Gettin' a new tattoo
Thursday I go under the needle again. Not looking forward to the pain, but I can't wait to see the end product!
Here's a rough sketch...

http/" alt=""/"233/1328/scan0003id8.jpg[" alt=""/imgd02eb7f47e]
It's going to be bigger than this too. D
24-03-2007 08:40:57
I'd never get ink. Not even for a chick.
24-03-2007 08:41:59
you should get a tattoo of Bubbles
TPB rules
regardless, I'm sure it'll help you fit right into Sunnyvale. Hell, even Corey and Trevor might think you're cool! lol
[quote5c53361047="Tholek"]I'd never get ink. Not even for a chick.[/quote5c53361047]
It's ok to admit that you're scared. Not all men are brave.... wink
[quote63c13d1863="nytrate"]you should get a tattoo of Bubbles
TPB rules
regardless, I'm sure it'll help you fit right into Sunnyvale. Hell, even Corey and Trevor might think you're cool! lol[/quote63c13d1863]
I told my wife that i was going to get her portrait tattooed around my arsehole. That way when I dropped the deuce, it would look like she was sticking her tongue out.... Yep, I'm all class.
24-03-2007 08:47:16
rarely do I like tattoos at all, but when I do it is when they are solid designs, pictures always look trashy IMO.
24-03-2007 08:51:55
[quote85f859d32e="Twon"][quote85f859d32e="Tholek"]I'd never get ink. Not even for a chick.[/quote85f859d32e]
It's ok to admit that you're scared. Not all men are brave.... wink
Brave...right. I bet you agonized over whether you'd get away without adding the "JK".
I had 5 tubes of blood drawn the other day. [b85f859d32e]FIVE[/b85f859d32e].
I told the nurse to fuck the lollipop. I'm a man.
24-03-2007 09:00:01
Only real men take the candy.
24-03-2007 09:11:26
I even refused the gauze. I looked her in the eye and said "I'm a clotter, baby".
24-03-2007 09:11:58
24-03-2007 10:08:25
some people love ink others don't care for it
personally, I don't care for it. It's kind of a turn off for me when I meet a guy with ink all over his body. It's not a deal breaker but it's definitely a turn off.
Seems to be so many ways to express oneself...permanent markings on the skin don't seem to be the best (or most creative) way about it. It's the same reason I don't like bumper stickers...theres no need to advertise what or how I feel about something if I myself believe in it. I leave that for debate, discussion and other outlets of creativeness.
Just my opinion though. I know plenty of other chicks who love tats on dudes and have them themselves. Then again, these chicks are the ones with "tramp stamps" on their lower back. I hate that.
I like the picture though. did you draw that yourself? If I got a tat I think it'd be my avatar (a painting I did)
[quote580041bd2d="Tholek"]I bet you agonized over whether you'd get away without adding the "JK".[/quote580041bd2d]
Ya. Did I ever!
[quote580041bd2d="Tholek"]"I'm a clotter, baby"[/quote580041bd2d]
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
[quote4474065779="nytrate"]It's not a deal breaker...[/quote4474065779]
I love that term....
[quote4474065779="Pat Godwin"]"Halitosis, that's a problem."
"Crotchitosis, DEAL BREAKER!"[/quote4474065779]
24-03-2007 12:35:57
[quoted9801d5c23="nytrate"]some people love ink others don't care for it
personally, I don't care for it. It's kind of a turn off for me when I meet a guy with ink all over his body. It's not a deal breaker but it's definitely a turn off.
Seems to be so many ways to express oneself...permanent markings on the skin don't seem to be the best (or most creative) way about it. It's the same reason I don't like bumper stickers...theres no need to advertise what or how I feel about something if I myself believe in it. I leave that for debate, discussion and other outlets of creativeness.
Just my opinion though. I know plenty of other chicks who love tats on dudes and have them themselves. Then again, these chicks are the ones with "tramp stamps" on their lower back. I hate that.
I like the picture though. did you draw that yourself? If I got a tat I think it'd be my avatar (a painting I did)[/quoted9801d5c23]
because you always look for guys..
[quote4cee86c2b1="nytrate"]I like the picture though. did you draw that yourself? If I got a tat I think it'd be my avatar (a painting I did)[/quote4cee86c2b1]
Nah. A sculptor friend of mine did.
24-03-2007 15:28:28

