Conquer Club
26-01-2007 08:46:19
Anybody ever been here?
It's a turn-based online multiplayer version of Risk. A colleague turned me on to it earlier this week and now I'm addicted.
I never played Risk, so I'm still learning. If anybody wants to play, post your email address (or PM me) and I'll refer you. (I'll be entered in a drawing for a 1-year premium membership).
26-01-2007 08:49:55
I might have to play. And how can you never have played Risk? I had the ole Risk computer game and used to play it hours on end.
26-01-2007 08:54:28
[quote828f579b98="TryinToGetPaid"]I might have to play. And how can you never have played Risk? I had the ole Risk computer game and used to play it hours on end.[/quote828f579b98]
I am notoriously averse to games that appear to have many rules. I'm gradually overcoming that.
If anybody joins, my username is badonkadonk
26-01-2007 08:54:59
[quote2a9c66e0b7="TryinToGetPaid"]I had the ole Risk computer game and used to play it hours on end.[/quote2a9c66e0b7]
wha wha wha...there's a PC based Risk game?
26-01-2007 10:18:47
That reminds me, I have to install Agression (risk clone) on my treo.
There's an open source Risk clone called TEG but it's for linux. You can run the java version on Windows but you have to run both server and client (not hard to do really). It seems to support multi-player too.
26-01-2007 10:33:28
Its old doylnea, buy it here for 1.99
26-01-2007 10:39:03
[quote70c4a99691="doylnea"][quote70c4a99691="TryinToGetPaid"]I had the ole Risk computer game and used to play it hours on end.[/quote70c4a99691]
wha wha wha...there's a PC based Risk game?[/quote70c4a99691]
If you ever considered yourself a fan of Risk, you had to have played the PC game roll
Honestly it wasn't that bad. There's a glitch in the game that randomly spawned hundreds of opposing troops at some point in the game. Sometimes it didn't happen and that's when it was really fun. The battle scenes were cool too.
BTW i'm 'thegladiator'
26-01-2007 10:44:14
Yes it was a pretty cool game, and the battle scenes were exeptional for the time, never got the glitch though.....
26-01-2007 10:46:42
[quoted1253f2ec3="TryinToGetPaid"]Yes it was a pretty cool game, and the battle scenes were exeptional for the time, never got the glitch though.....[/quoted1253f2ec3]
The glitch was the reason I stopped playing. It sucked that you'd have like 10 at the most in each spot then a force of 300 spawns out of nowhere and wipes you out. For some reason that force only did Assault-in-Centre so after taking over a few spots it would finally lose to Defensive Position.
26-01-2007 10:54:25
I can only take all of your musings about some glitchy old version of the game to mean that none of you has the balls to play against me.
26-01-2007 10:55:55
Well if I wasn't at work, I would make you swallow your words. But alas, I am in the working enviroment so your challenge will have to wait.
26-01-2007 10:57:56
[quote893f970666="KeithA"]I can only take all of your musings about some glitchy old version of the game to mean that none of you has the balls to play against me.[/quote893f970666]
I've already started playing, the problem is people play so damn slow. This person is on their 5th minute of their turn and it's only the first round.
26-01-2007 10:59:01
[quote6eec389534="johnjimjones"]I've already started playing, the problem is people play so damn slow. This person is on their 5th minute of their turn and it's only the first round.[/quote6eec389534]
That's why I'm trying to start new games with you guys...the game I'm in now is too slow for me...
26-01-2007 11:30:16
Are you two playing eachother yet?
26-01-2007 11:35:11
nope. jjj what's your username at CC?
26-01-2007 11:45:17
[quote37c7888fe8="johnjimjones"]BTW i'm 'thegladiator'[/quote37c7888fe8]
26-01-2007 13:07:05
[quote6a08b42a62="TryinToGetPaid"][quote6a08b42a62="johnjimjones"]BTW i'm 'thegladiator'[/quote6a08b42a62][/quote6a08b42a62]
good eye
26-01-2007 13:09:45
Your eye is just bad.
26-01-2007 15:00:47
I had class, so I should be around til 7-8.
26-01-2007 15:09:38
[quoteb1979baee1="johnjimjones"][quoteb1979baee1="doylnea"][quoteb1979baee1="TryinToGetPaid"]I had the ole Risk computer game and used to play it hours on end.[/quoteb1979baee1]
wha wha wha...there's a PC based Risk game?[/quoteb1979baee1]
If you ever considered yourself a fan of Risk, you had to have played the PC game roll[/quoteb1979baee1]
Um, no, try sitting around a table with two risk boards because you had too many guys to play just one board; yeah it's tough to take over Madagascar twice.
26-01-2007 15:10:54
Wow that sounds serious, like nerd serious.
26-01-2007 17:55:54
[quotea3223fb1c4="KeithA"]If anybody joins, my username is badonkadonk[/quotea3223fb1c4]

http//[" alt=""/imga3223fb1c4]
[quotea3223fb1c4]A game typically lasts several days, but hardcore risk takers can play multiple games at once and stay up all night strategizing their next move.[/quotea3223fb1c4]
Eh, i dont like waiting forever in between turns. That's like playing chess with someone who takes 20 mins to decide between [ba3223fb1c4]every single[/ba3223fb1c4] move. x
28-01-2007 04:41:19
I started a game if anybody wants to play
Use the Game Finder to search for