5th-graders accused of sex in school!!
03-04-2007 19:50:25
What is the world coming to. This is crazy. shock shock
[code1decb5d8b29]NEW ORLEANS - Five fifth-grade students face criminal charges after authorities said four of them had sex in front of other students in an unsupervised classroom and kept a classmate posted as a lookout for teachers.
The students were arrested Tuesday at the Spearsville school in rural north Louisiana, authorities said. Two 11-year-old girls, a 12-year-old boy and a 13-year old boy were charged with obscenity, a felony. An 11-year-old boy, the alleged guard, was charged with being an accessory.
"After 44 years of doing this work, nothing shocks me anymore," said Union Parish Sheriff Bob Buckley. "But this comes pretty close."
Authorities said the incident happened March 27 at the school, which houses students from kindergarten through 12th grade. A high school teacher normally watches the fifth-grade class at the time, but went to an assembly for older students and the class was inadvertently left unattended, Buckley said.
The class, which had around 10 other students, was alone for about 15 minutes, he said.
"When no teacher showed up, the four began to have sex in the classroom with the other elementary students in the classroom with them," he said.
It took a day for authorities to find out about the incident. A student who had been in the class told a high school student about it the next day, Buckley said. The student told a teacher, and school officials notified the sheriff's office. Detectives began questioning students Thursday.
School officials did not return calls seeking comment.
The students, who were not identified because of their age, were released to their parents after their arrests, Buckley said. They will next be arraigned in juvenile court. A message seeking comment from the district attorney was not immediately returned.
Buckley said it was unclear what the children could face in penalties. [/code1decb5d8b29]
03-04-2007 19:54:04
03-04-2007 19:55:45
there was another story like this but with 8th graders i think, and its more about the school keeping the issue private than the students having criminal charges held agaisnt em, I'll grab the article ina a sec, gotta search another forum
03-04-2007 19:58:54
I was wrong, it's 6th graders... here's the article
03-04-2007 19:59:13
[quoteb5fa7d65e5="Zanpaktou"]there was another story like this but with 8th graders i think, and its more about the school keeping the issue private than the students having criminal charges held agaisnt em, I'll grab the article ina a sec, gotta search another forum[/quoteb5fa7d65e5]
Well I believe that all the classes should be supervised. But it isnt' as shocking for 8th graders to be having sex. Although it is very young yet. 11 year olds is just way way too young. Like I just can't imagine that.
I somehow also dont' quite believe it.
03-04-2007 20:00:23
Forgot about that.
Added it now.
03-04-2007 20:05:34
when I was in 5th/6th (i don't remember) we found a used condom on the playground...not sure if it was from a student or not but I will never forget that.
03-04-2007 20:06:08
That is just wrong. . . I wish I was having sex in 5th grade. . .
Not really. I happy with my choices. . .
03-04-2007 20:22:35
I never said I agree with the age, I just dont think that looking at this in a legal perspective is neccessary. They did what they did, none of the kids in the classroom had an issue with it. I personally dont see why you cant just expel the kids, fail them for the year and force them to take summer school, anything other that giving them a felony that will stick with them long enough to affect their lives. I filled out colelge forms earlier this year and every single college form tells you to describe any felonies you may have received ever. I dunno, maybe im just too lenient.
03-04-2007 20:25:57
[quote17699efbd7="Zanpaktou"]I never said I agree with the age, I just dont think that looking at this in a legal perspective is neccessary. They did what they did, none of the kids in the classroom had an issue with it. I personally dont see why you cant just expel the kids, fail them for the year and force them to take summer school, anything other that giving them a felony that will stick with them long enough to affect their lives. I filled out colelge forms earlier this year and every single college form tells you to describe any felonies you may have received ever. I dunno, maybe im just too lenient.[/quote17699efbd7]
I dont think the kids should have felonies, repremanded yes, felonies no. The kids need to be talked to about this, I know me personally never even though about sex when I was in 5th grade. Ever!
But I think some fingers should really be pointed at the school.
03-04-2007 20:26:48
I think the law should apply to everyone, no matter the age. Even if the other kids were ok with it, it doesn't make the act any less of a crime. That's my two cents, though.
I think that this just shows where the future generations are going ...
