Free XfX Geforce 6600GT's 128mb

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01-02-2005 20:06:12

They got them over at the for 6 referrals. Not to bad, trying to get me one. Also, since the site just started up and guy is running a 2 credit deal. Youll get your offer done plus a referal credit if you complete both ebay offers (No CC offers). Hes also adjusted some of the point requirments. Ive talked to the guy a little bit and seems like a cool guy, pretty sure its all legit. He gets most credits done THAT night. Got credit for both of my ebay offers and both referrals 3 hours after doing them. I need a couple more referrals to get my 6600GT if ya would like to help PM me. Ebays offers 4 life! p


01-02-2005 20:15:58

[quote4d9a31a386="thermonuke"]They got them over at the for 6 referrals. Not to bad, trying to get me one. Also, since the site just started up and guy is running a 2 credit deal. Youll get your offer done plus a referal credit if you complete both ebay offers (No CC offers). Hes also adjusted some of the point requirments. Ive talked to the guy a little bit and seems like a cool guy, pretty sure its all legit. He gets most credits done THAT night. Got credit for both of my ebay offers and both referrals 3 hours after doing them. I need a couple more referrals to get my 6600GT if ya would like to help PM me. Ebays offers 4 life! p[/quote4d9a31a386]

PCI-E or AGP 8x? But then again i rather get a x800 pro just cuase i get 50% retail prices


01-02-2005 20:23:16

AGP 8x, but the guy is real cool about it, said if i needed something any different to just let him know so i imagine if people needed a PCI-E hed help ya out.


01-02-2005 20:33:51

I'm available to sign up there. If someone a) pays me, or b) trades refs with me, I'll do it in a second. I need that Maxtor hard drive. PM, e-mail, or AIM me.


01-02-2005 22:34:10

[quotecba71cec8e="PodTopia"]I'm available to sign up there. If someone a) pays me, or b) trades refs with me, I'll do it in a second. I need that Maxtor hard drive. PM, e-mail, or AIM me.[/quotecba71cec8e]

haha want to get a 120GB for like $50? Hard drives are worth nothing now. The rates are like $.25 for a GB


01-02-2005 22:42:19

I know. I want to install a new one in the Mac Mini I should get soon. Make it a MULTIMEDIA MACHINE!!! I'll probably end up buying a 300GB one though....


01-02-2005 22:46:15

[quotef029606a79="PodTopia"]I know. I want to install a new one in the Mac Mini I should get soon. Make it a MULTIMEDIA MACHINE!!! I'll probably end up buying a 300GB one though....[/quotef029606a79]

7k400 from Hitachi is your friend wink