Rage Against the Machine to reform

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=52337


25-01-2007 01:33:01

to play at coachella


should be something to see, they say it's a one time thing with no plans for a tour or new album.


25-01-2007 07:15:42

now that's awesome


25-01-2007 07:33:11

I love RATM!!! Arcade Fire is playing too. The lineup looks amazing.


25-01-2007 09:38:41

I heard about this a few days ago. Pretty freaking sweet. I wonder if its a 1 time gig or they are going to really get back together and start making new music shrug


25-01-2007 10:14:56

Knowing Zach, it's probably a one-time thing.

I had like 10 minutes there when I seriously considered going, but then I realized the festival is right around finals. Damn.


25-01-2007 13:08:56

yeah, I always wanted to go to a chochella festival until I met someone from chicago at ACL. We were talking about lolla, and chochchella he said as cool as their lineups always look the concert is not organized well at all. There is no chance to see one band a one stage and then walk to the other stage in time to catch the next.


25-01-2007 13:37:48

Zach went to the same high school as me. I was there a while after him but it is still cool )


25-01-2007 20:19:06

Hot. Fucking. Shit. !.