03-04-2007 20:31:07
I agree with stueybaby.
Punishment is perfectly fine.
A felony lasts a hell of a long time.
I say, classify it as a misdemeanor if youre going to stick with the law and give them the most severe crime you can...
And make sure they understand what's going on.
I never thought about sex in 5th or 6th grade really either..
03-04-2007 20:55:06
[quote8b30fbc0d4="moviemadnessman"]I think the law should apply to everyone, no matter the age. Even if the other kids were ok with it, it doesn't make the act any less of a crime. That's my two cents, though.
I think that this just shows where the future generations are going ...[/quote8b30fbc0d4]
Right it is a law, but mentally handicap people can get special acceptions because their brains do not function at the proper level. Many teens convicted of murder are given a special sentence because of their age and level of knowledge and understanding.
These kids are way way too young to really understand what they are really doing. I agree totally that there must be some sort of punishment but it shouldn't be a felony. I mean they are 11 years old! I didn't even think it was possible for someone that young to be convicted of a felony.
And I'm not excusing this because everybody was ok with it. In fact I dont' really belive that everybody was ok with it, and if they were it would be for the sheer reason that they dind't understand what was going on.
We really live in a fliliked up world!![/size8b30fbc0d4]
03-04-2007 21:01:01
When I was in 4th grade the bus driver found a used tampon on one of the seats and she took us all back to the school and we had to sit there for 3 hours.
03-04-2007 21:03:38
[quote9247809e06="hairyferry"]When I was in 4th grade the bus driver found a used tampon on one of the seats and she took us all back to the school and we had to sit there for 3 hours.[/quote9247809e06]
That is discusting!
I can't ever swim in a public pool anymore because of an incident. Not with the tampon, but I was like sitting in the shallow end and I just saw some gross shit. And I can't be in a public pool anymore.
03-04-2007 21:51:26
They are pimping it early lol
03-04-2007 23:11:31
WTF? How did they decide to do this and then do it in under 15 minutes? Is it the only thing on their minds? Cripes, I'm pretty sure I only just found out what sex WAS in 5th grade.
03-04-2007 23:51:03
For a split second, I thought this was in Brag Bag. shock
04-04-2007 00:41:10
You would be surprised at how much kids know about sex.
04-04-2007 05:34:14
I can't believe that they arrested these kids...and everyone is talking about felonies and punishments, but my mind keeps going back to the fact that these are 11-12 yr old kids. Something is WRONG here! This may just be the tree-hugging donkey coming out in me, but the bigger issue seems to be that the action occured to these kids in the first place and there needs to be some kind of therapy/education involved rather than punishment. This is the agegroup that we, as a judicial society, protect from sex crimes with tougher laws and harsher sentencing when the crime is initiated by an adult. It seems to me that these kids have seen too much/learned too much somewhere along the way.
04-04-2007 06:02:20
[quote924a2752f8="booklover1104"] I can't believe that they arrested these kids...and everyone is talking about felonies and punishments, but my mind keeps going back to the fact that these are 11-12 yr old kids. Something is WRONG here! This may just be the tree-hugging donkey coming out in me, but the bigger issue seems to be that the action occured to these kids in the first place and there needs to be some kind of therapy/education involved rather than punishment. This is the agegroup that we, as a judicial society, protect from sex crimes with tougher laws and harsher sentencing when the crime is initiated by an adult. It seems to me that these kids have seen too much/learned too much somewhere along the way.[/quote924a2752f8]
That's what I tried to say too.
[quote924a2752f8="stueybaby17"] I dont think the kids should have felonies, repremanded yes,[b924a2752f8] felonies no [/b924a2752f8]. The kids [b924a2752f8]need to be talked to about this [/b924a2752f8], I know me personally never even though about sex when I was in 5th grade. Ever! [/quote924a2752f8]
04-04-2007 06:05:21
yeah...you're right...sorry if i just reiterated...i'm just horrified (being a mom, i guess...)
04-04-2007 06:35:49
it only goes in the brag bag if it's with a teacher.
too bad there wasn't an fipg brag bag when [b1009964367]liIli[/b1009964367] was in 5th grade 8)
[quote1009964367="Tholek"]For a split second, I thought this was in Brag Bag. shock[/quote1009964367]
04-04-2007 07:23:28
Typical Louisiana...
