Ernst and Young

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10-04-2007 10:39:23

So the other day I got an email from my department head. He was looking for some good sophomore accounting majors. It seemed to be something that you get all the time that is sent to 1000s of people. But reading it in more detail he asked to respond either way. And I was like "haha he's gonna have hundreds of people send him an email saying no" Then I looked and found out that it was only sent to 5 people.

So I talked to him for a little bit about it and found out that he picked a few sophomore accounting majors (based of grades and recommendations) to offer an externship opportunity with Ernst and Young. Incase you didnt' know EY is one of the Big 4 accounting firms. Also according to CNN the 25th BEST place to work for 2007.

I wasn't really thinking of working for a Big 4 Firm simply because I never thought that I would be qualified/lucky enough to find myself a career with such a large firm. But after getting the information it's simply something that I can't pass up.

From what my department head is telling me, it is supposed to be 3-4 days. I will be reimburse me for miles, meals and hotel if necessary. And I will go in and just job shadow an audit team and learn about Ernst and Young. One day would be an office fun day where I would get to go with staff to a picnic or a basesball game. And I would have no responsibilities except to show up. He said "are really trying to get you interested in signing with E&Y before anyone else gets you." Which kinda makes it a little less exciting. I was thinking that it was going to be a great chance to make an impression and possibly be offered an internship for the next summer.

But I figure that I'll do it anyway and see what it's like. So I wanted to get some more information about EY, just because I heard it's very important to know about the firm during an interview. They like you to ask questions and know stuff about them to show you are really interrested. So I was on their website and found out about a Summer LeaderShip Program which seems to be alot like, or possibly the same thing, as what my department head is calling an externship.

[quote48e0660a76="EY Website"]Our Summer Leadership Program (SLP) is a two-day program designed for top undergraduate students who will be interviewing with our Assurance, Technology & Security Risk Services, or Tax practices for an internship or full-time position.

The SLP lets students explore unique career opportunities that Ernst & Young offers to top accounting students from area colleges and universities. Students are able to develop their professional and personal skills, participate in team-building activities, and visit an EY office.

In addition to learning more about careers in public accounting, SLP participants can get to know our people and culture in a relaxed environment that’s educational as well as social. [/quote48e0660a76]

I just am all nervous and excited about this. I'm hoping that they are the same thing. Because the SLP seem a lot more like what I wanted this externship to be and what I am hoping for. I really wanted this to be like an internship. But I'm not exactly sure if it is the same thing.

Here are my questions
Does it seem like the same thing to you?
Anybody work with EY?
Tips for an externship like this?
What all should I know about EY before going into an interview?
Interview tips?

Interviewing with a big firm like this really makes me nervous. Everyother interview I've ever down was pretty caual. I still dressed up because I wanted to be professional, but it wasn't necessary because others didn't and still got the job. And I wasn't really nervous because I didn't care about getting the job. Because all the interviews were for jobs not a big career path that will affect my entire life.


10-04-2007 10:47:51

Go for it and just be you.

I was nervous with the company I am with now. This is going to be my career, and I love it.


10-04-2007 10:49:00

Search for my topic about interviews, a lot of good help in there dealing with major fortune 500 companies.

EY does some work in my building and i've had to support them because they run off our network here. But I don't know much about them except their pretty big.


10-04-2007 10:50:07

[quote90974dd5d3="TryinToGetPaid"]Go for it and just be you.

I was nervous with the company I am with now. This is going to be my career, and I love it.[/quote90974dd5d3]

I am definitely going for it. I have already committed myself actually. I'm just super nervous. I want to make a good impression.


10-04-2007 10:50:55

Do not be nervous, they are just people like everyone else. Dress nice, look nice, and be coversational. I have a feeling you will do suberb.


10-04-2007 11:05:06

[quote8694add1fd="TryinToGetPaid"]Do not be nervous, they are just people like everyone else. Dress nice, look nice, and be coversational. I have a feeling you will do suberb.[/quote8694add1fd]
Thanks. I appreciate that. I have to work on nerves. I can be all confident if it's something that I don't care as much about. But I know when it is something that I really care about I end up trying to talk smarter than I am and mess stuff up.

I can be conversational when I know what i'm talking about and dont' mess things up.

I think I'll do alright. I'm told I have a way of making a good impression. I know there wasn't a friends/girlfriends parent that I've met that didn't like me the first time they met me. But I'm still really nervous because of questions like, (comming from O4F-Manofice's Interview topic)

"Why do you think you are the best candidate for the position."

Or something like

"Tell me about yourself." I really hate those ones.


10-04-2007 11:09:18

And those questions usually come up. The job where I am now...I got a call about 1-2 hours after the interview saying I had the job...leaving the interview I was so confident it went well..I was kinda expecting the call and when I got it was great.

I found that where I am now...the job interview for here...was the best interview I ever had. I was so confident that I wasn't nervous (and i'm usually nervous on interviews).


10-04-2007 11:14:05

[quote69352db47c="O4F-Manofice"]And those questions usually come up. The job where I am now...I got a call about 1-2 hours after the interview saying I had the job...leaving the interview I was so confident it went well..I was kinda expecting the call and when I got it was great.

I found that where I am now...the job interview for here...was the best interview I ever had. I was so confident that I wasn't nervous (and i'm usually nervous on interviews).[/quote69352db47c]

They are tough. I dont' know what they want me to say. Like what do they want to know about me? What really makes me better than everybody else?? I dont' know the other people?

