Who's done FreeFossils.com?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=5403


30-01-2005 10:39:21

Anybody? I signed up the other day. Only 2 referralas for a decent looking blue faced dress watch. They have a really nice titanium on efor only 4.

PM if you want a link. )


30-01-2005 11:11:35

Collateral has placed an order with them.


30-01-2005 11:19:46

[quoted1907f004e="FreeOffersNow"]Collateral has placed an order with them.[/quoted1907f004e]

Yep D Got my wallet a week ago.


30-01-2005 14:05:14

I'm STV on the blue dial 2 referral watch. hopefully it comes next week.


30-01-2005 14:15:46

Do you think it's worth it? How much cash do they give?


30-01-2005 14:33:41

I don't even have a yellow yet. I don't really think I will end up completing this one.


30-01-2005 17:00:42

the 2 referral watch is about 50 bux i think. so its basically up to you if you wanna do it


30-01-2005 18:36:06

I'm getting a wallet soon. It's STV )


30-01-2005 19:52:53

my 2 ref watch is STV placed it on the 23rd!!! Its SO EASY to do!!! Did this in under 3 days (they only approve 1 offer a day per friend.


30-01-2005 19:54:08

OH, PS, the 2 referal blue watch is worth 65$ on www.fossil.com Use the item code, and put it in the search box. I think its the best watch out of them all. I have like 4 referalls, but I STILL chose it (my dad picked)


30-01-2005 19:56:03

I'll have my second referral tomorrow. )


30-01-2005 20:45:19

If it's that easy, I may do it.


30-01-2005 22:18:15

website doesn't work...is it www.freefossils.com ?


30-01-2005 23:57:49

it's freefossil.com, no "s"


31-01-2005 05:05:18

To get the refs have the majority of you been asking friends, trading, or what?


31-01-2005 09:21:59

Friends, family, trades. )


31-01-2005 10:29:55



31-01-2005 13:19:19

it has ebay!!!'
i got my 2 and ordered my blue dial, but i want to get a dif. watch, but there is no email adress to contact them so i am gonna get my watch and sell it probably and buy a new one. Idk


31-01-2005 13:22:59

well all the watches are nice )


31-01-2005 13:29:28

they're fossils...not the best, but not too shabby either. I wanted to get the titanium, but I figured I'd rather complete my offer and get my refs in 2 days than wait longer for 4 refs. Just waiting for my second to turn green. ) Mine and my first ref turned green in less than 24 hours.

Anybody know what kind of time fram they're on? Pending>ST>shipped?


31-01-2005 13:43:46

yea, fossils arent the BESt, but they are bettr than most. You guys will have pics the day I get it!


31-01-2005 14:40:55

LOL I said I'd take a pic of my wallet but never did. But freefossil.com will takes from pending to shipped about a week and a half.


31-01-2005 14:49:30

Sweet. )


31-01-2005 15:06:54

Yeah I went from Processing to STV in a couple days. Still in STV for about 5 days maybe?


31-01-2005 16:14:05

i'll probably do it one of these days, i need a new watch, haha


10-03-2005 04:20:47

I found this thread looking for free watch sites (I know... I said I was done).

This site appears to be gone. One gets redirected to notebooks4free. Any others out there for watches?


10-03-2005 07:11:30

what is the website for freefossils.com I was thinkin bout checking it out


10-03-2005 07:50:41

[quote10ba97cf8c="teeter024"]what is the website for freefossils.com I was thinkin bout checking it out[/quote10ba97cf8c]

read the post above yours. The site has been taken down and is now just a referral to the owners notebook site.