04-04-2007 07:50:54
Something is definitely wrong with arresting them. If anything, school officials should be arrested for leaving a room full of kids unsupervised.
Passing the blame off to the kids?
So, so early to be having sex though. Wow. I wonder if the class was cheering them on or something. Seems so bizarre and f'd up.
I mean, it was common in my school for people to be having sex around 14-15. Very young, yes...but it certainly wasn't done in front of a class of people.
04-04-2007 07:59:25
man..I didn't have sex till my junior year of high school...these kids are going at it fast!
04-04-2007 08:02:48
Reminds me I saw a show last night in my hotel room about 13 year olds who already are having sex and drinking. I didn't drink until sophmore year. I drank once in 8th grade, but it was like 2 beers.
04-04-2007 08:29:06
this is just crazy i have a child that is in the 7th grade and if she even so much as thought about doing this she would be dead. if not by me then her father.
04-04-2007 08:30:28
This is crazy. I didn't even know how to have sex in 5th grade.
04-04-2007 09:01:12
[quote0194635470="O4F-Manofice"]man..I didn't have sex till my junior year of high school...these kids are going at it fast![/quote0194635470]
Yeah I was a senior.
04-04-2007 09:45:28
5th grade is when they started sex ed and showed the infamous puberty video.
For what it's worth I had my first beer @ 13...cigarettes the same age. Smoked herb for the first time @ 14.
Kids start earlier and earlier these days...the thing is that most of the people I know who were doing those things are all fine now. They're not alcoholics or even smokers or druggies for the most part.
It seems to be the kids who are sheltered from all that stuff who end up having problems. I know a few people from my HS that have problems w/ drugs and booze and they were all the ones who started late and went full force. It seems to be the kids who don't try pot until they're 17 that become potheads, because it seems cool or something. Or they're trying to fit in. Seems others who started earlier and were exposed to it from an earlier age kind of "grew up" quicker.
It's weird how things like that work out. 2 of my classmates, one of whom is going to UPenn with me and the other Princeton...we were part of the group of kids who were first to get stoned and experiment with booze. It's like when exposed young, you grow out of it quicker...and those who are sheltered from it exhibit no self control when they finally do it.
04-04-2007 09:57:05
Very true Nytrate. My friend who looked down on me and my friends for smoking weed, were arrested for selling it. They were both from rich familes and got heavily into cocaine, now they have no job and have dropped out of college.
04-04-2007 11:03:48
[quote3e06165d7d="nytrate"]5th grade is when they started sex ed and showed the infamous puberty video.
For what it's worth I had my first beer @ 13...cigarettes the same age. Smoked herb for the first time @ 14.
It seems to be the kids who are sheltered from all that stuff who end up having problems. I know a few people from my HS that have problems w/ drugs and booze and they were all the ones who started late and went full force. It seems to be the kids who don't try pot until they're 17 that become potheads, because it seems cool or something. Or they're trying to fit in. Seems others who started earlier and were exposed to it from an earlier age kind of "grew up" quicker.
I dunno about that. I had my first beer at 14, and cigarette then too. Now because of that first ever cigarette I never ever touched one again. But being exposed to beer early didn't make me grow up quicker. I've had plenty of nights when I drank way too much, and I still do.
And I didn't try weed until I was 17. And after I tried it I only did it on ocasion for a few months. Then I didn't do it for about two years, and the last time I did it was just because I was on vacation with a bunch of friends and decided to do it again. I'm not a pothead or anything.
Getstuff4free Kyle
04-04-2007 17:47:49
Just because nobody said anything doesn't mean that nobody else in the class had a problem with it. I know some 5th graders who definitely would be bothered by it, but would probably not say anything.
I wouldn't be surprised if most of them weren't bothered by it, but not all (although if it was only 10 students, who knows).
I have no idea if I would have been bothered by it or not because at 5th grade (1985-1986 if you're wondering), I didn't even know what sex was either. Although knowing how twisted I once was, I'd probably only be bothered by it if the girls were ugly (sorry, just being honest - different person now, but that's the way I thought once upon a time).
