase. It's very entertaining though. lol
08-02-2005 21:11:16
[quote296c1d32ff="CoMpFrEaK"]Why are you so annoying? ARGH maybe we should contact our affiliates at Gratis and get them to put you on hold for freephotoipods[/quote296c1d32ff]
sorry but this has got to be the funniest thing i've ever read.
how can i be put on hold for my photo ipod when i haven't done anything against gratis's TOS?
08-02-2005 21:12:41
[quote990894e79b="xlife"]LMAO. the crossfire between you two gets me going every time. I don't get why you follow each other up, for lack of a better phrase. It's very entertaining though. lol[/quote990894e79b]
heh.. i don't know why they are following me either....
if you look at all my topics, who are the ones repsonding?
three people in particular.
how can someone annoying be sooo interesting???
(ask yourselves that, fellas)
08-02-2005 21:18:16
[quote39e3e38873="amaivs"][quote39e3e38873="CoMpFrEaK"]Why are you so annoying? ARGH maybe we should contact our affiliates at Gratis and get them to put you on hold for freephotoipods[/quote39e3e38873]
sorry but this has got to be the funniest thing i've ever read.
how can i be put on hold for my photo ipod when i haven't done anything against gratis's TOS?[/quote39e3e38873]
oh trust me we have a case against you. So dont push it.
08-02-2005 21:21:36
just to clarify, i wasn't implying that they follow you, meaning they look for your posts. It's just an expression that means "why bother replying/going along with what's being said." That's not a shot at you, it's just something my sister would say to me, for example, if my nephew was being annoying, and I encouraged him by getting angry. I guess that's a bad way to put it, but I really do love you, amaivs!
08-02-2005 21:27:05
[quote0a47a98983="xlife"]just to clarify, i wasn't implying that they follow you, meaning they look for your posts. It's just an expression that means "why bother replying/going along with what's being said." That's not a shot at you, it's just something my sister would say to me, for example, if my nephew was being annoying, and I encouraged him by getting angry. I guess that's a bad way to put it, but I really do love you, amaivs![/quote0a47a98983]
thank you but i don't need anyone to take my side. if someone is going to put me down, i will respond back even if i know i am going to be hated on. that's just how i am..
but yeah, somethings are better left unsaid but sometimes, you just gotta stand up for yourself. if u don't then people will step all over you..
08-02-2005 22:10:15
I kinda wish I got to see your picture...I've heard nothing but great things about it. And by great things....I mean hilarious put-downs.
limirrorli Look in it...and realize that you're no better than anyone else. Stop being such a bitch and people will stop "hating on" you.
08-02-2005 22:13:57
[quote74612b24dc="FreeOffersNow"]I kinda wish I got to see your picture...I've heard nothing but great things about it. And by great things....I mean hilarious put-downs.
limirrorli Look in it...and realize that you're no better than anyone else. Stop being such a bitch and people will stop "hating on" you.[/quote74612b24dc]
i need to find that picture of the kid running, with the quote "winning the olympics is like arguing online .............." something like that
08-02-2005 22:19:48

http//members.dodo.net.au/~grindercom/argument.jpg[" alt=""/img8d30cc21a0]
08-02-2005 22:22:48
[quote98459ffbc8="FreeOffersNow"]I kinda wish I got to see your picture...I've heard nothing but great things about it. And by great things....I mean hilarious put-downs.
limirrorli Look in it...and realize that you're no better than anyone else. Stop being such a bitch and people will stop "hating on" you.[/quote98459ffbc8]
hahah call me all the names you want. i don't care-
im not going to change for anyone.
08-02-2005 22:23:34
LOL. that pic has been used so many times. funny how the pic is refering to u two as well.
09-02-2005 06:48:38
[quotedebaacf5f6="CoMpFrEaK"][quotedebaacf5f6="amaivs"][quotedebaacf5f6="CoMpFrEaK"]Why are you so annoying? ARGH maybe we should contact our affiliates at Gratis and get them to put you on hold for freephotoipods[/quotedebaacf5f6]
sorry but this has got to be the funniest thing i've ever read.
how can i be put on hold for my photo ipod when i haven't done anything against gratis's TOS?[/quotedebaacf5f6]
oh trust me we have a case against you. So dont push it.[/quotedebaacf5f6]
do you guys hate me that much?
whats the case? please do tell.. don't tell me you guys are going to make a fake site with my ref link on it?
the JOY!
