Downloading Music
03-02-2005 13:17:32
This is the off topic thread, so i thought I would ask on off topic question. I need some advice, what should i use to download my music? What do you guys use and what do you think is the best???
Thanks a lot!!
03-02-2005 13:42:19
Legal or not-so legal? )
03-02-2005 13:47:52
[quote916d53eca9="undertheradar"]Legal or not-so legal? )[/quote916d53eca9]
and by "not-so legal" you mean ILLEGAL?
03-02-2005 13:51:45
I use i2hub. you can find it by visiting ... you can only use it if you are on a college campus that is connected to the internet2 which is an all fiber network linking universities. Because it is all fiber it is FAST!
03-02-2005 13:53:26 it what you will. )
I used to use torrents almost exclusively, but that has gone to shit. Now I use e-mule. I don't bother with individual mp3's, I only download full albums and discographys.
03-02-2005 15:49:54
anyone use limewire?
03-02-2005 15:50:40
i dont like limewire i like k-lite
03-02-2005 16:03:42
limewire sucks. Kazaa sucks. they all are total shit now, except bootlegged copies of k-lite, since it got shutdown by sharman.
I get my CDs from the public library for free and rip them.
03-02-2005 16:04:53
BITTORENT!!! everything else SUCKS.
03-02-2005 16:05:23
I would do that ^^^^except the selection sucks, maybe ill try k lite
03-02-2005 16:07:50
Also try using DC++ you can get it from http// you have to share to get on the hubs though.. I think this is the best way, and I have tried K lite emule, and torrents, this is simply the best.. or use a net bios search program on your college campus. Also on campus i like to use mytunes redux http// it allows you to download other peoples shared itunes music.
03-02-2005 16:30:18
[quote1691a21692="bceagles04"]I would do that ^^^^except the selection sucks, maybe ill try k lite[/quote1691a21692]
yeah, it can be annoying finding an old album or something less popular. but when new stuff comes out, its usually up there days before, which is convenient.
03-02-2005 17:02:07
[quote9c15a629b3="SoBeIcedT"]I use i2hub. you can find it by visiting ... you can only use it if you are on a college campus that is connected to the internet2 which is an all fiber network linking universities. Because it is all fiber it is FAST![/quote9c15a629b3]
This is THE most fucking awesome software on the planet for sharing files.
I'm not sharing anything, but I work on my campus two nights a week - I've accumulated over 200 happy hardcore songs ripped from actual albums (instead of crappy rips that are missing half the song, which seems to happen a lot with techno and happy hardcore) in the last, like, 30 minutes. Sweeeeeet. D
03-02-2005 17:09:43
[quote9137c92f83="stiles05s"]BITTORENT!!! everything else SUCKS.[/quote9137c92f83]
True. But WinMX does a pretty good job of finding those hard-to-get songs. I think I'll go download some more LEGAL songs.... hehehehe... Yeah, legal. shock What? Don't look at me like that! Of course I pay for my songs. Who doesn't!?!
03-02-2005 17:12:50
Winmx sucks. Ares is alright.
03-02-2005 17:13:16
The problem with limewire, imesh, kazaa, winmx, etc, is that they are all so unbelievably infested with spyware. It's not worth the hassle IMHO, which is why I used k-lite if I have to use a p2p at all.
03-02-2005 17:15:02
[quote3c73f77d8c="Collateral"]Winmx sucks. Ares is alright.[/quote3c73f77d8c]
Yeah, I have it but I never use it. TORRENT!!!!!!!!
03-02-2005 17:15:13
limewire doesn't have any spyware.
03-02-2005 17:16:03
[quotec45990156b="shifuimam"]The problem with limewire, imesh, kazaa, winmx, etc, is that they are all so unbelievably infested with spyware. It's not worth the hassle IMHO, which is why I used k-lite if I have to use a p2p at all.[/quotec45990156b]
Limewire and Winmx don't have spyware. Now I know Kazaa does lol. I tried it once and it totally fucked my computer over. lol
03-02-2005 17:19:38
I've had to clean limewire and winMX both off of people's computers (i do tech support in the dorms at my university) due to adware infestations.
I just avoid them all these days..but that's just me. \
03-02-2005 18:04:33
I stick to open source stuff only... That way I am pretty sure that there is no adware. but seriously I have tried every one of the programs mentioned here, and I use a combination of all of them when I have difficulty finding somthing. DC++ has proven to be the best by far. As long as you share it is awesome.
03-02-2005 18:14:40
itunes..... D
03-02-2005 18:45:28
I use LimeWire a little.
But being in the school newspaper, I did an article and people are lossing TONS of money.
I heard AllofMP3 is great and not very expensive. Maybe I will have better karma in life if I start downloading legaly.
Do you believe in karma?
03-02-2005 19:14:49
i actually buy CDs and rip them to my ipod, and a bit of converting if i want it on my xanga where i can listen to it if i actually go to it lol
03-02-2005 19:49:47
[quotefb152979f8="nate08"]I use LimeWire a little.
But being in the school newspaper, I did an article and people are lossing TONS of money.
I heard AllofMP3 is great and not very expensive. Maybe I will have better karma in life if I start downloading legaly.
Do you believe in karma?[/quotefb152979f8]
Nice spelling for a journalist. roll
I have no problem ripping my CDs to MP3 and using them on my iPod. I also have no problem downloading music, because 90% of what I download is impossible-to-find foreign music.
Case in point the band Quarashi is from Iceland. They have released ONE album in the United States, along with a few singles. The singles are labeled as "import" and cost an arm and a leg online. They released two other albums in Scandanavia that are, to the best of my knowledge, not available in the United States. I found enough songs from those albums online to burn a 24-track CD that I listen to constantly.
