Warning...do NOT trade refferals with the following users...
01-02-2005 07:06:46
username warcow
I completed an offer for this guy, before he even signed up. He then signed up, didn't complete an offer (misleading me that he had), and later claimed that he couldn't complete one because there were no non-CC offers. He knew that from the beginning and completely took advantage of me.
username special
Essentially did the same thing, although he hasn't even bothered to respond after my offer went green for him. He lied up front saying he would complete an offer right after I signed up, saying 5 minutes later that he'd sign up once it went green. well, I completed TWO offers to get this guy his green and he never reciprocated.
01-02-2005 07:23:11

http/" alt=""/img.photobucket.com/albums/v206/Stroid/Deodarant.gif[/img96496ac5a7]
Ive tried to screw to many people and now im bant!!!! BYE BYE forum!
01-02-2005 07:26:32
ryams27 please dont bash another member of the forum like that without giving them the chance to explain themselves. It seems warcow has tried to talk to you and explain his situation. He may still be able to complete an offer for you. there is no need to try to ruin someones reputation as a trader. If in the end it doesnt work out then you may say he isnt a good trader but dont simply accuse. Give him a chance to explain.
01-02-2005 07:39:13
well, that's better than nothing. atleast his email did appear. the guy wh scammed me, his email never appeared.
nor did his "offer" turn to green either..
luckilly, i'm done by now..
01-02-2005 08:13:15
I have contacted him on numerous occasions (both via email and pm) with only one response from him in which he offered his "explanation."
Let me ask you this why did he make me complete an offer first, before he was willing to take any action? Why didn't he sign up and see that there weren't any non-CC offers and let me know that he wouldn't be able to complete an offer at that time? The simple answer is that he knew exactly what he intended to do, so he had me complete his offer first. That way, he gets his green and never has to do anything.
When was the last time freeflatscreens.com had a non-CC offer?
Even if you buy his "explanation," why wasn't he forthcoming from the beginning, disclosing the fact that he'd only be able to complete an offer should there be a non-CC offer?
You can object if you'd like, but I think it's everyone's best interest to know how this guy operates. He ripped me off, plain and simple, and I want to give others the opportunity to avoid a similar fate.
01-02-2005 08:17:06
But you still have time to troll the forums trying to start shit and brag how awesome you are at Halo. roll
01-02-2005 08:37:50
very true, radar. this guy has had time to post 30 times in the past day, but has "pressing issues" that prevent him from completing his side of our referral trade?
I would just like to take this time to point out the maturity and compassion that Stroid is demonstrating by sticking up for warcow. That's the definition of positive karma.
Oh, what a difference a few years makes...
01-02-2005 11:03:41
Thanks Liz and earlier even after i wrote this warcow gave me negative karma he was the only other person on the forum with me. But anyways Ryams i do believe you now because it seems that warcow is a coward and very immature. He will be handled.
01-02-2005 11:10:07
Warcow has been bant that was the last straw for him, i gave him plenty of chances. If anyone sees him back on the forum somehow let us know he claims to have a ip changer. Sorry about the loss of the referral Ryams.
01-02-2005 11:21:56
That guy also tried to scam me but I wasn't having it. It's about time he was BANT!
01-02-2005 11:23:13
Tell me about it look at my karma )
01-02-2005 11:44:20
thanks, stroid.
it's not in my nature to defame other people. I would never have spoken negatively of him, had I not been extremely patient and given him countless chances to rectify the situation.
01-02-2005 11:57:03
its cool, warcow was on his last leg here anyways. he wasnt liked by many people.
01-02-2005 13:47:18
something tells me he's not liked by many people in the real world, either - he just gives off that bitter, i-hate-the-world-because-i'm-a-nerd vibe. )
01-02-2005 13:51:32
warcow got banned.
I think that some of our mods are a little biased to people who...LEAVE THEM NEGATIVE KARMA?
01-02-2005 14:02:39
No, he was just being a giant tool and trying to antagonize anyone and everyone who posted something on the forum that didn't interest him.
He's a prick - they don't just ban people for giving negative karma, although that was one of a list of shitty things he did just to get attention for being a jerk.
01-02-2005 14:15:42
Aww. Warcow was awesome.
01-02-2005 14:39:36
[quote2cfc4bc376="nate08"]warcow got banned.
I think that some of our mods are a little biased to people who...LEAVE THEM NEGATIVE KARMA?[/quote2cfc4bc376]
Nate08 it is very obvious that you don't like the moderators on this forum and you think rules are uncalled for, let me give you some advice don't come and post here its that simple. And warcow has broken several rules its not about negative karma. If you read the previous conversations between me and warcow in the off-topic section you will see that i told him that he can give me negative or positive karma and that wont affect him in this forum. But disrespecting other members (especially admins and mods) is not allowed. Also ripping people off will not be tolerated. As well the first post on this thread i defended warcow so how was i biased towards him. Nate08 you need to think before you speak.
01-02-2005 15:13:21
Nate08 im waiting for a rebutal! what do you feel stupid yet!
01-02-2005 16:10:07
warcow was a pain in the @$$
01-02-2005 18:50:48
[quotecd5d3f5a40="stroid"]Nate08 im waiting for a rebutal! what do you feel stupid yet![/quotecd5d3f5a40]
someone is seeking revenge on you stroids, no matter how i try to give you posistive some punk keeps bringing it down
01-02-2005 21:45:06
its cool i think my enemies are gone now (maybe)
01-02-2005 22:19:40
[quoted601aaafc5="CoMpFrEaK"][quoted601aaafc5="stroid"]Nate08 im waiting for a rebutal! what do you feel stupid yet![/quoted601aaafc5]
someone is seeking revenge on you stroids, no matter how i try to give you posistive some punk keeps bringing it down[/quoted601aaafc5]
i think it stopped, it was like a storm, and now the storm has subsided, and the sun is coming out, oh +karma stroid, w00t