09-02-2005 06:56:49
aren't you already STV anyway?
09-02-2005 07:04:24
[quote01eb150073="xlife"]aren't you already STV anyway?[/quote01eb150073]
yes i am "STV" on my photo ipod. )
09-02-2005 07:16:56
[quote2cbc8a914f="xlife"]aren't you already STV anyway?[/quote2cbc8a914f]
STV can still be turned into a hold. And why tell your enemy the case? wink right CG?
09-02-2005 07:20:28
[quotea0a2aad028="CoMpFrEaK"][quotea0a2aad028="xlife"]aren't you already STV anyway?[/quotea0a2aad028]
STV can still be turned into a hold. And why tell your enemy the case? wink right CG?[/quotea0a2aad028]
good luck w/ trying to put me on hold.
issues, i tell ya. ISSUES.
and yeah, i heard about GC reporting to gratis about scammers and of people against gratis's TOS but i haven't done none of that so save yourselves a few hrs of sleep why dont you.
09-02-2005 07:29:06
I've only reported a couple of people to Gratis, and they were people that blatantly came out and said they had multiple accounts. That's the only reason I would report someone. Even if I don't see eye to eye with someone, I'm not going to try and ruin their chances of getting some free stuff. It takes a lot of work to get some of this stuff, especially a photo ipod (10 refs is a lot) and I wouldn't appreciate it being done to me.
09-02-2005 07:41:56
[quoteaf46a1ee92="CollidgeGraduit"]I've only reported a couple of people to Gratis, and they were people that blatantly came out and said they had multiple accounts. That's the only reason I would report someone. Even if I don't see eye to eye with someone, I'm not going to try and ruin their chances of getting some free stuff. It takes a lot of work to get some of this stuff, especially a photo ipod (10 refs is a lot) and I wouldn't appreciate it being done to me.[/quoteaf46a1ee92]
That's my point. I'm saying i havent done anything wrong and against gratis's TOS so i don't appreciate people coming from one end and saying that they're going to report me because they don't like my tone or attitude.
it has nothing to do with unfairness or injustice... cuz i havent done any of that to deserve being put on hold. its because he doesnt like ME.. WHOPPIE. i don't go around putting a mask on my face trying make people like me for who i'm not. i am a very opinionated person and i stick with my words.
i don't know how this lead to him actually wanting to resort to something so low. i think it's just rude and childish of him in such an act.
09-02-2005 09:26:00
Can you please clarify who this "he" is? I've said nothing about trying to put someone's account on hold...that is childish and unwarranted (unless of course, that person DID blatantly violated the TOS).
09-02-2005 09:49:41
[quote38201ca7b1="FreeOffersNow"]Can you please clarify who this "he" is? I've said nothing about trying to put someone's account on hold...that is childish and unwarranted (unless of course, that person DID blatantly violated the TOS).[/quote38201ca7b1]
just a few things.
amaivs, I'm siding with you, just because I know you don't like it. lol Seriously, I think the reason why people are against you is because you try so hard to figure out why, that in the end, you come off as annoying. I think that the more you struggle, the worse it gets. But not me, I like you, even though you won't reciprocate cause I'm siding with you cry lol
then, about being put on hold while STV it's actually possible. I know someone who's been put on hold after he was shipped. We were curious about it and, because he had done everything right when signing up and getting his referrals, he contacted Gratis who wouldn't say why he was on hold but made it clear they reserved the right to reclaim the photo iPod back at any time. We had a very good laugh. I'd like to see a Gratis rep. coming to my door to ask my iPod back. lol
and I forgot to answer the original question
[quote47899e0a49]what does the 500th post do?[/quote47899e0a49]
answer it helps you realize even more clearly that you need your life back.
09-02-2005 15:00:02
[b471ef9db36]ATTN[/b471ef9db36] Anyone who hasn't read this thread yet
Don't, it's boring. I do, however, recommend spending your time reading these

http//images.amazon.com/images/P/0451524934.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg[" alt=""/img471ef9db36]
[img="471ef9db36]http//images.amazon.com/images/P/031286504X.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg[" alt=""/img471ef9db36]
09-02-2005 18:46:24
[quotea843300924="Chesyl"][ba843300924]ATTN[/ba843300924] Anyone who hasn't read this thread yet
Don't, it's boring. I do, however, recommend spending your time reading these

http//images.amazon.com/images/P/0451524934.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg[" alt=""/imga843300924]
[img="a843300924]http//images.amazon.com/images/P/031286504X.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg[" alt=""/imga843300924]
thanks for recommending the books. the last one seems interesting.