Notice that the prices in the rest of the technology industry decrease as technology progresses. You can now buy a CD burner for $20, though it may be cheap. The original 5GB iPod retailed for, I believe, $399. The 20GB 4G iPod has four times the storage, is a third the size, and costs $100 less. Computers? Come ON. The Tandy 5000 retailed for $8,499 and had a MASSIVE 2MB RAM and a 20MHz Processor. Ooh...and VGA graphics!
In the meantime, CD prices have steadily increased from ~$9.00 to between $17.00 and $20.00 for one freaking album with 12 tracks, only five of which are worth listening to more than twice.
Fuck karma. I'm not wasting my money on music recordings sold by a company that sues twelve-year-olds for unwittingly sharing Britney Spears songs on her grandma's computer.
03-02-2005 20:16:51
[quote6359b3fa96="shifuimam"][quote6359b3fa96="nate08"]I use LimeWire a little.
But being in the school newspaper, I did an article and people are lossing TONS of money.
I heard AllofMP3 is great and not very expensive. Maybe I will have better karma in life if I start downloading legaly.
Do you believe in karma?[/quote6359b3fa96]
Nice spelling for a journalist. roll
I have no problem ripping my CDs to MP3 and using them on my iPod. I also have no problem downloading music, because 90% of what I download is impossible-to-find foreign music.
Case in point the band Quarashi is from Iceland. They have released ONE album in the United States, along with a few singles. The singles are labeled as "import" and cost an arm and a leg online. They released two other albums in Scandanavia that are, to the best of my knowledge, not available in the United States. I found enough songs from those albums online to burn a 24-track CD that I listen to constantly.
Notice that the prices in the rest of the technology industry decrease as technology progresses. You can now buy a CD burner for $20, though it may be cheap. The original 5GB iPod retailed for, I believe, $399. The 20GB 4G iPod has four times the storage, is a third the size, and costs $100 less. Computers? Come ON. The Tandy 5000 retailed for $8,499 and had a MASSIVE 2MB RAM and a 20MHz Processor. Ooh...and VGA graphics!
In the meantime, CD prices have steadily increased from ~$9.00 to between $17.00 and $20.00 for one freaking album with 12 tracks, only five of which are worth listening to more than twice.
Fuck karma. I'm not wasting my money on music recordings sold by a company that sues twelve-year-olds for unwittingly sharing Britney Spears songs on her grandma's computer.[/quote6359b3fa96]
you do have a point about the music industry, its absurd, but its not like i buy 100 CDs, and here are my reasoning i dont like pirating music (not that i never did before)
1. Riaa is just freaking annoying
2. Quality?
3. 1/2 of what you get on K++ is crap, aka no sound and like 15 min long
4. Potential Virus, its alawys a risk
5. I hate having to write in each song name and such
6. Hate having crumming looking CDs
yea most of those might be personal preferences but w/e its what i like
03-02-2005 20:50:41
"Fuck karma. I'm not wasting my money on music recordings sold by a company that sues twelve-year-olds for unwittingly sharing Britney Spears songs on her grandma's computer."
holy shit, thats the most liberating heart spoken thing I've ever read. i couldn't have said it better myself.
03-02-2005 21:18:39
[quote742f7713fc="CoMpFrEaK"]you do have a point about the music industry, its absurd, but its not like i buy 100 CDs, and here are my reasoning i dont like pirating music (not that i never did before)
1. Riaa is just freaking annoying
2. Quality?
3. 1/2 of what you get on K++ is crap, aka no sound and like 15 min long
4. Potential Virus, its alawys a risk
5. I hate having to write in each song name and such
6. Hate having crumming looking CDs
yea most of those might be personal preferences but w/e its what i like[/quote742f7713fc]
I completely follow you on points 2-5. I bought the extra-big set of Sharpies, so I create my own designs on my burned CDs...but mostly now I just use my iPod. I really like making mixes, because half the time a commercial album only has a few songs I actually want.
Quality is shit on Kazaa. I hate 128kbps, and won't usually settle for anything less than 192kbps. I've gotten a virus through Kazaa before, so I quit downloading software entirely (I've only done it two or three times anyhow)
Tagging MP3s is a bitch. I found a batch program that can do all kinds of advanced stuff with filenames and tags, but I still have a lot of music that is misnamed or mistagged.
I, for the most part, don't download music anymore. I just got on this i2hub network PodTopia mentioned, and it's pretty awesome so far. I've found a lot of complete albums in high quality, and the transfer rates are (mostly) incredibly fast for p2p - between 400 and 600kbps.
I do rip CDs, though, when I have the chance. Now that Media Player 10 supports it, it's even easier (although I still use CDex a lot of the time). Kazaa's turned to shit, now that everyone and his brother uses it, so the same corrupted mp3s or whatever get circulated around more than the good stuff. I haven't even installed it on either of my computers since I reformatted them.
I forgot to mention that legal music services are SHIT. Sony Connect won't actually let you burn your mp3s to audio or MP3 CD unless you have a Vaio. MSN Music only uses WMA format, so you can't download for your iPod. They all use Digital Rights Management bullshit, which keeps you from downloading music from an MP3 player once you've uploaded it, and only allows you to play the songs on five computers at a time.
AllOfMP3 isn't actually legal in the U.S. It's based on a loophole in Russian copyright law that allows the sale of MP3s for literally pennies. Downloading the MP3s for use in the United States still violates copyright law.
The RIAA wants us to get our music legally, but they are doing everything in their power to make it as difficult as possible to do it digitally. Of course, that will forever be a losing battle, largely because of the introduction of the original iPod in 2001. Now that digital music has such a huge presence in the world, they will never be able to 100% succeed in keeping people from technically violating copyright.
I hardly think that Atlantic or Columbia or Sony are any worse off financially because of downloading MP3s.