Anyone good with photoshop and willing to help? + Karma
25-02-2007 11:12:41
Allright here is what I hafta do. I have to make a logo for the new Rutgers Torrent site I created. Problem is I am absolutely horrible with photoshop, etc.
I want to use this picture of a knight-http//
I want the knight to be red, with white feathers off of his helmet.
Here is where it gets tricky, I want it to also say the word Torrents to the right of the knight. BUT I want the sword to be part of the letter T. aka I want a line above the sword to make a T. Has to look fancy and cool with sweet font though. Remember, this is going to be the new logo to a new website.
You can have the honor of helping a fipg member, creating a logo for a new website, and karma out the ass for this.
Thanks to anyone who can help.
25-02-2007 11:27:18
25-02-2007 11:28:38
Thanks for any Karma!
25-02-2007 11:33:18
You messed up the T!!!!
Dammit, cant count on anyone for anything. D
25-02-2007 11:49:56
Should the knight be a consistent red, or should there be 2 shades, as there were 2 shades of gray on the original?
25-02-2007 12:01:15
Hmmm I imagine two shades would look neat.
After all-they are the Scarlet Knights. But the main color is Red. Go figure...
25-02-2007 12:03:15
zzzzzzz looks like shit, give me another try

http/" alt=""/"442/679/knightsfc4.jpg[" alt=""/img9883bf86b1]
25-02-2007 12:08:48
Ahhhh ya the T looks a little weak, but thats deff. a great start Wrigley!
25-02-2007 12:12:24
I think this is a little better.....

http/" alt=""/"441/8490/knightsspx2.jpg[" alt=""/img242a0819e8]
25-02-2007 12:36:42

http//[" alt=""/imgc7683a39a3]
where can I send the file, the full size file looks better then this one, it's not blurry
25-02-2007 12:39:21
Here's my two cents...
25-02-2007 12:44:31

http//[" alt=""/imga3dd6d3505]
pure red on helm and chainmill and darker red on joints
25-02-2007 12:44:56
Hmmm.... Good stuff guys.
How about the Wrigleys design with the two swords, with pk's gold swords, font, and font color?
Can anyone whip that up? You guys are GREAT!
25-02-2007 12:46:28
where can I send file? one I posted here looks blurry but actual file is not
[quoteba26bdbbf9="oneill584"]Hmmm.... Good stuff guys.
How about the Wrigleys design, with pk's gold swords, font, and font color?[/quoteba26bdbbf9]
25-02-2007 12:54:17
Thanks a lot guys!
25-02-2007 12:56:32
email sent )
25-02-2007 13:02:37
Your not really considering there picture over mine are you? Where is my Karma
25-02-2007 13:05:50
I think he's giving karma only to the people who make the design he uses, not simply for effort. Lol ... that's not to say your picture is bad, because he didn't choose mine, either.
25-02-2007 13:09:46
take my image and add words to it, mine isn't blurry at all P
25-02-2007 13:42:21
And the winnner is...................................................
25-02-2007 13:43:35
How would I go about getting that background black?
25-02-2007 13:45:19
@pk Congrats on getting your pic chosen. It looks great )
@oneill Your site looks cool. Short and to the point. )
25-02-2007 13:45:35
[quote0fcc169ad1="oneill584"]How would I go about getting that background black?[/quote0fcc169ad1]
I can do that too
how much Karma ya givng me? lol
25-02-2007 13:54:49
[quote75ed9bc911="oneill584"]How would I go about getting that background black?[/quote75ed9bc911]
With stroke

http/" alt=""/"502/1284/77681178wd5.jpg[" alt=""/img75ed9bc911]
[img="75ed9bc911]http/" alt=""/"520/1742/61842329ia6.jpg[" alt=""/img75ed9bc911]
[img="75ed9bc911]http/" alt=""/"502/3824/76906278qv1.jpg[" alt=""/img75ed9bc911]
25-02-2007 14:01:47
btw don't link to my photosite use the attachment I sent you in email and upload it lol
25-02-2007 14:07:23
It's all done boys!
Sites all ready to rock and roll.
Thanks a lot to everyone that helped!
25-02-2007 14:09:14
That is not a T
25-02-2007 14:11:44
[quotef1b56ef88c="OldManWrigley"]That is not a T[/quotef1b56ef88c]
Sure it is ... the hilt makes the sword a lowercase t...
25-02-2007 14:16:48
Last thing guys.
Anyone know how to get my images in my signature side by side?
Here is the code I am using now that is not working.
<br> <a href="http//"> <img=" src="http//" alt="Alt Text"> </a> <a href="http//"> <img src="http/" alt=""/" alt="Alt Text"> </a> <br>
25-02-2007 14:19:07
Hmmm.... That same code works on here though. Maybe the images are too big for a sig? Any ideas?
25-02-2007 14:31:53
Combine them into one
25-02-2007 14:34:48
Just use this

http/" alt=""/"80/8071/81659979gq4.gif[" alt=""/imgce144048fd]
25-02-2007 14:42:12
Thanks. I really would have liked them to link to two differnt sites though, thats the thing..
25-02-2007 14:52:40
thanks for Karma ) I can't even get pics to show in sig oops
25-02-2007 14:59:23
sorry if this is off-topic a little bit but I wonder if anyone can resize me this image http// in photoshop 125 by 125 and cut out the bullseye horse text
25-02-2007 15:56:24
Looking at my ass and can't see any Karma coming out of it lol
j/k know you can only give it 1 at a time

http//[" alt=""/img2ee1d9ac14]
[quote2ee1d9ac14="oneill584"]Allright here is what I hafta do. I have to make a logo for the new Rutgers Torrent site I created. Problem is I am absolutely horrible with photoshop, etc.
I want to use this picture of a knight-http//
I want the knight to be red, with white feathers off of his helmet.
Here is where it gets tricky, I want it to also say the word Torrents to the right of the knight. BUT I want the sword to be part of the letter T. aka I want a line above the sword to make a T. Has to look fancy and cool with sweet font though. Remember, this is going to be the new logo to a new website.
You can have the honor of helping a fipg member, creating a logo for a new website, and karma out the ass for this.
Thanks to anyone who can help.[/url][/quote2ee1d9ac14]
25-02-2007 16:08:00
[quote9e0de72b26="bullseye4u"]sorry if this is off-topic a little bit but I wonder if anyone can resize me this image http// in photoshop 125 by 125 and cut out the bullseye horse text[/quote9e0de72b26]
Got an email you'd like it sent to?
Here's what I came up with

http/" alt=""/"86/4219/bullseyefr4.jpg[" alt=""/img9e0de72b26]
25-02-2007 16:10:22
+kma to jadem for helping and not being a karma whore )
25-02-2007 16:13:15
[quote2f5185e449="x323smostwantedx"]+kma to jadem for helping and not being a karma whore )[/quote2f5185e449]
Why thank you, Sir!!! D
25-02-2007 16:13:48
[quote347c59fe1f="jadem"][quote347c59fe1f="x323smostwantedx"]+kma to jadem for helping and not being a karma whore )[/quote347c59fe1f]
Why thank you, Sir!!! D[/quote347c59fe1f]
WElcome lol