I can make a good impression just talking to people. But I hate being asked questions like that because they always let you talk and you want to be done and then they look at you as if they want you to keep going. And you dont' know what else to say but you try to keep going anyway. And that's when things turn bad.


10-04-2007 11:28:17

Take most (it's never all) of the worry away by preparing yourself. When is the interview? Start by doing some research on professional interview scenarios/questions. Just google those phrases and you will get a ton of results. Pick some reputable sources and start reading. There are many sites that list those weird, out of nowhere wtf questions "Tell me about yourself. Would you rather be caught stealing or lying? If I told you this interview was going badly what would you say?" and etc, etc. Just find the common ones and think about your answers. Then start rehearsing them to yourself or perhaps a friend. Spend additional time working on "Tell me about yourself." This /will/ come up and you need to be able to rattle off a great answer. They are not looking to hear about your hobbies, interests, and family in this question they want to know about your work experience. Again, google it and there will be examples of great 1-2 paragraph answers that are professional and can be modified for your situation. As long as you are prepared you can go in there with confidence and take whatever they throw at you!


10-04-2007 11:31:04

[quotebe3631484b="O4F-Manofice"]But I don't know much about them except their pretty big.[/quotebe3631484b]

107,000 employees stationed throughout 140 countries. Ernst & Young audits over 100 of the Fortune 500 companies and has consistently posted double-digit growth and led its competitors in tax services and technology.

95 offices in the US

2005 Revenue 16,900,000,000


10-04-2007 11:36:54

I guess my company is in that 100 group =P


10-04-2007 11:55:32

[quote199c772c5b="Godrockdj"]Take most (it's never all) of the worry away by preparing yourself. When is the interview? Start by doing some research on professional interview scenarios/questions. Just google those phrases and you will get a ton of results. Pick some reputable sources and start reading. There are many sites that list those weird, out of nowhere wtf questions "Tell me about yourself. Would you rather be caught stealing or lying? If I told you this interview was going badly what would you say?" and etc, etc. Just find the common ones and think about your answers. Then start rehearsing them to yourself or perhaps a friend. Spend additional time working on "Tell me about yourself." This /will/ come up and you need to be able to rattle off a great answer. They are not looking to hear about your hobbies, interests, and family in this question they want to know about your work experience. Again, google it and there will be examples of great 1-2 paragraph answers that are professional and can be modified for your situation. As long as you are prepared you can go in there with confidence and take whatever they throw at you![/quote199c772c5b]

Great Info.

Not sure yet sometime in the summer. My department head doesn't know exactly. He said that a recruiter from Ernst and Young will contact me and let me know. I also found out that there were 6 people offered this opportunity and that EY wanted 4. And that so far only 2 people have provided contact information and that I will definitely be included in the 4.

There is a 50/50 chance of being offered either an internship or a job during this externship. So I'm now pretty sure that this is the same thing as the SLP. And I'm really excited.

I might be joining the FiPG posse down in philly within a year or two. 8)


10-04-2007 12:36:56

Congratulations! This looks like a great opportunity for you! Do some research and follow all the tips you've been given in this thread and you'll do fine.

E&Y audits the company where I work. They are actually here now on their annual audit. It is very easy to work with them. Being non-profit, but not a charity, our company has some unusual things happening in our books. They are all very nice when they have to get information from us or ask us questions. If I wanted to go into public accounting, I would love to work for them.

Over the years I've worked here, I've seen people get promoted rather quickly in Ernst & Young.

Good Luck!


10-04-2007 13:17:41

I have a few friends that work for them here in Rochester, they like it and there are a bunch of hotties working there also so they like it even more.


10-04-2007 13:20:30

yeah one of my friends does here in houston and he banks.


10-04-2007 13:40:32

ernst & young is a great company. according to businessweek it is one of the best to start your career with. as for clothing... dress up. read the news about the company (the journal, yahoo finance, etc) and clients that they have worked with then ask them questions about it but don't spend all of your time talking, let them talk. prepare for the weird questions. those things are a bitch.


10-04-2007 13:40:56

[quote8528a53ad5="hairyferry"]I have a few friends that work for them here in Rochester, they like it and there are a bunch of hotties working there also so they like it even more.[/quote8528a53ad5]

Where in Rochester? I 'm from rochester


10-04-2007 13:50:38

i live right off lake ave, but they have an office in the Bausch and Lomb Building. They moved in there about 4 years ago on the 3rd floor


10-04-2007 13:55:57

I'm pretty nervous about my resume. I have good grades and have taken hard classes. I have some knowledge of some accounting, tax, and research software. But nothing extensive. Not too worried about that though. The thing I'm really worried about is my activities. I'm really not involved in that much. I mean I had two jobs while in school, one as a shift leader at a local amusement resort food stand. And another as assistant manager at a Papa John's which closed up. I played intramural baseball this year and I did Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, but that is about it. I just recently joined the Kulpmont Sportmans Association, which I could probably put on a resume.

It seems like everybody else is involved in so much more. I think I waited too long to join stuff. I wanted to join the Accounting Association but I didn't. And I'm looking at Rotary Club right now. Just to get something else on my resume. But I mean it still isn't a lot.


10-04-2007 13:59:38

Sounds to me like you have enough activities,

I only have that i was in a fraternity and have a bunch of community services projects listed and I did fine.


10-04-2007 14:27:32

[quote0214098e7b="O4F-Manofice"]Sounds to me like you have enough activities,

I only have that i was in a fraternity and have a bunch of community services projects listed and I did fine.[/quote0214098e7b]

What kind of community service projects? And how many?