http//[" alt=""/img6c22e808d7]
Right after I got it...[unfinished]
[img="6c22e808d7]http//[" alt=""/img6c22e808d7]
Last year...
I took both pictures myself, so they aren't great...but I never think of having someone else take one. If I remember, I'll try to have the g/f take one sometime )
just make sure you have pants on D
24-03-2007 15:52:42
[quotea3481671a8="Twon"]just make sure you have pants on D[/quotea3481671a8]
Don't give him any ideas.
you don't want him to have pants on????
24-03-2007 15:56:43
Of course not.
24-03-2007 16:04:58
Doesn't look too bad. Have fun P
24-03-2007 17:17:42
[quote19cb94c290="EatChex89"][quote19cb94c290="nytrate"]some people love ink others don't care for it
personally, I don't care for it. It's kind of a turn off for me when I meet a guy with ink all over his body. It's not a deal breaker but it's definitely a turn off.
Seems to be so many ways to express oneself...permanent markings on the skin don't seem to be the best (or most creative) way about it. It's the same reason I don't like bumper stickers...theres no need to advertise what or how I feel about something if I myself believe in it. I leave that for debate, discussion and other outlets of creativeness.
Just my opinion though. I know plenty of other chicks who love tats on dudes and have them themselves. Then again, these chicks are the ones with "tramp stamps" on their lower back. I hate that.
I like the picture though. did you draw that yourself? If I got a tat I think it'd be my avatar (a painting I did)[/quote19cb94c290]
because you always look for guys..[/quote19cb94c290]
what? I don't get it
24-03-2007 17:39:52
I want the Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Triforce Eagle on my left shoulder. I have the word "root" tattoed on my right bicep and the word "hacker" on my left forearm in bold black letters with green lining.
24-03-2007 17:44:17
lol nice triforce, i'm eventually going to get a mario mushroom on my left butt cheek ), all in good time i suppose.
24-03-2007 17:54:16
[quotedb33d4d43f="XiORE"]lol nice triforce, i'm eventually going to get a mario mushroom on my left butt cheek ), all in good time i suppose.[/quotedb33d4d43f]
Wow, nice one...
J/P Mario Mushrooms are played out =/
24-03-2007 18:11:43
[quotea605feba0e="XiORE"]lol nice triforce, i'm eventually going to get a mario mushroom on my left butt cheek ), all in good time i suppose.[/quotea605feba0e]

http//[" alt=""/imga605feba0e]
24-03-2007 21:28:19
I even refused the gauze. I looked her in the eye and said "I'm a clotter, baby".[/quoteaed04df59c]
What would happen if a chick had hemophilia? andhada period...would she die..or does the disorder stick to the y chromosome?
24-03-2007 21:44:57
I even refused the gauze. I looked her in the eye and said "I'm a clotter, baby".[/quotef56f656188]
What would happen if a chick had hemophilia? andhada period...would she die..or does the disorder stick to the y chromosome?[/quotef56f656188]
I'm not too sure about the chromosome thing, but I doubt they would die. A period isn't like a cut that needs clotting...
24-03-2007 21:48:20
I even refused the gauze. I looked her in the eye and said "I'm a clotter, baby".[/quotec20ac33525]
What would happen if a chick had hemophilia? andhada period...would she die..or does the disorder stick to the y chromosome?[/quotec20ac33525]
The ladies must be beating down your door.
24-03-2007 22:44:14
I even refused the gauze. I looked her in the eye and said "I'm a clotter, baby".[/quoteb6f43f4284]
What would happen if a chick had hemophilia? andhada period...would she die..or does the disorder stick to the y chromosome?[/quoteb6f43f4284]
The ladies must be beating down your door.[/quoteb6f43f4284]
Haha! He's a real smooth operator =?
I'm a clotter, baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!