09-02-2005 18:48:36
[quote62fac5a984="l0th"]just a few things.
amaivs, I'm siding with you, just because I know you don't like it. lol Seriously, I think the reason why people are against you is because you try so hard to figure out why, that in the end, you come off as annoying. I think that the more you struggle, the worse it gets. But not me, I like you, even though you won't reciprocate cause I'm siding with you cry lol
then, about being put on hold while STV it's actually possible. I know someone who's been put on hold after he was shipped. We were curious about it and, because he had done everything right when signing up and getting his referrals, he contacted Gratis who wouldn't say why he was on hold but made it clear they reserved the right to reclaim the photo iPod back at any time. We had a very good laugh. I'd like to see a Gratis rep. coming to my door to ask my iPod back. lol
and I forgot to answer the original question
[quote62fac5a984]what does the 500th post do?[/quote62fac5a984]
answer it helps you realize even more clearly that you need your life back.[/quote62fac5a984]
heh, it's okay.
i know for a fact i can't be put on hold for my photo ipod. i know that i havent done anything at all agianst TOS. those who dislike me can run their mouths about me, it doesn't bother me one bit.
and btw. what i meant by "what does the 500th post do" was how will my status change but it's still at addict. i just found out that at 700+ posts, i will go up to "super cheap"
09-02-2005 18:54:29
yeah its 720 to be exact
09-02-2005 18:57:49
[quote22520aff3c="Stroid"]yeah its 720 to be exact[/quote22520aff3c]
09-02-2005 19:13:46
Correction its 750 for super cheap
09-02-2005 19:24:33
[quotec7102cfcc3="Stroid"]Correction its 750 for super cheap[/quotec7102cfcc3]
thanks boo.
Correction it's 755 for super cheap. If no one raise the bid, I won. lol
09-02-2005 23:55:00
[quoted0bc266843="l0th"]Correction it's 755 for super cheap. If no one raise the bid, I won. lol[/quoted0bc266843]
thanks for confirming D
11-02-2005 14:38:18
Is this for real???
11-02-2005 14:40:06
Definitly 750
11-02-2005 16:01:33
I've got some posting to do to get to super cheap. And why does everyone get into arguments with amaivs? I've gotten into a few with her but now we're cool.... Right?
thomas moore
11-02-2005 16:04:00
george owell was right!
11-02-2005 16:17:22
[quotee32f724bd2="J4320"]I've got some posting to do to get to super cheap. And why does everyone get into arguments with amaivs? I've gotten into a few with her but now we're cool.... Right?[/quotee32f724bd2]
because everyone needs a lil taste of myra in their life!!
hahaah j/k that sounded nasty.
) yeah, we're [be32f724bd2]cool[/be32f724bd2] w/ eachother!
12-02-2005 17:13:27
Just added a new rank--
"Wanna-Be Moderator"
Threshold 1300.
13-02-2005 03:00:09
When we get there, will we have the ability to want to lock threads? ;)
13-02-2005 08:45:15
I'm getting close and I'm assuming this rank is admin's way of taking a stab at me. (
13-02-2005 09:51:53
so when you reach the 1300, you're automatically a moderator? confused
i saw stroid post elsewhere and he had the same status.
13-02-2005 11:41:36
I dont even know you, Offers, and it's not a stab. Its just a level at 1300. Is it really that bad? Maybe you shouldn't take a forum so seriously.
13-02-2005 11:49:25
I am mod and it says that for me to its just a general ranking
13-02-2005 18:24:24
[quotef8795dd9db="Admin"]I dont even know you, Offers, and it's not a stab. Its just a level at 1300. Is it really that bad? Maybe you shouldn't take a forum so seriously.[/quotef8795dd9db]
By a "stab" I meant you were cracking a joke because I post here too much. Are me an Stroid the only Wanna-be-Moderators? Looks to be a pretty exclusive club. Too bad Stroid is a Wanna-be-Moderator [next line] Moderator lol
13-02-2005 20:49:40
I edited mine now it just says moderator twice
Will i automatically get the "Donator" flag for donating $10, or do i have to ask for it?
13-02-2005 21:44:35
I think you get it automatically