I love those apple commercials

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=5546


01-02-2005 20:18:45

i saw the ishuffle ones, those commercials work, now i want one lol


01-02-2005 20:22:06

lol do a free ipod shuffle sites, too bad i dont have any referral links i can give you


01-02-2005 20:27:47

nah, its hard enough to get my pvp lol,


01-02-2005 20:30:46

I'll help you get your refs, PM me. Also, the apple commercials are addictive, and are persuading people to take up making them at home. There was a Wired article a while back about some underground video maker getting notoriety for his cool iPod mini add.