04-04-2007 18:09:47
stds are at large!
yeah... i saw a 10 yr pregnant girl one time...
04-04-2007 20:02:46
[quote930e2d667a="jy3"]yeah... i saw a 10 yr pregnant girl one time...[/quote930e2d667a]
tell me you are joking. shock
04-04-2007 20:15:54
Nope, I seen a 9 year old in Columbia last time on TV who was pregz. Was very sad.
04-04-2007 20:20:28
I've only heard of girls that young being pregnant because they were raped.
04-04-2007 20:22:40
Ya know - I feel like I was just in fifth or sixth grade, my kids remind me NOT but anyway, things are starting so young it is scary! The other kids were probably absorbing what was going on- some will need some therapy so get over that, along with the the kids involved. They at that age should not have any charges against them, they mentally cannot decide what is right and wrong. It is all how society views sex these days, My daughter is in eigth grade and last yr a girl in her class got knocked up. Her parents are now raising the baby - she is back in school, she will be a senior when her kid is in kindergarten. That is crazy and the kids think it is cool . The kids are doing things theses days that I do when I get my freek on - and they think it is "normal"!
Where is this world going????
04-04-2007 20:28:41
My niece knows a girl that has like two or three kids at the ripe old age of 17. She had to have started young to have that many by now. But here is my question, where are the parents of these kids? Kids are out of control these days.
04-04-2007 21:22:53
I've been in public education for over 20 years and as the sheriff said in the article "nothing suprises me anymore." Alot of good points have been made about this situation. Here are some other things to consider... A typical 5th grader is 10-11 years old. The boys were 12 & 13 which tells me they're behind in school for whatever reason(s).Boys typical begin to hit puberty around that age as a general rule (especially 13). Girls tend to mature earlier than boys. Given these facts + exposure to today's media (tv shows, music lyrics, websites, magz. art., etc...) + "babies" having babies and trying to raise them when they are not responsible enough to do so = they knew what they were doing or they wouldn't have gotten someone to lookout for them.
I think the felonies charge issue is just a scare tactic to gets the kids and probaly the parents attention. I'm sure some kind of counseling will be in the mix of discipline issued.
As far the school, the class should've never been left uncovered for
second, much less 15 minutes! That's the [b551997bb39]worst [/b551997bb39]thing you can do in a school setting is leave kids unsupervised. If you follow this case, you'll probably see a lawsuit brought against the school board (they have the deepest pockets) especially if the school pushes the felony charges. Yes, the kids were in the wrong, but the school more so.
05-04-2007 19:12:09
[quote38ce3f1632="Bhall3"]As far the school, the class should've never been left uncovered for
second, much less 15 minutes! That's the [b38ce3f1632]worst [/b38ce3f1632]thing you can do in a school setting is leave kids unsupervised. If you follow this case, you'll probably see a lawsuit brought against the school board (they have the deepest pockets) especially if the school pushes the felony charges. Yes, the kids were in the wrong, but the school more so.[/quote38ce3f1632]
So a teacher isn't allowed to leave the room at all? what if she needs to go get copies of something or something that has to do with class? Maybe it is just me from my small school roots (67 people in my graduating class) i remember a day in 8th grade that we went to class and our teacher wasn't there, we fucked around in the room for about 30 minutes until someone decided to go to the office and tell them... Teachers would leave the room for 10 minutes while we were working on projects all the time, it isn't like a 5th grade teacher should worry about leaving the classroom for a few minutes and even think that their students are going to have sex while they are gone...
06-04-2007 10:01:30
If a teacher needs to leave her room, then they should have someone cover the class until they get back. They can get another teacher that's available, contact the office, send a student to get copies, or wait until their conference period or in between classes. Yes, small schools are a little different to an extent, I've worked in a couple myself.
Most problems in schools occur when students are being unsupervised. You'd like to think that you could trust students enough to leave the room for 5 min. Reality is that you can't.
06-04-2007 17:20:47
Damn, it was my junior year in high school before I really did anything. Sex, drinking, smoking, etc. didn't start until the beginning of last school year for me.
07-04-2007 05:56:36
Btw, BOTH incidents happened. The one in Indy happened first, then the one in Louisiana.
That's a link to the same article that was originally posted in this thread.